Cevat Tosun

Cevat Tosun
Eisenhower Chair and Professor of Tourism Studies and Management; Program Director, MS in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management
Cevat Tosun is the Eisenhower Chair and Professor of Tourism Studies and Management and the director of the MS in Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management program at the GW School of Business (GWSB).
Dr. Tosun is an educator, consultant, speaker, and researcher in the area of international tourism management. He worked as a tenured full professor at three universities for more than 14 years. He also worked as a senior business development consultant in the private sector for various international companies and organizations in the UK, France, Austria, Northern Ireland and Turkey. In particular, he contributed to the development of more than fifteen technical assistance project proposals with a multi-million Euros budget funded by the European Union (EU) and Plan Blue/UNEP-MAP in addition to more than ten grant scheme projects funded by the EU, he was also one of the key experts, consultants or coordinators in the implementation process of some of these projects.
Dr. Tosun completed his undergraduate studies at the top of his class. During his primary and university education, he gained a great deal of industry experience by working in the tourism and hospitality sector in various roles (e.g., restaurant manager, reception clerk, hotel manager, waiter, and bellboy). He received his Ph.D. degree in the area of international tourism management and Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree in tourism planning from the Scottish Hotel School, Business Faculty of University of Strathclyde, UK, and his MSc degree in the area of hospitality and tourism management from the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Graduate School of Social Science, Erciyes University, Turkey. Earning his graduate degrees in both international tourism management and hospitality management at two of the leading programs in his field at two different countries with different socio-cultural and educational contexts has enriched his vision and teaching philosophy. He has more than 28 years of international teaching experience in business management, and tourism and hospitality management at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Dr. Tosun has taught courses in Research Methods, Entrepreneurship, Destination Marketing, Tourism Economics and Tourism Policy and Planning (George Washington University School of Business), Tourism Promotion (Northern Iowa University, USA), Tourism Impacts (Bournemouth University, UK), Strategic Management (Emirate Academy of Hospitality Management, UEA), Tourism Product Quality Management and Macro Tourism Economic Analysis at Macau University of Science and Technology as well as numerous other tourism and hospitality courses (Bilkent and Gazi Universities, Turkey). He integrates real-world industry problems into his course assignments such as employee relations, destination management, destination capacity development, indigenous community tourism, and developing strategies for marketing challenges of the hospitality industry. He has supervised many undergraduate and graduate students at both the Master’s and Doctoral levels, and has worked with students with a wide range of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. He has been invited by the European Union Foreign Affairs General Directorate, Arizona State University (US), Strathclyde University (UK), London Metropolitan University (UK), Tsuru University (Japan), South China University of Technology, Macau University, Gümüşhane University and Erzincan Universities (Turkey) to give talks on a wide variety of topics, including sustainable tourism development, impacts of climate change on tourism, community participation in the tourism development process, and tourism impacts. Moreover, while he was invited to deliver a keynote speech and lead a discussion on the topic of “Promoting Tourism to Historic Religious Sites” on October 17, 2023, by the U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, he also acted as a trainer for UNWTO 8th Training Program on “Capacity Building for Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development,” from November 27 to December 4, 2019, in Macau, China.
Dr. Tosun has held several administrative positions, including the founding director of the School of Tourism Management (STHM) at MKU for more than six years, department head for more than 13 years, and postgraduate program director for 13 years at several universities, where he spearheaded the development of the school and departments. While he was heavily involved in line management of academic staff, curriculum design, and research development during his administrative duties, he also served as a member of the Council of Strategy Planning for three years at MKU and as tourism faculty coordinator of the Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement Board for more than four years at Gazi University.
Dr. Tosun has served on the editorial board member for journals; as a reviewer for leading hospitality and tourism journals, and as a reviewer for national and international conferences. His work has appeared at a wide spectrum of conferences (e.g. The Western Social Science Association (WSSA) Conference, I-CHRIE Annual Conference, EuroCHRIE Congress, International Travel and Tourism: Policy, and Law and Management and Rural Tourism Management: Sustainable Options, International Conference), as well as in top-tier journals (e.g. Tourism Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Geoforum, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Economics, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management) in addition to various book chapters, international technical reports for Plan Blue/UNEP and white papers. His publications have received around 11,000 citations per the Google Scholar Citation Index. Moreover, he is recognized as "the most cited author with a total of 983 citations for his four papers, making him the most influential reference author" in the area of research on "meaningful community participation for effective development of sustainable tourism."
- Professor of International Tourism Management at Faculty of Hospitality & Tourism Management, Macau University of Science &Technology, Macau, 2019-2020
- Professor of Tourism Management, Faculty of Tourism, Osmangazi University, Eskişehir, Turkey, 2016-2019
- Professor and Department Head of Tourism Management, Faculty of Tourism, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, 2011-2016
- Postgraduate Program Director of Tourism Management, Graduate School of Social Science, Gazi University, Turkey, 2011-2016.
- Visiting Professorship from The Emirate Academy of Hospitality Management, Dubai, UAE, 2016
- Coordinator of Academic Evaluation and Quality Improvement Board, Faculty of Tourism, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, 2011-2016.
- Founding Board Member of Association of Tourism Academicians, 2016
- Research Fellow, The International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Poole Dorset, UK, 2007-2008
- Director, Iskenderun Exam Center, National Higher Education Board, National Student Selection and Placement Centre (ÖSYM), Ankara, Turkey, 2007-2008
- Professor and Director School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey, 2006-2010
- Department Head of Tourism and Hospitality Management, School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey, 2005-2010
- Leverhulme Trust Fellow, The International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, Bournemouth University, Talbot Campus, Poole Dorset, UK, 2005.
