Undergraduate Transfer Students

Information and resources for students who are transferring into the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB).

External Transfers 

External Transfers are students transferring to GW from another college or university and are admitted into GWSB.

Meeting with a member of the GWSB Academic Advising Team

Admitted, but not Deposited Students: Prior to making a deposit, admitted students are welcome to email gwsbadv@gwu.edu with academic advising related questions and may be instructed to meet with a member of the GWSB Academic Advising Team during our weekly drop-in advising sessions.

Deposited Students: External transfer students who have paid their deposit may schedule an advising appointment with a member of the GWSB Academic Advising Team. Once students have a scheduled advising appointment they can meet to have follow-up conversations during another scheduled advising appointment or during our weekly drop-in advising sessions. 

Declaring Major(s), Minor(s) and Concentration(s)

External transfers include an intended major on their GW application. When admitted to GWSB, students will have their records automatically updated to include the GWSB major that was on their application.

Transfer students must declare their required fields of study by the end of their first semester at GW. 

Resources for Course Registration

Reminder: Submit your final transcript from your previous institution. 

Transfer Credit Restrictions

GWSB Courses That Cannot Be Transferred from Another Institution

  • Accountancy (ACCY)  courses 
    • Transfer credit for ACCY 2001 and ACCY 2002 is considered only if the course(s) were taken prior to matriculation at GW or if they are completed through an approved GW study abroad experience. All other ACCY courses are required to be completed in residence. 
  • Business Leader Development (BLD) Program courses
    • BADM 1001 & 1002: Business Leader Foundations 1 & 2
    • BADM 1003: Business Leader Foundations for Transfer Students
    • BADM 3001: Business Leader Career Strategy
    • BADM 4001: Business Leader Launch

 Residency Requirements

In addition to the University Regulations on Residence Requirements, GWSB students also have to fulfill the following residency requirements:

  • Each major must have at least 18 credits taken in residence.
  • Each concentration must have at least 9 credits taken in residence.

University Writing Requirement

Students who have completed a writing course at a previous institution, but GW Undergraduate Admissions did not transfer it in as satisfying UW 1020 may have an opportunity to submit a UW 1020 Exemption. If you have any questions, please contact the University Writing Program.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate, students must achieve all University undergraduate degree requirements described under the University Regulations, which include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. A minimum of 120 credits and satisfactory completion of degree requirements.
  2. A minimum overall grade-point average of 2.0.
  3. A minimum major grade-point average of 2.0.
  4. A minimum concentration grade-point average of 2.0.
  5. A minimum grade of C– is required for all GWSB major and concentration courses.

Internal Transfers

Internal Transfers are students transferring within GW to GWSB from Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Elliott School of International Affairs, School of Engineering and Applied Science, or Milken Institute School of Public Health.

Internal Transfer Application Requirements

Students must have completed UW 1020 and earned a grade of B- or higher at GW in at least two of the following courses:

  • ACCY 2001, 2002             
  • APSC 3115
  • DNSC 1001, 2001
  • ECON 1011, 1012, HONR 2043, 2044
  • MATH 1051, 1221, 1231, 1232, 1252
  • STAT 1111, 1051, 1053, 2112, 2118

Once students have completed the above requirements, then complete the Internal Transfer Request Form and submit it to the Office of the Registrar. For more information about the internal transfer process visit the Undergraduate Internal Transfer website

Meeting with a member of the GWSB Academic Advising Team

Any GW student can schedule an advising appointment or join drop-in advising sessions to meet with a member of the GWSB Academic Advising Team. Students do not have an assigned academic advisor in GWSB as we operate in an open team advising model. It is common for students to choose advising appointments based on availability or if they've worked with someone previously. 

Declaring Major(s), Minor(s) and Concentration(s)

Internal Transfers are admitted to GWSB as a Business major. 

Transfer students must declare their required fields of study by the end of their first semester at GW. 

Registering for BADM 1003

BADM 1003: Business Leader Foundations for Transfer Students has a school restriction that requires students to be in the School of Business in order to register on GWeb. Students who are working on internally transferring to GWSB cannot register for BADM 1003 until they are officially a School of Business student. A RTF or RTF-EZ will not be signed in order to get around this restriction. 

BADM 1003 is a prerequisite for BADM 3001 and BADM 4001, so students should plan for a minimum of two semesters as a GWSB student.