As part of the Global MBA curriculum, all GMBA students participate in CAP (Consulting Abroad Program) during the spring semester of their first year of study. CAP is an action-learning international program in which teams of GMBA candidates, with the support of expert GWSB faculty mentors, apply what they have learned in the classroom to find sustainable solutions to business problems faced by their Industry Partners.


Project work varies by location and topic each year, as Global & Experiential Education seeks diversity in geographic region and business sector when evaluating opportunities for CAP engagements.

2024 Consulting Abroad Program

2024 CAP Industry Partners. Image shows the corporate logos of GWSB's 2024 consulting abroad program industry partners. Under the Germany heading, the logos of Bayer, Dogo, Impact Lab Berlin, PWC and Soundcloud are shown. Under the United Arab Emirates heading, the logos of Autodesk, EY, meta, damas, and tamara are shown.
GWSB Global & Experiential Education CAP 2024 Program. Image shows Germany and UAE faculty leaders and SAAs.


Past Consulting Abroad Projects & Locations


CAP 2023 Projects & Locations

  • Germany - 36 Chambers Venture Studio, Dogo, Globant and Tech GDPR
  • UAE - AWS, Botho Emerging Markets Group, Surf House Dubai, SWS Board Technology and Visa
  • Vietnam - American Code Lab, Apollo English, Grab and Thien Long Group

CAP 2022 Projects & Locations

  • Germany - DGLegacy, High Rise Ventures, Meda in Cooperation & Transition, Vagabund Brauerei, World Wildlife Fund
  • Turkey - BlindLook, Eko Renewable Energy, Enpara, Ozan SuperApp, RedRose
  • United Arab Emirates - Damas, Marriott International, Solico Composites

CAP 2021 Projects & Locations

  • Ghana | Health Services, International Expansion, Market Entry. Marketing, Entrepreneurship
  • Sweden | BioTech, Market Expansion, CleanTech, AI, Green Energy, Entrepreneurship
  • Turkey | Human Capital Management, Growth Planning, Marketing, NGO, Fintech

CAP 2020 Projects & Locations

  • Berlin, Germany | International Expansion & Market Entry, Corporate Social Responsibility, Health Services & Real Estate, Entrepreneurship
  • Singapore | Cryptocurrency, Human Capital & HR, Finance & Innovation, Market Entry
  • Cape Town, South Africa | Human Capital Management, Market Entry & Corporate Social Responsibility, Sales & Management, FinTech Market Analysis & Entrepreneurship

CAP 2019 Projects & Locations

  • Berlin, Germany | International Expansion, Marketing Branding Strategy, Reorganization Strategy
  • Hong Kong| Industry Mapping & Metric Playbook, Reimagining Marketing Plan & Loyalty Program, Targeting Key Institutional Investors in the North America Region
  • Cape Town, South Africa | Optimizing Organizational Structure, International Expansion, B2B Revenue Streams, Customer Experience Enhancement

CAP 2018 Projects & Locations

  • Melbourne, Australia| Agile Workforce Development, Consumer Success Plans, Strategy and Market Entry and Value Creation through Integrated Reporting
  • Lima, Peru | Corporate Non-marketing Strategy, Public Private Partnership Development plan, Market Strategy and Market Entry Development plan
  • Beijing and Shanghai, China | Business Strategy, Overseas Market Expansion Strategy for mobile payments,
  • Cape Town, South Africa | Market Analysis Plan, Growth Strategy and Domestic and Global Market Development
  • Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam | Marketing Strategy Analysis, Product Analysis in SME Banking

CAP 2017 Projects & Locations

  • Melbourne, Australia| Business Plan Development, Strategy and Market Entry
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina | Banking & Strategy and Market Entry
  • Shenzhen & Beijing, China | Talent Development Strategy, Strategy & Business Model Optimization
  • Cape Town, South Africa | Business Plan, Branding and Marketing & Human Capital Development program
  • Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam | Currency Risk Management, Industry Growth Analysis

CAP 2016 Projects & Locations

  • Buenos Aires, Argentina | Banking & Co-Working
  • Shanghai, Changsha & Beijing, China | Nanotechnology
  • Zagreb, Croatia & Athens, Greece | Traditional Iznik Tiles & Video Streaming / SMEs
  • Cape Town, South Africa | Venture Capitalism & Mobile Banking
  • Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam | Succession Planning, Construction & Agricultural Exports


CAP 2015 Projects & Locations

  • Shanghai & Beijing, China | E-Commerce & Brand Development
  • Mumbai, India | Smart Cities & Crowdfunding
  • Kigali, Rwanda | Agribusiness/SMEs
  • Malmö & Stockholm, Sweden | Marketing Clean Tech Solutions
  • Istanbul, Turkey | Financial Services & Energy


CAP 2014 Projects & Locations

  • Buenos Aries & Mendoza, Argentina | Marketing CleanTech
  • Shanghai & Suzhou, China | Hospitality & Event Management
  • Delhi, India | Supply Chain Optimization
  • Kigali, Rwanda | Agribusiness/SMEs
  • Istanbul, Turkey | Luxury Brand Marketing


CAP 2013 Projects & Locations

  • Mumbai & Delhi, India | Supply Chain Management
  • Lima, Peru | Media Sales & Strategy
  • Kigali, Rwanda | Agribusiness/SMEs
  • Göteborg, Västerås & Stockholm, Sweden | Marketing Green Technology / SMEs
  • Istanbul, Turkey | Market Entry, Product Development & Finance


CAP 2012 Projects & Locations

  • Santarém, Brazil | Micro-Enterprise Development
  • Mumbai, India | Market Entry & Finance
  • Lima, Peru | Non-Market Engagement
  • Kigali, Rwanda | Micro-Finance
  • Göteborg, Västerås, Malmö & Stockholm, Sweden | Marketing Green Technology / SMEs
  • Istanbul, Turkey | Market Entry

CAP 2011 Projects & Locations

  • Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Tourism Management
  • Accra, Ghana | Import/Export Strategy
  • Belgrade, Serbia | Agri-Food Business
  • Mälardalen & Stockholm, Sweden | Marketing of Green Technology
  • Istanbul, Turkey | Finance
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | Finance & Financial Services

CAP 2010 Projects & Locations

  • Mumbai, India | International Marketing & Strategy
  • Mexico City, Mexico | Microfinance
  • Belgrade, Serbia | Agri-Food Business
  • Seoul, South Korea | Business & Public Policy
  • Malmö, Sweden | Marketing of Green Technology

CAP 2009 Projects & Locations

  • Monterrey, Mexico & Washington, DC | Foreign Market Assessment & Entry
  • Barcelona, Spain | Strategy Recommendation
  • Istanbul & Bursa | Textile Manufacturing