- Founding Director of School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey, 2001-2003
- Fulbright Scholar and Visiting Professor, School of Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services, The University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA, 2001
- Visiting Assistant Professorship, School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 1999-2000
- Tourism Prize of Mr. Barlas Küntay, Turkey Association of Tourism Investment 2005
- Tourism Prize of Mr. Barlas Küntay, Turkey Association of Tourism Investment, 2004
- Turkish Higher Education Board Scholarship Award for PhD in International Tourism in the United Kingdom, January 1996.
- Turkish Higher Education Board Scholarship Award for Master in International Tourism Management in the United Kingdom, May 1993.
- 1991 Graduate Award, Best Student, School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Cukurova University, Mersin, Turkey.
- Sustainable tourism development
- Community participation in the development process
- Tourism policy and planning
- Destination management and marketing
- Impacts of tourism development
- Ph.D., University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 1998
- MPhil, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 1996
- MSc, Erciyes University, Turkey, 1993
- B.A., Cukurova University, Turkey, 1991
- Sustainable tourism development
- Destination management
- Marketing philosophies
- Impacts of tourism
- Tourism and poverty alleviation
- Tourism growth and regional inequalities
- Local community capacity development through tourism
- Z-Generation employment in the tourism and hospitality business
International Research Project Grants: Funded
- Environmental, Sociopolitical, and Public Health Threats to Tourism in Middle Eastern and Eastern Mediterranean Destinations (Case of Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, and the UAE). Co-Investigator (PI: Antonis Theocharous, Co-Is: Yorghos Apostolopoulos, Yoel Mansfeld, Ariel Reichel, Cevat Tosun), Source: Security Program, European Union, 7th Program Framework ($425,000), Period: 2009-2013.
- Profile of Sustainability in Alanya (Turkey) as a Tourist Destination. An Analysis for Achieving a Better Level of Sustainable Tourism Development at Local Scale, Sponsored by Plan Bleu pour l’Environnement et le Développement en Méditerranée named as Blue Plan Regional Activity Centre (BP/RAC), 15 rue Beethoven in Sophia Antipolis (06560), France, December 2009 – April 2011 (€8.200) C. Tosun (PI and Consultant).
- Promoting A Sustainable Tourism In Turkey: Monitoring The Mediterranean Strategy For Sustainable Development, Sponsored by Plan Bleu pour l’Environnement et le Développement en Méditerranée named as Blue Plan Regional Activity Centre (BP/RAC), 15 rue Beethoven in Sophia Antipolis (06560), France, December 2007 – April 2008 (€7.200) C. Tosun (PI and Consultant).
- Academic Perspective Development Grant, The Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship, Bournemouth University, School of Services Management, International Center for Tourism and Hospitality Research, January 2005-October 2005(£17.550). C. Tosun (PI)
- Cross-border Collaboration and Cooperation for Sustainable Tourism Development: The Case of Turkey and Greece. The Aegean Initiatives Program Fulbright, January 2001-May 2001 ($28,000). C. Tosun (Co-PI) and A. Parpairis
National Grants for Research Projects: Funded
- Project for Evaluation of the Activities of Travel Agencies in the Context of Sustainable Tourism Concept: The Case of Turkey, October 2007 – October 2009, Financed by Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey, Contracting Authority: Committee of Social and Humanistic Research, Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Ref: Dr. Nevzat YAVUZ , Chair of Committee of Social and Humanistic Research, Phone:+ 03124685300, E-mail: [email protected], (Total Budget: 134.212YTL), C. Tosun (Team Leader).
- Sub-national Tourism Development Approaches: The Case of Cappadocia Region, Turkey. Higher Education Board of Turkey, October 1993-December 1995 ($40,000). C. Tosun (PI)
- Local Community Participation in the Tourism Development Process. Higher Education Board of Turkey, December 1996-December 1998 ($90,000). C. Tosun (PI)
University Grants for Research Projects: Funded
- Tourist perception of shopping experience. C. Tosun (PI). C. Tosun (PI). Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey. February 2006. The results of the project was published in the one of the well-known blind refereed international journal called International Journal of Tourism Research, Volume 9, Issue:3, page:87-102, 2007.
- Tourism Potential, Problems and Solutions in Hatay, Project Contract Number: 03P0101”. C. Tosun (PI). Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey. June 2003. The project won one of the most valuable award “Barlas Küntay Tourism Prize, 2004” of tourism industry in Turkey given by Turkish Tourism Investors Association. The results of the projects were published in various conference proceedings and journal
- Perceptions of Police and Police’s Services by European Tourists in Popular Tourist Destination in Turkey; Contract Number: 04N1101. C. Tosun (PI). Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey. June 2003. Some results of the project was published as an article in a journal: “Perceptions of Police by European Tourists: the Case of Antalya, Journal of Police (Polis Dergisi), April-May-June Issues, pages 163-172, Year 2004.
