Undergraduate Academic Advising
Our Mission
The Undergraduate Advising Team supports and empowers students to achieve their educational goals through:
- Goal Setting/Academic Planning: We work with students to develop a plan to ensure timely completion of their educational goals.
- Development: We are committed to empowering students to make decisions, grow, and develop into independent thinkers and learners as they advance through their educational process at GWSB.
- Advocacy: We serve as our students’ advocates when appropriate, both within the University and to external parties.
- Resources: We provide our students with information to help develop their academic skills by referring them to the appropriate academic resources.
- Logistics: We provide students with the tools to access the necessary resources at GW to achieve success, which will serve as a foundation for future means of adapting to new environments.
- Advising Services: The Undergraduate Advising Team assists students in the following areas:
- Course Selection and Registration
- Concentration/Major/Minor Selection
- Interpreting University Policies and Procedures
- Academic Planning for Study Abroad
- Tutoring Referrals
- Academic Success Coaching
- Graduation
We are available to assist students with any problems or questions that arise during their experience as undergraduate students.
Duquès Hall, Suite 456
2201 G St NW
Washington, D.C. 20052
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (202) 994-7027
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.