Doctoral Students
Doctoral Student Association
The Doctoral Student Association (DSA) has been established to provide services to doctoral students at the GW School of Business (GWSB) to facilitate their education and enhance their relationships with other students and faculty at the university. The DSA was also established to provide cohesion, a sense of community, and a network of support for doctoral students in order to foster success within the program and throughout their career.
- DSA Constitution
The George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) Doctoral Student Association (DSA) has been established to provide services to doctoral students in the School of Business to facilitate their educational experience and enhance relationships with other students and faculty, and to provide a sense of community and a network of support for the GWSB doctoral students which will foster individuals’ success within the program and throughout their careers.
Section 1. The organization will be addressed as the Doctoral Student Association of the George Washington University School of Business. The proper abbreviations of this name include GWSB Doctoral Student Association and DSA.
Section 1. The purpose of the DSA is to provide services to doctoral students in the GWSB that will facilitate their educational experience and enhance relationships with other students and faculty. The DSA will represent its membership’s interests before the Doctoral Program Committee and Administration of the GWSB and other bodies of the University.
Section 2. The DSA will abide by all established policies of The George Washington University.
Section 1. All doctoral students in the GWSB are eligible for membership, becoming members upon entrance into the program and remaining members throughout enrollment in the doctoral program of the GWSB.
Section 2. Payment of contributions for particular activities may be requested by the DSA Executive Committee, but is not a requirement of membership.
Section 3. The DSA does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status or sexual orientation.
Section 1. The officers of this association shall be at least two of the following positions, as determined appropriate by the members: a President, a Vice President of Communications, a Vice President of Programs, and a Treasurer. The officers constitute the Executive Committee of this Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of this association. In the absence or incapacity of the president, a Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The Treasurer, or the President or Vice President holding the additional responsibilities of Treasurer, shall: 1) keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the financial records of the Association; 2) disburse the funds of this Association as may be ordered by the Executive Committee; 3) render to the other Officers or the membership, whenever they may require it, an account of the relevant financial transactions of this Association.
Section 2. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to fill vacant offices by appointment, until the next following annual election of officers. Section 3. Doctoral Committee Representative(s). One of more officers shall act as the student representative on the GWSB Doctoral Program Committee.
Section 1. Election of Officers. Nominations will be open for any active doctoral student of the GWSB, and officers shall be elected by the members of the association. Elections shall be conducted prior to the handover for the next year, which begins each July 1.
Section 2. Quorum. The Members attending a scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum of the Association for the transaction of business.
Section 3. Meetings. The Association shall meet at least four times per year. Regular meetings will be scheduled by the officers and announced in advance of meeting dates.
Section 4. Voting. Members present at scheduled meetings of the association are eligible to vote on any motion presented at the meeting.
Section 5. Advisors. The Advisor(s) to the DSA shall be the Director of the Doctoral Committee of the School of Business or that Director’s appointee.
Section 6. Place of Business. The principal office of the association shall be located at the Doctoral Program Office of the GWSB.
Section 1. Activities of this association will be financed by University funding and membership contributions, if appropriate and required by the Executive Committee. An annual budget request will be submitted to the Chief Financial Officer of the GWSB. The financial records of the DSA will be maintained by the Treasurer of this Association. All other financial records will be maintained by the Doctoral Program Office and/or the Chief Financial Officer of the School of Business.
Section 1. This constitution, or any particular section of this constitution, may be amended, repealed, or adopted at any regular meeting of this association by a two-thirds affirmative vote of a quorum of the membership at such meeting. I/We, the undersigned, the duly elected offers of the GWSB Doctoral Student Association, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing Constitution was adopted as the Constitution of this Association on September 21, 2007.
The George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) Doctoral Student Association (DSA) has been established to provide services to doctoral students in the School of Business to facilitate their educational experience and enhance relationships with other students and faculty, and to provide a sense of community and a network of support for the GWSB doctoral students which will foster individuals’ success within the program and throughout their careers.
Section 1. The organization will be addressed as the Doctoral Student Association of the George Washington University School of Business. The proper abbreviations of this name include GWSB Doctoral Student Association and DSA.