- Dimensions of Marketing Oriented Marketing Philosophies of 4&5 Star Hotel in Turkey. Bilkent University, Ankara and Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey. January 2001 ($2,000). C. Tosun (PI). A part of this research is published in the most well-known international tourism journal called “Annals of Tourism Research, Volume:35, Issue: 1, pages: 127-147 in 2008
- Host Perceptions of Social Impacts of Tourism: The case of Urgup. Scientific Research Project Coordination Unit, Mustafa Kemal University, Hatay, Turkey. Contract Number: 99P1701. May 1999 ($800). C. Tosun (PI). The results of the projects was published in one of the best journals of tourism: “Host perceptions of tourism impacts: A comparative study. Annals of Tourism Research, 28(4): 231-253, 2002 and presented in the Western Social Science Association Conference in San Diego, California, USA.
International Technical Reports
- Tosun, C. & Caliskan, C. (2011). Profile of sustainability in Alanya (Turkey) as a Tourist Destination. An Analysis for Achieving a Better Level of Sustainable Tourism Development at Local Scale, Sophia Antipolis, France, MAP Technical Report Preparation.
- Tosun, C. (2009). Promoting a Sustainable Tourism: National Study for Turkey. UNEP/MAP/BLUE PLAN: Promoting Sustainable Tourism in the Mediterranean: Proceedings of the Regional Workshop, pp. 963-1022. Sophia Antipolis, France, 2-3 July, 2008. MAP Technical Reports Series No. 173. UNEP/MAP, Athens.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Patwary, A.K., Tosun, C. and Yu, L. (2024). Measuring Sustainable Business Performance in Malaysian Hotels: The Roles of Green Information, Green Innovation Strategic Orientation, and Digital Technology Implementation. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
- Tang, W., Tosun, C., Edwin, M.A., and Uslu, S. (2024). The Influence of Social Media Usage and Perceived Government Market Orientation on Travel Intention to an Internet Celebrity City: Exploring the Mediating Effects of Place Attachment and Perceived Value. Behavioral Sciences.
- Tosun, C., Dedeoglu, B., Usaklı, A., (2024). The role of gender in shaping the destination service quality and its consequences. International of Journal of Tourism Research.
- Suh, J.; Tosun, C.; Eck, T.; An, S. (2023). A Cross-Cultural Study of Value Priorities between U.S. and Chinese Airbnb Guests: An Analysis of Social and Economic Benefits. Sustainability, 15, 223.
- Tosun, C.; Soylu, Y.; Atay,L.; Timothy, D.J. (2023). Environmentally Friendly Behaviors of Recreationists and Natural Area Tourists: A Comparative Perspective. Sustainability, 15, 10651.
- Tosun, C, Parvez, O., Bilim, Y. and Yu, L. (2022). Effects of green transformational leadership on green performance of employees via the mediating role of corporate social responsibility: Reflection from North Cyprus. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
- Tosun, C., Dedeoglu, B., and Sahin, S.Z., Caner, C. (2022). A critical perspective on tourism employment. Current Issues in Tourism.
- Aguinis, H., Yu, L., & Tosun, C. (2021). How to enhance scholarly impact: Recommendations for university administrators, researchers and educators. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(8): 2485-2499.
- Tosun, C., Dedeoglu, B.B, and Caner, C. and Karakus, Y. (2021) Place image as a tourism development tool: The mediating role of tourism’s positive impact dimensions. International Journal of Tourism Research. Vol.23, pp.268–286.
- Tang, J., Tosun, C. and Baum, T. (2020), "Do Gen Zs feel happy about their first job? A cultural values perspective from the hospitality and tourism industry." International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Vol. 32 No. 12, pp. 4017-4040.
- Şahin, S.Z. and Tosun, C (2020) Attitudes of tourist towards new gastronomy product (Turistlerin Yeni Gastronomi Ürünlerine Yönelik Tutumlari). Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 74(19): 564 - 586
- Şahin, S.Z. and Tosun, C (2019) Local Stakeholders’ perceptions on the use of gastronomy as a detached tourism product: Case of Hatay. Journal of Gastronomy, Hospitality & Travel. 2 (1):14-28
- Tosun, C., Okur, B.B and Fyall, A. (2015) Destination Service Quality, Affective Image and Revisit Intention: The Moderating Role of Past Experience. The Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (JDMM), 4(4):222-234
- Erdoğan, N., Erdoğan, I and Tosun, C. (2012) An Evaluation of Environmental Content of Website of Travel Agencies (Seyahat Acentelerinin Web Sitelerindeki Çevresel İçerik Üzerine Bir İnceleme, Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Dergisi, 4(2):223-233.
- Duman, T. and Tosun, C. (2010), Current developments in Turkish tourism. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 7(1):5-9
- Erdogan, N. and Tosun, C. (2009) Environmental performance of tourism accommodations in the protected areas: Case of Goreme Historical National Park, International Journal of Hospitality Management 28(1):406–414.
- Tosun, C., Okumus, F. and Fyall, A. (2008) Marketing Management Philosophies in a Developing Country Context, Annals of Tourism Research, 35(1):127-147.
- Tosun, C., Temizkan, P., Timothy, D. and Fyall, A. (2007) Tourist perception of shopping experience, International Journal of Tourism Research, (9):87–102
- Tosun, C. (2006) Expected level of community participation in the tourism development process. Tourism Management, 27(1):493-504.
- Tosun, C. (2005) Stages in emergence of participatory tourism development process in developing countries. Geoforum, 36(3):333-352.
- Tosun, C., Timothy, D.J., Parpairis, A. and MacDonald, D. (2005) Cross-Border Cooperation in Tourism Marketing Growth Strategies. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 18(1):5-23.
- Tosun, C. and Timothy D.J. (2003) Arguments for community participation in the tourism development process. Journal of Tourism Studies, 14(2):2-14.
