Faculty Perspectives & Alumni Connections

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The Faculty Perspectives & Alumni Connections series features engaging presentations by GW School of Business faculty members on current topics, interests, experiences and insights. These events serve as networking receptions at unique locations, allowing alumni to reconnect with former professors and fellow GW graduates while exploring intriguing subjects and building their professional networks. For more information, please email us at [email protected].


Our Most Recent Guest

William C. Handorf, Professor of Finance

May 1, 2024



Professor William C. Handorf, a distinguished faculty member at the GW School of Business, delivered a captivating presentation at the University Club of DC during the fourth edition of the Faculty Perspectives & Alumni Connections event series on May 1, 2024. Professor Handorf’s nearly 60 years of experience made his perspective particularly insightful as he discussed his career and the evolution of teaching over the years. In his talk, he emphasized the enduring power of personal connections in both business and teaching, highlighting how genuine relationships impact success.

William C. Handorf



Past Events

November 15, 2023 - It's Not Just Because She's Your Sister: Economic (and Other) Reasons to Support and Promote Women

Kathy Korman Frey, Industry Instructor of Entrepreneurship and Director of the Center For Entrepreneurial Excellence

Want to invest in a high-growth market? Invest in women. Women and diversity is a popular topic these days. But what does it really mean for teams and leaders in organizations? Learn why this topic is more than just a hashtag. For example, multiple research studies show us that when women are on a formal track to management at a company, the profitability of that company increases. Countries that support women entrepreneurs show increases in GDP. On November 15, 2023 at All Set Restaurant & Bar in Silver Spring, MD, we explored this topic with Professor Kathy Korman Frey through the lens of GWSB's nationally award-winning course Women's Entrepreneurial Leadership.

Kathy Korman Frey



Sept 14, 2023 - A Thread Connects All Beads: Aligning Global CSR Strategy by Hotel MNCs

Larry Yu, Professor of Hospitality Management

On September 14, 2023 at the Mission Navy Yard restaurant and bar in Washington, D.C., Professor Larry Yu delivered an engaging talk on aligning global corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies within hotel multinational corporations (MNCs). These MNCs, such as Hilton and Marriott, face the challenge of creating sustainable and equitable economies. Professor Yu explored the mechanisms of implementation for alignment between the headquarters of Hilton and Marriott and their affiliated hotels in China and Turkey. These contexts involve multiple logics that intersect and sometimes clash with the global CSR framework. The presentation emphasized how logic reconciliation and activation can drive systemic and transformative change in hotel MNCs’ global CSR strategies.

Larry Yu



April 20, 2023 - Not Your Grandmother's Energy Crisis: The Russian Invasion in the Shadow of Climate Change

Rob Weiner, Program Director of the MS in International Business Program and Professor of International Business, Public Policy and Public Administration

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and subsequent sanctions disrupted oil trade, boosted oil prices, and raised the specter of another energy crisis. Yet this crisis differs from the past, playing out in the shadow of the energy transition from fossil to renewable fuels. What are the consequences for the global petroleum environment? Are there opportunities and threats for business and government? Is the future in conflict with the present? On April 20, 2023, we explored these topics in depth with Professor Robert J. Weiner at the Mission Navy Yard restaurant and bar in Washington, D.C.

Rob Weiner



More events coming soon!