Research in Management

Recent Publications from Management Faculty

GWU is a research university that regards the creation of knowledge as one of its fundamental missions. Our faculty and students work at the cutting edge of research in their fields and collaborate with colleagues across disciplines and around the world to address society's biggest challenges.

Herman Aguinis

James R. Bailey

  • Aguinis, H., Hill, N. S., & Bailey, J. R. (in press). Best practices in data collection and preparation: Recommendations for reviewers, editors, and authors. Organizational Research Methods.
  • Bailey, J.R. & Cohen, N. A. (2021). How your dreaded commute might be good for you. Harvard Business Review, May.
  • Bailey, J.R. & Phillips, H. (2020). How do consumers feel when companies get political? Harvard Business Review, February. 

Lisa Delpy-Neirotti

  • Graham, S., Neirotti, L, and Goldblatt, J. The Ultimate Guide to Sports Marketing. McGraw-Hill, Chicago, IL, 2001.
  • Delpy Neirotti, L. The Globalization of Sport. Power, Politics, Problems, and Policy in Sport, Lee, J. (edited), Carolina Academic Press of Durham, NC, 2015.
  • Delpy Neirotti, L. The Olympic Movement. Power, Politics, Problems, and Policy in Sport, Lee, J. (edited), Carolina Academic Press of Durham, NC, 2015.

N. Sharon Hill

  • Hill, N. S., Aguinis, H., Drewry, J. M., Patnaik, S., & Griffin, J. in press. Using macro archival databases to expand theory in micro research. Journal of Management Studies.
  • Brown, S. G., Hill, N. S., & Lorinkova, N. M. (2021). Leadership and virtual team performance: A meta-analytic investigation. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
  • Raghuram, S., Hill, N. S., Maruping, L. M., & Gibbs, J. L. (2019). Virtual work: Bridging research clusters. Academy of Management Annals, 13(1), 1-34.

D. Christopher Kayes

  • Kayes, A. B., & Kayes, D. C. (Eds.). (2021). Judgment and Leadership: A multidisciplinary approach to concepts, practice and development. New Horizons in Leadership Series. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Stockwell, D. C., Kayes, D. C., & Thomas, E. J. (in press). Patient safety where to aim when zero-harm is not the target: A case for learning and resilience. Journal of Patient Safety.
  • Kayes. D. C., & Yoon, J. (in press). Cognitive Offloading Strategies and Decrements in Learning: Lessons from Aviation and Aerospace Crises. Journal of Human Performance in Extreme Environments.

Stuart Levy

  • Duan, Wenjing, Qing Cao, Yang Yu & Stuart E. Levy (2016), Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Hotel Service Performance: A Sentiment Analysis Approach, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 57 (3), 282-296.
  • Park, Sun-Young & Stuart E. Levy (2014), “Corporate Social Responsibility: Perspectives of Hotel Frontline Employees,” International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26 (3).
  • Levy, Stuart E., Wenjing Duan & Soyoung Boo (2013), “An Analysis of One Star Reviews and Responses in the Lodging Industry,” Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 54 (1), 49-63.

Patrick McHugh

  • Hinkel, Matthew and McHugh, Patrick P. (in press) "Union Activism and the Baseball Hall of Fame Voting Process: Labor-Management Conflict and Media Bias." Labor Studies Journal.
  • McHugh, Patrick P. (2017), “The Impact of Compensation, Supervision and Work Design on Internship Efficacy: Implications for Educators, Employers and Prospective Interns.” Journal of Education and Work, 30(4), pp. 367-382.
  • McHugh, Patrick P. (2009), “Batter up, student on deck: The utility of Moneyball in management education,” Journal of Management Education, 33(2), pp.219-238.

Hannah Messerli

  • Bakker, M. and Messerli, H. “Inclusive growth versus pro-poor growth: Implications for tourism development” Tourism and Hospitality Research. 2016. p 1-8. Sage Publications (UK)
  • Christie, Iain; Fernandes, Eneida; Messerli, Hannah; Twining-Ward, Louise. 2013. Tourism in Africa: Harnessing tourism for growth and improved livelihoods. Washington DC; World Bank.
  • Blanke, J., Browne, C., Garcia, A. and Messerli, H. 2011. “Assessing Africa’s Travel & Tourism Competitiveness in the Wake of the Global Economic Crisis”, chapter in Africa Competitiveness Report 2011 published by World Economic Forum, African Development Bank and World Bank.

Lynn R. Offerman

  • Offermann, L. R., Basford*, T. E., Graebner*, R., Jaffer*, S., Basu De Graaf*, S., & Kaminsky*, S. E.  (In press).  See no evil:  Colorblindness and perceptions of subtle racial discrimination in the workplace.  Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology. DOI10.1037/a0037237
  • Offermann, L. R., Matos*. K., & Basu DeGraaf*, S. (2014). ¿Están hablando de mí?: Language challenges for multilingual organizations. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29, 644-660.
  • Basford*, T. E., Offermann, L. R., & Behrend, T. (2014).  Do you see what I see?  Perceptions of  gender microaggressions in the workplace. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 38, 340-349.