- Timothy, D.J. and Tosun, C. (2003) Tourists’ perceptions of the Canada-USA border as a barrier to tourism at the International Peace Garden. Tourism Management, 24:411-421.
- Tosun, C., Timothy, D.J. and Öztürk, Y. (2003). Tourism growth, national development and regional inequality in Turkey. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 11(2&3):133-161.
- Tosun, C. (2002). Host perceptions of tourism impacts: A comparative study. Annals of Tourism Research, 28(4):231-253.
- Tosun, C and Timothy, D.J. (2001). Defects in planning approaches to tourism development developing countries: The case of Turkey. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 13(7):352-359.
- Tosun, C. (2001). Challenges of sustainable tourism development in the developing world: the case of Turkey. Tourism Management, 22(3):285-299.
- Tosun, C. (2000). Limits to community participation in the tourism development process in developing countries. Tourism Management, 21(6):613-633.
- Tosun, C. (1999). An analysis of contributions of international inbound tourism to the Turkish economy. Tourism Economics, 5(3):217-250.
- Tosun, C. (1999). Towards a typology of community participation in the tourism development process. International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 10(2):113-134.
- Tosun, C. (1998). Roots of unsustainable tourism development at the local level: The case of Urgup in Turkey. Tourism Management, 19(6):595-610.
- Tosun, C. and Jenkins, C.L. (1998). The evolution of tourism planning in Third World countries: a critique. Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 4(2):101-114.
- Tosun, C. (1997). Questions about tourism development within planning paradigms: The case of Turkey. Tourism Management, 18(5):327-329.
- Tosun, C. and Jenkins, C.L. (1996). The need for regional planning approaches to tourism development: The case of Turkey. Tourism Management, 17(7):519-531.
Refereed Book Chapters
- Tosun, C. ve Bilim, Y. (2009) Evaluating tourism potential of cities: the Case of Hatay and Kahramanmaraş (in Turkish). In Aktaş, G. (ed.) Geography of Tourism in Turkey, pp.237-256, Ankara: Detay Publishing.
- Fyall, A., Garrod, B. and Tosun, C. (2006) Destination marketing: A framework for future research. In Kozak, M., and Andreu, L. (eds.) Perspective in Tourism Marketing, pp 75-86 Elsevier Publishing.
- Tosun, C., Fletcher, J. and Fyall, A. (2006) Turkish tourism development pattern in the New Europe: Implication of EU enlargement. In Hall, D., Marciszewska, B. and Smith, M. (Eds.) Tourism in the New Europe: The Challenges and Opportunities of EU Enlargement, pp.270-287, CABI Publishing.
- Tosun, C. and Fyall, A. (2005) Making tourism sustainable: prospects and pitfalls. In Adaman, F and Arsel, M. (Eds) Environmentalism in Turkey: Between Democracy and Development, pp.249-262, Ashgate Publishing.
- Tosun, C., Timothy, D.J. and Öztürk, Y. (2004). Tourism growth, national development and regional inequality in Turkey. In B. Bramwell and B. Lane, eds., Trends and Issues in the Mediterranean Tourism, pp 133-156. Channel View Publication.
- Timothy, D.J. and Tosun, C. (2003). Appropriate planning for tourism in destination communities? Participation, incremental growth and collaboration. In S. Singh, D.J. Timothy and R.K. Dowling (eds), Tourism in Destination Communities, pp. 181-204. Cambridge: CABI Publishing.
Refereed Conference Presentations, Proceedings, Abstracts
- Tosun, C. and Lin, X.Z. (2020). Evaluation of Tourism Development in Emerging Destinations: A Comparative Perspective from Beibu Economic Zone, China. Presented virtually, pp.58-77, in the Proceedings of the Conference on Managing Tourism across Continents, on 2-4 September, 2020, Turkey.
- Tosun, C., Yildiz, E. and Dedeoglu, B.B. (2020). Evolution of Approaches to Tourism Development in the Developing Countries Context. Presented virtually, pp.40-57, in Proceedings of the Conference on Managing Tourism across Continents, on 2-4 September, 2020, Turkey.
- Tosun, C.; Özdemir, S. and Cubuk, F. (2016). Usage of Neuro-Tourism Methods in Hotel Preferences of the Consumers, The West East Institute (WEI) International Academic Conference, Harvard University, Boston, USA.
- Tosun, C. Özdemir, S. (2016). “The Importance of Personnel Training in the Implementation of Environmentally Friendly Accommodation Establishment Management: A reflection from Turkey. Belgrade International Tourism Conference: Tourism Education in the 21st Century: Principles, Policies, Internationalization, Belgrade, 18-19 March 2016 BITCO
- Çalhan, H., Karamustafa K. and Tosun, C. (2014) “Yahyalı Bölgesinin Destinasyon Çekme Faktörleri Kapsamında Destinasyon Perfoması (Destination Performance in Relation to Destination Pull Factors: the Case of Yahyalı, Turkey)” in I. Ulusal Yahyalı Sempozyumu (I. National Yahyalı Symposium), Yahyalı – Kayseri, pp. 473-502
- Çalışkan, C. and Tosun, C. (presenter) (2013), “Perception of Sustainable Tourism Development from the Perspective of Future Generation by Stakeholders” in Karamustafa, K. and et al (eds.) 14th National Tourism Congress , 05-08 December, 2013 , Congres Proceedings, Tourism Faculty, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey, pp. 1276 -1287.
