GWSB Research Centers & Institutes
From tackling challenges in corporate governance to helping shape E.U. health policies, GW School of Business research addresses pressing global concerns.
- Center for the Connected Consumer
In the decade of Web 1.0, content was king. In the decade of Web 2.0, social became king. Now we have entered the decade of Web 3.0. We are in a “post-social” phase – the Internet of Things. Connected consumers are increasing interacting with small, smart and friendly networked devices that also talk to other devices. Web 1.0 gave consumers unprecedented access to information. At the same time, marketers developed tools and strategies for online advertising and marketing. Web 2.0 gave consumers unprecedented control of information. At first, this shift in balance of power caught marketers by surprise, but marketers have increasingly learned the delicate dance of social media. With Web 3.0, we have yet another fundamental shift where post-social consumers interact directly with smart products that are embedded in smart environments.
Founded in 2013, the mission of the Center for the Connected Consumer is to understand the user experience of the post-social consumer, as well as the ways marketers can best operate in the era of the Internet of Things.
- Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence
The Center For Entrepreneurial Excellence (CFEE) strives to empower entrepreneurs by integrating academic objectives within GW’s business community. The Center engages in research and scholarly activities to contribute to the fields of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, entrepreneurial leadership, and new venture development.
CFEE works with the School of Business and the International Council for Small Business, among other partners, to advance the school’s nationally recognized achievements in the field of entrepreneurship education and to further promote entrepreneurship among students and throughout communities. CFEE aims to advance GWSB’s commitment to developing mutually beneficial programs that integrate academic objectives with the real needs of the university’s external business community.
- The Center for International Business Education & Research (GW-CIBER)
The Center for International Business Education and Research (GW-CIBER) serves as a vital portal for businesses, policy makers, citizens, students, and faculty throughout the nation, to increase their awareness and understanding of the internationalization of our economy.
GW-CIBER leverages its strategic location in Washington, D.C., as well as GW's strengths in international affairs, business, and law, and its working partnerships with key agencies of the federal government, foreign embassies, multi-laterals, and other leading agencies concerned with international development.
- Center for Latin American Issues (CLAI)
The Center for Latin American Issues (CLAI) aims to expand GW's Latin American program and to encourage debate on major political, economic, and social issues affecting Latin American and Latin American-United States relations. CLAI is the premier center for the pursuit of scholarship and academic excellence on issues pertaining to Latin American and the Caribbean region.
- Center for Real Estate Studies (CRES)
The Center for Real Estate Studies (CRES) supports original research and educational programs focusing on real estate and urban residential, development, and commercial properties in the Metropolitan Washington area and throughout the United States. The Washington metropolitan area has become the model of walkable urban development in the U.S.
It is also developing rapidly as a center of research and business innovation, and GWSB has forged close relationships with and between many real estate developers, national real estate trade associations (most of which are headquartered in D.C.), investors, and government organizations. The fruits of these partnerships include consulting opportunities for faculty, grants and funding opportunities for GWSB's programs and internships, and full-time placements for students.
- The Growth Dialogue
The Growth Dialogue is a network driven by a passion to see economic growth extended to as many places on the planet as possible. The Growth Dialogue seeks to connect high-level policymakers and thought leaders with those whose policy decisions can benefit from practical experience and the latest work on economic growth.
It is the goal of the Growth Dialogue to provide a network of ideas, practical exchange of experience, and policy connectivity. Its supporters see it as a means to explore difficult issues, a site to post new thinking and experience, and an independent voice for policy experimentation.
- GW Investment Institute
With its combination of world-class instruction, industry outreach and networking, the GW Investment Institute is a global leader in applied research and investment education. The institute provides students with critical real-world investment experience and invaluable professional networking opportunities. The foundation of the institute is GW’s Student Investment Funds, which provide students the opportunity to manage real capital, interact with industry practitioners in the classroom, and connect with investment leaders.
- Institute for Brazilian Issues (IBI)
The Institute of Brazilian Issues (IBI), which operates within CLAI, was established in 1990 to promote stronger U.S.-Brazil relations within the changing international order. IBI seeks to do so by working with all interested parties, and especially the business sectors of both countries.
- Institute for Corporate Responsibility
The Institute for Corporate Responsibility (ICR) is devoted to the development and dissemination of scholarship, including research and teaching, pertaining to corporate responsibility. It serves as a vehicle for continuing education, curriculum development, conferences and seminars each of which address needs of GW, GWSB, and the wider Washington community.
By fostering such a business-university-government partnership—U.S. and global—the ICR presents a unique knowledge creation and dissemination asset on our campus, building scholarly capacity for our faculty and students, and enhancing GW’s prestige worldwide. The aim of the ICR is to be the world’s leading intellectual center for scholarship in the field of corporate responsibility, and to be recognized as such.
- Institute for Integrating Statistics in Decision Sciences
The Institute for Integrating Statistics in Decision Sciences is an academic collaborative partnership among the Department of Decision Sciences, the Departments of Statistics of the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, and the Engineering Management and Systems Engineering of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. The purpose of the institute is to foster the integration of modern statistical methodologies into the decision sciences. The institute’s research emphasis is on Bayesian thinking and associated computing, probability elicitation, utility assessment, and approaches for maximization of expected utility for decision making.
Visit the Institute for Integrating Statistics in Decision Sciences
- International Institute of Tourism Studies (IITS)
A global leader in tourism education and research, the International Institute of Tourism Studies (IITS) at the GW School of Business has been guiding businesses, communities, governments and nonprofits toward sustainability in the tourism industry for more than thirty years. The IITS advances critical industry issues through thought leadership and research and provides professional certificate programs, courses and workshops in destination management and cultural heritage tourism.
- Korean Management Institute (KMI)
The Korean Management Institute (KMI) at the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) brings together a wide range of business people, policy makers, academicians, government experts, students, and others who have an interest in U.S.-Korea relations. Their interaction with the Institute through a portfolio of diverse programs – classes, workshops, international exchange, executive education, and research – will enrich their professional experience and contribute to a greater understanding of U.S.-Korea relations.