Margaret Ormiston

  • Ormiston, M.E., Wong, E.M., & Ha,* J.(in press). The role of CEO emotional stability and team heterogeneity in shaping the top management team affective tone and firm performance relationship, Leadership Quarterly.
  • Wei, L. Q., Zou, X., & Ormiston, M. (2021). Founder need to belong, tertius iungens orientation and new venture performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(1), 48-67.
  • Ferguson*, A. J., Ormiston, M. E., & Wong, E. M. (2019). The effects of cohesion and structural position on the top management team boundary spanning–firm performance relationship. Group & Organization Management, 44(6), 1099-1135.

George T. Solomon

  • El Tarabishy, A., Solomon, G., and Sashkin, M. (2005). The entrepreneurial leader’s impact on organizational performance in dynamic markets. The Journal of Private Equity, 8(4), 20-30.
  • Fernald, L., Solomon, G., and El Tarabishy, A. (2005). A New Paradigm: Entrepreneurial leadership. Southern Business Review, 30 (2), 1-10.
  • Solomon, G, Dennis, W., and Fernald, L.W. Jr. (2003) Self Identified Management Deficiencies of Entrepreneurs. Journal of Private Equity, 3(4), 1-10.

Jungho Suh

  • Lee, B., An, S., & Suh, J. (2021). How do tourists with disabilities respond to service failure? An application of affective events theory. Tourism Management Perspectives, 38, 100806.
  • An, S., & Suh, J. (2020). Tourists’ motivation, involvement, and engagement in food tourism. Journal of Tourism and Leisure Research, 32(6), 469-486.
  • An, S., Suh, J., & Eck, T. C. (2019). Examining structural relationships among service quality, perceived value, satisfaction and revisit intention for Airbnb guests. International Journal of Tourism Sciences, 19(3), 145-165.

Paul M. Swiercz

  • “Development and Initial Validation of a Cognitive-Based Work, Non-Work Conflict Scale,” Psychological Reports (2007) 100″ 979-100, with S. Ezzedeen.
  • “Absorbed in Work: Meaning, Antecedents, and Consequences of Cognitive-Based Work-Nonwork Conflict,” with S. Ezzedeen, presented at the Eastern Academy of Management Winner of the Michael J. Driver Best Paper in the Careers Division, also Nominated for Best Conceptual Paper Award Eastern Academy of Management 2006.
  • “Human resource information systems (HRIS) and technology trust,” Journal of Information Science (2005) 31: 340-353, with S.K. Lippert.

Ayman El Tarabishy

  • Renko Maija, El Tarabishy Ayman, Carsrud Alan L. & Brännback Malin, Understanding and measuring entrepreneurial leadership style, Journal of Small Business Management, 2015 Jan.
  • Sashkin, M., El-Tarabishy, A., & Harvey, M. (2009, January/February). Stogdill 60 years later: The role of character in leadership effectiveness. The Member Connector,12-14.
  • El-Tarabishy, A., & Sashkin, M.(2008). Social entrepreneurship at the macro-level: Three lessons for success. Innovations: Technology/Governance/Globalization, 3(3), 56-64.

Cevat Tosun

  • Aguinis, H., Yu, L., & Tosun, C. (2021). How to enhance scholarly impact: Recommendations for university administrators, researchers and educators. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(8): 2485-2499. DOI 10.1108/IJCHM-10-2020-1189
  • Tosun, C., Dedeoglu, B.B, and Caner, C. and Karakus, Y. (2021) Place image as a tourism development tool: The mediating role of tourism’s positive impact dimensions. International Journal of Tourism Research. Vol.23, pp.268–286.
  • Tang, J., Tosun, C. and Baum, T. (2020), "Do Gen Zs feel happy about their first job? A cultural values perspective from the hospitality and tourism industry", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 32 No. 12, pp. 4017-4040.

Stuart Umpleby

  • Umpleby, Stuart A. (2016). “Second Order Cybernetics as a Fundamental Revolution in Science.” Constructivist Foundations, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 455-488.
  • Umpleby, Stuart (2017). “Systemic Solutions for Systemic Problems.” In Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. 26(3):269-286. Cite this article as: Umpleby, S. J. Syst. Sci. Syst. Eng. (2017). doi:10.1007/s11518-017-5332-x
  • Umpleby, Stuart A. (2019). “Expanding Science and Advancing Reflexive Government: Two Current Projects in Cybernetics,” Journal on Policy and Complex Systems, Volume 4, Number 2, Fall 2018, pp. 171-184.

Liang (Larry) Yu

  • Aguinis, H., Yu, L. and Tosun, C. (2021). How to enhance scholarly impact: Recommendations for university administrators, researchers and educators. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(8), 2485-2499.  DOI:10.1108/IJCHM-10-2020-1189
  • Weng, Jin, Ding, Yue, and Yu, L. (2021). Measuring demand spillover of vacation town – A case of Shanghai Disney Resort. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 26(2), 95-108.
  • Jiang, J., Dong, Y. N., Li. B., Gu, H. M. and Yu, L. (2020). Do feelings matter? The effect of leader affective presence on employee proactive customer service performance. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 32(7), 2305-2323.