- Kocabozdoğan, K., Tosun, C., Gökçe, F. ve Bilim, Y. (2013), “İnanç Merkezlerinin Pazarlanmasında Eleştirel Noktalar: Hatay Örneği”, in International Conference On Religious Tourism And Tolerance (Uluslararasi İnanç Turizmi Ve Hoşgörü Konferansi), 9-12 May / Mayıs 201, Congress Proceedings CD, Tourism Faculty, Necmettin Erbakan University, Konya.
- Çalhan, H., Karamustafa, K. ve Tosun, C. (2012), "Yahyalı Bölgesinin Destinasyon Seçme Faktörleri Kapsamında Performansının Değerlendirilmesi", I. Ulusal Yahyalı Sempozyumu, 20-21 Eylül 2012, Yahyalı.
- Tosun, C. (presenter) and Fyall, A. (2004), ‘An evaluation of the marketing orientation of 4 and 5 star hotels’, in EuroCHRIE Congress 2004 November 3-7, Global Issues and Trends in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries, Congress Proceedings CD, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
- Tosun, C. (presenter) Bilim, Y. (2004) Hatay’ın turistik bir şehir olarak pazarlanması (Marketing cities as a tourist destination: the case of Hatay). I. Balıkesir Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Kitapcığı (Conference Proceedings: The First Balıkesir National TourismConference, 15-16 April 2004). Balıkesir Universitesi, Turkey, Sayfa 269-288.
- Tosun, C. Temizkan, R. (2004) Türkiye’nin ülke imajı oluşumunda turist rehberlerinin rolü(The role of tourist guide on establishing country image of Turkey). I. Balıkesir Ulusal Turizm Kongresi Kitapcığı (Conference Proceedings: The First Balıkesir National TourismConferenc , 15-16 April 2004). Balıkesir Universitesi, Turkey, Sayfa 345-365.
- Tosun, C., (presenter) Bilim, Y. (2003), Hatay yöresinin kültürel ve tarihi varlıklarının turizm açısından değerlendirilmesi. IV.Ulusal Turizm Sempozyumu, 18-19 Aralık 2003(IV. National Tourism Symposium), İzmir: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Bölgesel Kalkınma ve İşletme Bilimleri Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, Sayfa 20-40
- Tosun, C., Bilim, Y. (2003) Alternatif Turizm ve Turistik Ürün Çeşitlendirme Stratejileri : Hatay Örneği. Türkiyenin Alternatif Turizm Potansiyeli ve Güncel Sorunları Konferansı, Ankara Üniversitesi (Conference of alternative tourism product differentiation strategies), Çankırı Meslek Yüksekokulu ve Çankırı Valiliği, Çankırı, 3-4 Mayıs 2003.
- Tosun, C. (1998). Deficits in approaches to tourism development planning in developing countries: The case of Turkey. Conference Proceedings: International Travel and Tourism: Policy, Law and Management, 19-21 April 1998. Newcastle upon Tyne: University of Northumbria, pp 238-248.
- Tosun, C. (1998). Challenges of sustainable tourism development in the developing world: The case of Turkey. Conference Proceedings: Rural Tourism Management: Sustainable Options, International Conference 9-12th September. The Leisure and Tourism Management Department of the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC)Ayr/Scotland, pp. 539-561.
- Fyall, A., Tosun, C. (presenter) and Garrod, B. (2005) Destination marketing: A framework for future research. Conference Proceedings: International Conference: Perspective in Tourism Marketing, 20-22 May. Mugla/Turkey: Mugla University, pp 27-33.
- Tosun, C, (presenter) Temizkan, S.P. and Temizkan, R. (2005) Tourist satisfaction with shopping attributes. Conference Proceedings: International Conference: Perspective in Tourism Marketing, 20-22 May. Mugla/Turkey: Mugla University, pp 85-89.
- Tosun, C., Host perceptions of social impacts of tourism: The case of Urgup, Turkey. The Western Social Science Association (WSSA) Conference, San Diego, California, April 26-29, 2000.
- Tosun, C., Towards a typology of community participation in the tourism development process. The Western Social Science Association (WSSA) Conference, San Diego, California, April 26-29, 2000.
- Naipaul, S. Okumus, F. and Tosun, C. (2006) ‘Application of Marketing Management Philosophies in Hospitality Organizations’ I-CHRIE Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. 26-29 July 2006. Poster Presentation.
Non-Refereed Publications
- Tosun, C. (2008) Barriers to Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development: Reflection from Turkey. In Economic Valuation of Natural and Marine Ecosystems, CIESM Workshop Monographs: 37, pp. 87-94. CIESM, 16 bd de Suisse, MC-98000, Monaco.
International Workshops
- Tosun, C., Promoting a Sustainable Tourism in Turkey: Monitoring the Mediterranean Strategy for Sustainable Development, 2-3 July 2008, PLAN BLEU - Centre d'Activités Régionales -Regional Activity Centre 15 rue Beethoven - Sophia-Antipolis - 06560 Valbonne – France. Invited Speaker.
- Tosun, C., Peace and friendship through tourism between Greece and Turkey, Fethiye, Turkey, September 2-4, 2000. International Institute of Peace and Friendship through Tourism, (Served as facilitator of discussion groups). Invited Speaker.
