Global & Experiential Education


Global & Experiential Education


a group of GWSB students traveling as part of a Global & Experiential Education program poses for a photo on top of a mountain in Peru

Global & Experiential Education (G&EE) at the GW School of Business supports four primary areas:

  • International student services
  • Overseas study
  • Experiential education programs (domestic and international)
  • Advocacy and collaboration related to global and experiential initiatives

Our office is located in Duquès Hall, Suite 551. Please email us at [email protected] to schedule an in-person or virtual appointment.


Explore Our Programs and Services


"About Us" promo image. Image shows a group of people walking through a construction site. All are wearing hard hats and orange vests. A man in the center of the group leads a conversation.

About Us

G&EE is the nexus for international opportunities and initiatives at GWSB and supports global business education through a broad portfolio of global study programs, experiential education courses and international student services.

"Business & Society Series" promo image. Image shows GW students in the Business & Society Series program posing for a group photo in front of the U.S. Capitol building during springtime.

Business & Society Series

Leveraging the vast resources of the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, Business & Society Series courses provide unique opportunities to engage directly with influential organizations and key stakeholders to learn how businesses navigate critical social, economic, and regulatory complexities.

"Consulting Abroad Program" promo image. Image shows two CAP team leaders standing and introducing themselves to a group seated in a meeting room.

Consulting Abroad Program (CAP)

CAP is an action-learning program in which teams of Global MBA candidates, with the support of expert GWSB faculty mentors, apply what they have learned in the classroom to find sustainable solutions to business problems faced by their Industry Partners around the world.

"International Student Services" promo image. Image shows two musicians from Kazakhstan performing on stage. The stage has the flags of many nations displayed around its edges.

International Student Services

G&EE provides international student programming, support and advocacy, and comprehensive support for international visa processing for all graduate students at GWSB.

"Long-Term Study Abroad Programs" promo image. Image shows a group of five GWSB students posing for a photo by the ocean in Cape Town, South Africa. Mountains are visible in the background, and surfers are visible in the ocean.

Long-Term Study Abroad Programs (LTSA)

GWSB has partnerships with 20+ prestigious business schools worldwide, offering graduate students the opportunity to spend a semester abroad to expand their global networks and gain meaningful professional experience with international business practices.

"Partner With Us" promo image. Image shows a large group of GWSB students posing for a photo in front of one of the venues used for the 2024 Paris Olympics.

Partner With Us

G&EE seeks local and global pro-bono academic partnerships with a diverse range of Industry Partners to provide unique opportunities for students to leverage and build their expertise while delivering actionable solutions to real-world business challenges.

"Short-Term Study Away Programs" promo image. Image shows a group of GWSB students posing for a photo in front of a historic site on a sunny day. The ruins of a castle or the walls of a town are visible in the background. The blue sky contrasts with the light tan color of the sand and the stones at the site.

Short-Term Study Away Programs (STAPs)

Each year G&EE facilities several short-term programs around the world to provide undergraduate and graduate students with meaningful opportunities to build their resumes, expand their knowledge of global business practices,  connect with fellow GW students, and gain critical leadership skills.

Undergraduate Programs promo image. Image shows a lively and diverse group of GWSB students posing for a group photo on the steps of a building.

Undergraduate Programs

In addition to G&EE’s Short-Term Study Away Programs, GWSB undergraduates can join the America, China, Europe (GW ACE) Triple Degree program, the Global Bachelor’s Program, or a multitude of diverse study abroad experiences offered by the GW Office for Study Abroad (OSA).





GWSB students traveling during a Global & Experiential Education program pose for a photo high in the Peruvian mountains with Machu Picchu in the background





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News Highlights




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From the Blog

G&EE publishes a number of blog series covering business and society, our Consulting Abroad program, and our short- and long-term study abroad programs. Visit the G&EE blog to view each series in its entirety.


From Our Students

International Student Advisory Board Congratulates Graduating Members
The 2019 GW ISAB graduates

The International Student Advisory Board (ISAB) enables student members to serve as advisors to the Global & Experiential Education (G&EE) office at the GW School of Business (GWSB) regarding orientation, programming, and issues of significance to the graduate international student experience. Board members also provide feedback to other School of Business and university offices upon request. The board is comprised of one student representing each of GWSB’s graduate programs that have significant international student communities.

Three ISAB members are graduating in May: Lisa Antwi Adjei, Mina Panahi and Preethy Janarthanan. Lisa was the ISAB representative from the MSIST Program, Mina represented the MSPM program, and Preethy represented the MTA program. Their efforts over the past year have led to many events supporting the international student community at GWSB, such as local sightseeing tours, cross-cultural training sessions, and guest speakers. Their presence on the board will be missed. Congratulations graduates!

International Student Workshop: Thriving In the U.S.
G&EE international student workshop

“My name is Dr. Holly Emert — but since we're in the U.S., what do you think I’ll say you can call me?” This was just one of the many questions that Dr. Emert posed to a group of GWSB international students during an interactive workshop on April 4 called Thriving in the U.S. - Skills to Work Effectively with Americans. The goal of the workshop was to provide an opportunity for GWSB’s international graduate students to reflect upon their own personal experiences in the U.S. and explore how to optimize their interactions at work and school. During introductions, participating students from China, Iran, and Portugal shared that they attended the session because they hoped that it would help them navigate future interactions with Americans in professional settings, specifically in school, upcoming internships and jobs.

Over the course of the two-hour session, Dr. Emert incorporated engaging activities and honest discussion to help the students identify and understand the best communication practices to build trust and credibility with Americans. The participants reflected on their own experiences in dealing with American communication practices ranging from introductions and expectations to acknowledging mistakes and discussing accomplishments. Takeaways from the workshop were skills for the students to include in their “cultural toolbox” as well as a guide to developing an action plan for professional success.

A Visit to D.C.'s Landmark Institutions
GWSB exchange students visit the Supreme Court

GWSB exchange students recently ventured off campus with the G&EE team on a brisk March day to explore the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court. We kicked the day off with a tour of the Library of Congress — the home of more than 34 million books! We also learned that anyone in the world with an ID and an address can get a library card to access the amazing onsite study room. Some of our exchange students will definitely be taking advantage of the great study space! The original Gutenberg bible was a hit, as well as Thomas Jefferson’s collection of books that he donated to Congress after the capital burned in the 1800s.

After the Library visit, we headed to the Supreme Court. Approaching from the outside, it’s easy to feel the power housed in the building — it’s an imposing structure. Inside the courtroom, we noticed a few international law figures carved into the frieze. The Chinese students in the group were excited to see Confucius among them! Overall it was a great day spent exploring some iconic sites around D.C. and learning more about American history and tradition.