Section 1. The purpose of the DSA is to provide services to doctoral students in the GWSB that will facilitate their educational experience and enhance relationships with other students and faculty. The DSA will represent its membership’s interests before the Doctoral Program Committee and Administration of the GWSB and other bodies of the University.
Section 2. The DSA will abide by all established policies of The George Washington University.
Section 1. All doctoral students in the GWSB are eligible for membership, becoming members upon entrance into the program and remaining members throughout enrollment in the doctoral program of the GWSB.
Section 2. Payment of contributions for particular activities may be requested by the DSA Executive Committee, but is not a requirement of membership.
Section 3. The DSA does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicap, veteran status or sexual orientation.
Section 1. The officers of this association shall be at least two of the following positions, as determined appropriate by the members: a President, a Vice President of Communications, a Vice President of Programs, and a Treasurer. The officers constitute the Executive Committee of this Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of this association. In the absence or incapacity of the president, a Vice President shall perform the duties of the President. The Treasurer, or the President or Vice President holding the additional responsibilities of Treasurer, shall: 1) keep and maintain adequate and correct accounts of the financial records of the Association; 2) disburse the funds of this Association as may be ordered by the Executive Committee; 3) render to the other Officers or the membership, whenever they may require it, an account of the relevant financial transactions of this Association.
Section 2. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to fill vacant offices by appointment, until the next following annual election of officers. Section 3. Doctoral Committee Representative(s). One of more officers shall act as the student representative on the GWSB Doctoral Program Committee.
Section 1. Election of Officers. Nominations will be open for any active doctoral student of the GWSB, and officers shall be elected by the members of the association. Elections shall be conducted prior to the handover for the next year, which begins each July 1.
Section 2. Quorum. The Members attending a scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum of the Association for the transaction of business.
Section 3. Meetings. The Association shall meet at least four times per year. Regular meetings will be scheduled by the officers and announced in advance of meeting dates.
Section 4. Voting. Members present at scheduled meetings of the association are eligible to vote on any motion presented at the meeting.
Section 5. Advisors. The Advisor(s) to the DSA shall be the Director of the Doctoral Committee of the School of Business or that Director’s appointee.
Section 6. Place of Business. The principal office of the association shall be located at the Doctoral Program Office of the GWSB.
Section 1. Activities of this association will be financed by University funding and membership contributions, if appropriate and required by the Executive Committee. An annual budget request will be submitted to the Chief Financial Officer of the GWSB. The financial records of the DSA will be maintained by the Treasurer of this Association. All other financial records will be maintained by the Doctoral Program Office and/or the Chief Financial Officer of the School of Business.
Section 1. This constitution, or any particular section of this constitution, may be amended, repealed, or adopted at any regular meeting of this association by a two-thirds affirmative vote of a quorum of the membership at such meeting. I/We, the undersigned, the duly elected offers of the GWSB Doctoral Student Association, do hereby certify that the within and foregoing Constitution was adopted as the Constitution of this Association on September 21, 2007.
Ph.D. Program Handbook
This handbook, used by both students and the doctoral program faculty, is your primary resource and will guide you throughout your tenure as a doctoral student and Ph.D. candidate.
OECD iLibrary
The OECD iLibrary is a valuable resource for anyone in the school doing international research. The iLibrary can be accessed via on-campus computers or off-campus computers connected to the campus VPN. If you have any questions, please contact the research librarian at the Gelman Library.
Doctoral Student Research Seminars
All GWSB doctoral students are invited and encouraged to participate in a regular series of research seminars. These seminars will provide students the opportunity to present working papers, conference papers or dissertation research for constructive feedback from fellow students. If you are interested in scheduling a seminar, please email us.
Doctoral Student Profiles
Dmitry Anokhin
Doctoral Student of Decision Sciences

Esteban Arias Montevechio
Doctoral Student of Strategic Management and Public Policy
Lauryn Burnett
Doctoral Student of Management

Ruolan Chen
Doctoral Student of Strategic Management and Public Policy
Yuxi ("Lance") Cheng
Doctoral Student of International Business

Yeon Woo Cho
Doctoral Student of Strategic Management and Public Policy
Amando Cope
Doctoral Student of Management
Bria Gibson
Doctoral Student of Management
Korel Gundem
Doctoral Student of Decision Sciences
Donghun Kim
Doctoral Student of Finance
Ursula Martin
Doctoral Student of Management

Hyunjung Rim
Doctoral Student of Accountancy
Urusha Thapa
Doctoral Student of Strategic Management and Public Policy

Rui Wang
Doctoral Student of Strategic Management and Public Policy
Zeyu Wang
Doctoral Student of Decision Sciences