Professional / Industry Experience (Non-Academic)
- 12/’19 – 12/’19
- Trainer, “8th Training Program in Collaboration with the United Nation World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) on Capacity Building for Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development” between November 27 to December 4, 2019, Global Centre for Tourism Education & Training Macao Institute for Tourism Studies, Colina de Mong-Há, Macao, China (I delivered 3 hours lecturer in the context of this training programme)
- 4/’18 – 01/’19
- International Consultant for Technical Project Proposal Development, WEglobal Limited-UK, Ankara Office, Ahlatlıbel Mahallesi 1824 Cadde N0= 19, Çankaya, Ankara –Turkey
- 9/’15 – 12/’17
- Deputy Project Coordinator, 1601 Entrepreneurship Support Project, Gazi University Technology Transfer Office and Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
- 1/’14-11/’14
- Key Expert for EU Funded Project, "Increasing the Adaptability of Employers and Employees in Tourism (and Hospitality) Sector.” Funding number: Tender N0= EuropeAid/132676/D/SER/TR; “Contracting Authority: Ministry Of Labour And Social Security; Company: GIZ Consortium, Budget: 8,193,000 Euros. Reference: Mr. Ömer Ayçiçek, Head of EU Coordination Department, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, European Union Coordination Department, Human Resources Development Operational Programme, Coordination Center for European Union
- 6/’00–present
- Career Counseling Expert, Candelas Education and Consultancy, Reference: Mr. Akın DEMİR, General Directorate, Ziya Gökalp Caddesi ATAC – 2 Sokak, Evin İşhanı 43/2 Kızılay 06420 Çankaya – Ankara –Türkiye, Phone: +90 312 431 7896 Fax: +90 312 272 4479, E-mail: [email protected] Web:www.candelasegitim.com
- 3/’07-present
- Panellist and Independent Project Assessor, Committee of Social and Humanistic Research, Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)
- 1/2014-11/’15
- Coordinator, Educator, and Freelance Consultant for Educating Activities, "Educating Researchers – Educating for Preparation and Management of Project", Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Contracting Authority: BİDEB – Program, Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey, Ref: Prof. Dr. Mustafa ÇUFALI, Acting Director, Department of Science, Fellowships and Grant Programmes, Phone:+ 03124685300, E-mail: [email protected]
- 1/’04-present
- Key Expert and Consultant for Setting Standards for Tourism Products and Services, Turkish Standards Institution, CENT/TC 228 Tourism Services and ISO/TC 228 Tourism Related Services Groups, Reference: Mr. Mithat KALEOĞLU, Head of Standards Preparation Centre, Turkish Standards Institution, Necatibey Cad. N0=112 06100 Bakanlaıklar - ANKARA. Office : 90 312 4166200; Fax: 90 312 4166611 E-mail: [email protected] / www.tse.org.tr
- 12/’14-1/’15
- Consultant and Technical Proposal Writer, ATC - Consultants GmbH, Staudgasse 7/12, A-1180 Vienna, Austria. Reference: Ms. Gordana M. Jurukovska, Chief Operating Officer, Tel: +43 (0) 12637117-16, Fax: +43 (0) 1263 7117-7
- 7/’13-5/2’14
- Consultant for Product Design and Development for the Tourism Sector, "Eğriova Natural Park: Increasing Eco-tourism Development in Ankara”, Financed by Ankara Development Agency and Ministry of Forestry&Water, Contracting Authority: Ministry of Forestry and Water, General Directorate of 9th Region, İstanbul Cad. N0=:98 PK: 06070 Altındağ - Ankara –Turkey. Ref: Selin KOPTU, Project Expert, Phone: +90 532 632 2202 or + 90.312.38473225/1737 E-mail: [email protected]
- 5-6/’13
- Consultant and Technical Proposal Writer, EuropeAid/132676/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance for “Increasing the Adaptability of Employers and Employees in Tourism Sector in Turkey, GDSI –Galway Development International Services, Galway Technology Park, Parkmore, Galway, Ireland. Reference: Mr. Pauric Brophy, Office :+353 91 761000 Fax: +353 91761032, E-mail: [email protected] / www.gdsi.ie
- 8-10/’12
- Consultant and Technical Proposal Writer, EuropeAid/13158/D/SER/TR – Technical Assistance for Sustainable Tourism Development in Mardin”, WYG Türkiye, Mustafa Kemal Mah., MKM İş Merkezi, 2127 Sokak n0= 38/7, Çankaya, Ankara, 06520, Turkey, Reference: Deniz Demircioğlu, Director of Social-Economic Consultancy, Office :+90 312 2197755 Fax: +:+90 312 2197756, E-mail: [email protected]
- 6/’12-present
- Occasional Independent Assessor, Ministry Of Labor And Social Security –European Union Coordination Department, Human Resources Development Operational Programme, Coordination Center for EU, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, Ref.: Ms. Arzu BOSNAK, Team Leader, Phone:+ 90 312 440 99 02 e-mail: [email protected]
- 1992-1993
- Management Consultant, Firat University Resort Hotel, Elazig, Turkey, Firat University House, Elazig, Turkey
- 1992-1993
- Tourism Management Consultant, Firat University Student Accommodation & Food Service, Elazig, Turkey
- 1991-1992
- Social Event Organizer and Consultant, Golbasi Restaurant, Elazig Turkey
- 1990
- Night Hotel Manager and Front Office Manager (Summer Season), Hotel Bel-vu, Kusadasi, Turkey
- 1989
- Night Hotel Manager (Summer Season), Hotel Bel-vu, Kusadasi, Turkey
- 1988
- Reception Clerk (Summer Season), Hotel Pamuk Palas, Kusadasi, Turkey
- 1987
- Assistant Camp Director (Summer Season), Pamukbank Holiday Camp, Silivri, Istanbul, Turkey
- 1986
- Restaurant Manager (Summer Season), Pamukbank Holiday Camp, Silivri, Istanbul, Turkey
- 1986-1990
- Part-time Waiter, Social Club & Restaurant, Chambers of Commerce, Mersin, Turkey, Part-time Waiter, Various First Class Restaurants in City of Mersin, Turkey
- 1985
- Industrial Placement (Summer Season), Mil-tur Holiday Village, Kumbag, Tekirdag, Turkey
- 1985
- Part-time Waiter, City Governor Guest House, Tekirdag, Turkey
- 1984
- Industrial Placement (Summer Season), ilge Holiday Village, Kumbag, Tekirdag, Turkey
International Consultancy Reports – White Papers
While Dr. Cevat Tosun contributed to the preparation of technical assistant projects listed below by working as a senior consultant, he also worked as a key expert during implementation phase of some of them.
