Halal Research Fund

The goal of the Halal Research Fund is to foster the creation of new research projects and scholarly activities that address the topic of stakeholder collaboration, bring external recognition to the principal investigator and the GW School of Business, and/or demonstrate significant impact to the research field.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, faculty must be:

  • Full-time, regular active status university faculty who are continuing in service at the university the following academic year.
  • PI appointment must be in the GW School of Business (faculty members in other schools may be included in the proposal as an investigator).
  • Each application must have only one principal investigator (PI) listed who will be the sole contact for the application and/or award. A faculty member may submit only one proposal as the PI and may not designate another faculty member to serve as PI.

Eligible Research Topics

The topic of stakeholder collaboration encompasses a wide range of issues, could be investigated by many different research questions, and may be explored through the lens of different disciplines. Information on the topic of stakeholder collaboration and describes the research field that is the inspiration for the Halal Research Fund is provided as background information to inform applicants.

Applicants may propose research activities that take a comprehensive view of stakeholder collaboration or may select one aspect or dimension of the stakeholder collaboration.

Irrespective of the research design, the aim is to advance and build on existing knowledge.

Award Recipient Responsibilities

Award recipients will be asked to present their research findings at an event scheduled for the end of the 2026 spring semester.

Acceptable Use of Funds

Acceptable use of funds for this award are the same as for FSA funds.


The Halal Research Fund supports proposals to enhance scholarly and related creative activities. Activities include new research initiatives or building on existing efforts. The expected finished product(s) of the research should bring external recognition to the PI, GWSB, and/or the university. A description of how the product brings recognition to the university should be included in the proposal.

Selection Criteria

Selection of proposals will be based on the following criteria:

  • Proposal provides complete and accurate information as specified in the RFP.
  • Proposal activities advance scholarship in the field of stakeholder collaboration.
  • Proposal describes a coherent and comprehensive description of research and research-related activities and expected outcomes.
  • Proposal activities are consistent with PI (and team) competencies and experience