Academic Forms
Submit Advising Forms (GWSB Students only)
All forms found on this page that are completed may be uploaded to the Submit Here button below. Submitting your document does not guarantee approval. Submitting forms online is restricted to School of Business Students only.
If the form requires any department or faculty signature for approval, you must first obtain the approval from the appropriate department or faculty contact and then may submit the form.
With the high volume of academic forms being submitted, the GWSB Undergraduate Programs team currently requires a minimum of 10 business days for processing. We appreciate your patience during this time, and an advisor will reach out once your form has been reviewed.
- Academic Planning Worksheets
- Graduation Application
- Consortium
The Washington Area Consortium of Universities is a cooperative arrangement in post-secondary education that is designed to permit the sharing of academic resources by member institutions and to offer qualified students the opportunity to enroll at other institutions for courses not available on their own campus.
All Consortium details and registration information (including required forms) can be found on the Registrar's Consortium Website.
- Major, Minor, & Concentration Declaration
- GWSB students may declare their GWSB major or concentration via email to either [email protected] or a GWSB Advisor
- To declare a non-GWSB minor or second major, GWSB students should use the Declaration Form and have it signed by the appropriate Academic Department Contact.
- Incomplete Grade Contract
Incomplete Grade Contract (use if professor chooses to grant an Incomplete; for information on GW’s Incomplete Policy, refer to the University Bulletin.)
- Individualized Field of Study
Students that wish to declare an Individualized Field of Study must complete this Individualized Field of Study application.
- International Services Office Forms
- Curricular Practical Training (CPT): CPT is permission to engage in off-campus employment or internship related to your degree program. International Students requesting CPT must obtain a CPT letter from their advisor before submitting the request in ISO Gateway. Complete the following steps to request a CPT letter from the Advising Center.
- Fill out a zero credit internship experience packet found in the Internship & Independent Study tab below.
- Submit the packet along with a proposal letter and an offer letter (on letterhead) from your employer.
- An advisor will prepare a CPT letter within one business week, which you can then include in your CPT request in ISO Gateway.
- Optional Practical Training (OPT): OPT is temporary employment for practical training directly related to the student's major area of study (post-graduation). The following steps are required to request OPT certification:
- Submit an OPT request in ISO Gateway (input the email of the advisor you have been working with for your OPT. If you were not working with a specific advisor, use [email protected]).
- An advisor will review your degree progress and confirm your graduation term through ISO Gateway.
- ISO will contact you directly with the final approval and next steps.
- Reduced Course Load
- International Students requesting a Reduced Course Load, less than 12-Credit hours per semester, should submit the Reduced Course Load request on ISO Gateway.
- Curricular Practical Training (CPT): CPT is permission to engage in off-campus employment or internship related to your degree program. International Students requesting CPT must obtain a CPT letter from their advisor before submitting the request in ISO Gateway. Complete the following steps to request a CPT letter from the Advising Center.
- Internship & Independent Study Course Registration
- Registration Forms
All registration forms can be found on the Office of the Registrar Forms page. Read below for tips if you are unsure of which form to use.
RTF Classic: Registration Transaction Forms require an instructor signature and are turned in to the GWSB Advising Center in Duques 456. RTFs are used for the following reasons:
- Register for a closed course
- Register for a course that requires permission of the instructor or the department
- Waive the prerequisite(s) for a course
- Waive major, level, class, degree, and/or school restrictions
- Register for courses with a time conflict
- Repeat a course for credit
- Change the grade mode (Pass/No Pass v. letter grade)
RTF-EZ: RTF-EZs require an instructor signature and are turned in to Student Services on the ground floor of the University Student Center. RTF-EZs are used for the following reasons:
- Register for a closed course
- Register for a course that requires permission of the instructor or the department
- Waive the prerequisite(s) for a course
- Waive major, level, class, degree, and/or school restrictions
Leave of Absence/Continuous Enrollment (LOA/CE) Form: This form is used to take a leave of absence or go on continuous enrollment status for the semester.
- Course Substitution Request
- GWSB Course Substitution Request
- Review the Academic Department Contacts page for the proper faculty member to contact.
- Policy Exception Requests
- Transferring Credit to GW from Another University
- Undergraduate Transfer Credit Approval Form is used when seeking approval of courses taken elsewhere during the summer or for reevaluating transfer credit earned prior to being admitted to GW; completed forms should be turned in to the Office of Undergraduate Programs via the "Submit Here" button at the top of this page.
- Students should keep in mind that the approval processing time can vary by department and are advised to complete this process before taking the course(s) away from GW. It is recommended to begin the approval process at least 3-4 weeks before the course begins to ensure that the approval can be processed. If taking a course away from GW during the summer term, it is best for students to complete the approval process during the Spring term while still on campus, as academic department operating hours may vary during the summer.
- For complete steps on receiving transfer credit approval visit the Academic Department Contacts page.
- Transferring Out of GW
Students who are not planning to return to GW to continue their studies after the current semester should complete the Undergraduate Student Withdrawal Form and upload it to the Academic Forms page above.
Students are encouraged to speak with the following individuals and offices (if applicable) about their intent to leave the university:
- Undergraduate Academic Forgiveness Request
- Withdrawals
Undergraduate students in CCAS, GWSB, SEAS, ESIA, and GWSPH may withdraw from an undergraduate course in any of those schools through the last day of classes in the semester in which the student is enrolled in the course.
In order to withdraw from the course after the tenth week of the semester (during the academic year), the student must submit a Registration Transaction Form (RTF) to his or her advising office.
Possible Implications of Withdrawing from a Course
After the last day of classes, students wishing to withdraw from a course(s) must submit a Late Withdrawal Request Form to the Advising Center. Late Withdrawal Requests are not guaranteed for approval.