- Tosun, C. (2019). Technical Assistance for Improving Occupational Health and Safety in Turkey, EuropeAid/139589/IH/SER/TR. Organization: WEglobal Limited-UK, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: onur.kayalar@weglobal.org, Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office).
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Technical Assistance for Revitalisation of History and Cultural Tourism in Şanlıurfa /EuropeAid/136042/IH/SER/TR”. Organization: WEglobal Limited-UK, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: onur.kayalar@weglobal.org, Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office)
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Technical Assistance for EU-Turkey Anatolian Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Institute Project / EuropeAid/138881/IH/SER/TR”. Organization: WEglobal Limited-UK, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: onur.kayalar@weglobal.org, Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office.
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Technical Assistance for the Operating Structure for the Sectoral Operational Programme for Employment, Education and Social Policies, Montenegro (ME), EuropeAid/139771/IH/SER/ME with around 600 000 Euros budget. Organization: WEglobal Limited-UK, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: onur.kayalar@weglobal.org, Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office.
- Tosun, C. (2018). Technical Assistance for Support to Public Administration Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina/ EuropeAid/138570/DH/SER/BA with around 2 million Euros budget. Organization: WEglobal Limited-UK, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: onur.kayalar@weglobal.org, Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office)
- Tosun, C. (2018). Technical Assistance for Enhancement of TÜRKAK’s Capacity in Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Bodies/ EuropeAid 139111/EHTR with around 3 million Euros budget. Organization: WEglobal Limited-UK, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: onur.kayalar@weglobal.org, Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office)
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Preparation of Long-term Strategy and Law on Climate Action in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia / EuropeAid / 139221/IH/SER/MK” that covers the Organization and Methodology (Rationale and Strategy) by focusing on necessity for preparation of long-term strategy and law on climate action in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia including environmental friendly management of sectors of the economy including the tourism sector, etc. Organization: WEglobal Limited-UK, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: onur.kayalar@weglobal.org, Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office)
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Technical Assistance for the Improvement of Standardization System and Raising Awareness in Turkey/ Europe Aid/139526/IH/SER/TR” that covers the Organization and Methodology (Rationale and Strategy) by focusing on establishment of online standardization platforms for the Turkish Standardization Intuition to be compatible with the system of international standardization organization including ISO, CEN/CENELEC and ISO/TEC, raising awareness on standardization action among the relevant stakeholders including NGOs, CSOs, universities, SMEs, etc. Organization: Project Group International Limited, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office)
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Technical Assistance for Cooperation with Civil Society in the field of migration and international protection in Turkey / EuropeAid/139076/IH/SER/TR” that covers the Organization and Methodology (Rationale and Strategy) by focusing on improving administrative infrastructure of General Directorate of Migration Management, Interior Ministry of Turkey, developing communication and awareness raising strategies for migration and international protection, identification major challenges of migrants and host community in the context of integration of large number of refugees society into the Turkish society, etc. Organization: Project Group International Limited, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office).
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Technical Assistance for Development of Research and Innovation Facilities for Improving the Regional Competitiveness of Food Industry in Turkey/ EuropeAid/139146/IH/SER/TR” that covers the Organization and Methodology (Rationale, Strategy, Timetable, Logical Framework) by focusing on necessity for establishing food safety and innovation laboratories, development of food competiveness strategies, preparation of marketing strategies for food sector, improvement of food value-chain management for selected goods with high export potentials, identification of key issues for successful implementation of the technical assistant project, etc. Organization: Project Group International Limited, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office)
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Business Incubators Enabled to Provide High Value Services to SMEs in Serbia / EuropeAid/ 138923/IH/SER/RS” that covers the Organization and Methodology (Rationale and Strategy) by focusing on empowering business incubators to provide high value services to SMEs in Serbia, increasing competitiveness of SMEs through enabled business incubators, identification of challenges to the business incubators in Serbia, etc. Organization: Project Group International Limited, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office)
- Tosun, C. (2018). “Technical Assistance for Migration and International Protection Matters - Promoting Public Awareness / Europeaid/139075/IH/SER/TR with around 2 million Euros budget. Organization: WEglobal Limited-UK, 293 Green Lanes Palmers Green, London N13 4XS United Kingdom. Reference: Mr. Onur Kayalar, Director of London Office, E-mail: onur.kayalar@weglobal.org, Phone: +44 7827 756271 (Office)
- Tosun, C. (2015). “Technical Report for the EU-funded tender “EuropeAid/133976/IH/SER/TR: Supervision for Revitalization of Tourism Sector in Siirt” that covers the Organization and Methodology (Rationale, Strategy, Timetable, Logical Framework) by focusing on tourism marketing strategies, destination promotion strategies, organization of various events including international conference, etc. Organization: ATC - Consultants GmbH, Staudgasse 7/12, A-1180 Vienna, Austria, Reference: Ms. Gordana M. Jurukovska, Chief Operating Officer, tel: +43(0)1 263 7117-16 fax: +43(0)1 263 7117-7.
