Student Activities
Digital Badge in International Business (DBIB)

Earn a digital badge by engaging in different international business-related programming designed to develop your global competencies and mindset. Use the badge as a way to showcase your skills and demonstrate your international expertise to potential employers.
Learn more about the Digital Badge in International Business
International Business Bootcamp
GW-CIBER’s International Business Bootcamp is a program designed for select students who are interested in expanding their knowledge of — and practical skills in — global business and trade. This multifaceted, co-curricular program involves a deep dive into learning about the mechanics of international trade through four main domain areas: Global Business Management, Global Marketing, Supply Chain Management, and Trade Finance. These domain areas are the core of the top international business professional certification, known as the Certified Global Business Professional (CGBP), which is offered by NASBITE International, the leading U.S. organization supporting the training and education in the field of global business. The bootcamp is a complement to traditional courses in international business, international trade, international economics and related areas, and teaches the practical aspects not widely covered in that coursework.
Learn more about the International Business Bootcamp
Summer Doctoral Institute on Tackling Grand Challenges
The objective of this five-day program is to introduce doctoral students to the topic of grand challenges with an eye to engaging this work as a theoretical foundation, conceptual framing, or empirical setting for their own research. The program is open to interdisciplinary perspectives both from within business disciplines (e.g., accounting, finance, management, etc.) and allied fields such as economics or sociology.
Learn more about the Summer Doctoral Institute
Global MBA Consulting Abroad Program (CAP)
As part of the Global MBA curriculum, all first-year students participate in one of several Consulting Abroad Projects (CAP). A three-course sequence, taken during the spring semester, is designed to equip students with frameworks and skills to be implemented when leading their consulting projects. By the end of their first year of study all Global MBA students gain experience working on a faculty-mentored, team-based consultancy abroad.
Learn more about the Global MBA CAP
GW-CIBER Online Resources for Students
Useful links to GW organizations with international focus, websites devoted to careers in international business, international development, and international affairs, study abroad information, websites of periodical, and other international resources.