IITS Consulting Practicum
The International Institute of Tourism Studies’ Consulting Practicum provides Master of Tourism Administration students with opportunities to participate in ongoing research and consulting projects that support sustainable tourism development. Each year, we partner with a select university in a host country to address development issues and identify strategies, products and markets for these destinations.
Recent practicums have taken place in Italy, Indonesia, Cuba and Mexico. The 2019 consulting practicum took place in Abruzzo, Italy in partnership with D'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara and DestiMed, an initiative of the IUCN Center for Mediterranean Cooperation. Student-consultants were paired with local Italian students and tasked with researching the region's tourism landscape, developing ecotourism-related products and services, exploring market opportunities and evaluating the local and national governance structure in terms of tourism.
Other past projects have taken place in Jamaica, Bulgaria, Dominica, Honduras, Morocco, Panama, Montenegro, Turkey, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Portugal, Peru, Belize, Spain, and Myanmar.