- Tosun, C. (2013). “Technical Report for the EU-funded tender EuropeAid/132676/D/SER/TR Technical Assistance for “Increasing the Adaptability of Employers and Employees in Tourism Sector in Turkey” the Organisation and Methodology (Rationale, Strategy, Timetable, Logical Framework) by focusing on increasing service and product quality of the tourism industry, labour force analysis approach, organization of various events and meeting, etc. GDSI –Galway Development International Services, Reference: Mr. Pauric Brophy, GDSI –Galway Development International Services, Galway Technology Park, Parkmore, Galway, Ireland, Office :+353 91 761000 Fax: +353 91761032, E-mail: [email protected] / www.gdsi.ie
- Tosun, C. (2012). “Technical Report for the EU-funded tender EuropeAid/13158/D/SER/TR – Technical Assistance for Sustainable Tourism Development in Mardin” that covers the Organisation and Methodology (Rationale, Strategy, Timetable, Logical Framework) by focusing on methods of value chain analysis of the tourism industry in Mardin, branding strategies for Mardin, organization of domestic and international events, increasing service quality of the tourism industry in Mardin, etc. WYG Türkiye, Reference: Deniz Demircioğlu, Director of Social-Economic Consultancy, Mustafa Kemal Mah., MKM İş Merkezi, 2127 Sokak n0= 38/7, Çankaya, Ankara, 06520, Turkey. Office :+90 312 2197755 Fax: +:+90 312 2197756, E-mail: [email protected]
International Project Grants for Community Services
- Project for Developing Woman Employment in Tourism Sector in Iskenderun (TUSKİP), (Project Number: TR07H1.02-001/602), Promoting Women’s Employment (PWE) Grant Scheme, (From 2007 IPA Budget Line), Europeaid/128148/D/ACT/TR, Human Resources Development Operational Programme, IPA Component IV, July 2010 – July 2011. Co-financed by European Union and the Government of Republic of Turkey, Contracting Authority: Central Finance And Contracts Unit ; Beneficiary: Iskenderun Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Reference: Ms. Sanem AKPINAR, Vice Presisndet; Phone: +90 5426288888, e-mail:[email protected] [email protected]; (Budget: 252.245) C. Tosun (Project Consultant and Project Partner).
- Project for Promoting Woman Employment in Samandağ Tourism Sector (SAKIP), (Project Number: TR07H1.02-0027/616), Promoting Women’s Employment (PWE) Grant Scheme, (From 2007 IPA Budget Line), Europeaid/128148/D/ACT/TR, Human Resources Development Operational Programme, IPA Component IV. July 2010 – July 2011. Co-financed by European Union and the Government of Republic of Turkey, Contracting Authority: Central Finance and Contracts Unit Beneficiary: Samandağ Union for Providing Services to Villages. Reference: Mr. Kadir ÖZSOY,Director. Phone:+90 5357162550 or 90 +3265123622. e-mail: [email protected]. (Total Budget: €227.353) C. Tosun (Project Consultant and Project Partner).
- Training Project of Increasing the Employability in the Major Sectors for Local Development, Undertaken by Iskenderun Association of Village Services and Sponsored by European Union and Turkish Sate Labor Organization in the Context of Active Labour Market Measures Grant Scheme-2008, Budget line: Item 22.020401 of the General Budget of the EC, December 2008-December 2009, Ref. Number: CFCU/TR0602.03-02 (€341.313,67) C. Tosun (Project Consultant and Project Partner).
- Project of Continuous Tourism Training Center: Training for Increasing the Employability in the Local Tourism Industry Undertaken by Antakya Chamber of Commerce, Sponsored by European Union, Turkish Sate Labor Organization and Antakya Chamber of Commerce in the Context of Active Labour Market Measures Grant Scheme-2008, Budget line: Item 22.020401 of the General Budget of the EC, December 2008-December 2009, Ref. Number: CFCU/TR0602.03-02, (€251.941,52) C. Tosun (Training Coordinator and Project Partner).
- Training Unemployed Women and Youth for Increasing Their Employability in the Tourism Industry, 04/2007 – 09/2007. Co-financed by Turkish Prime Ministry, Fund for Promoting Social Help and Cooperation – World Bank Decreasing Social Risk Project, Component of Local Effort Equipping Poor and Unemployed Women and Youths with Qualification and Skills for Employment, Beneficiary: Iskenderun Branch of Turkish Prime Ministry, Fund for Promoting Social Help and Cooperation, Reference: Mr. Ibrahim YILDIRIM, Director, Phone:+90 326 6134914, E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. C. Tosun (Project Consultant and Project Partner).
- Provincial Tourism Education Project in Kayseri (Contract number: TR 0405.02/LDI/422), Regional Development Grant Program, Budget Line: BG-UE-B2004-22.020401-ELARG, REF:CFU/TR0405.02/LDI, December 2006 – December 2007. Co-financed by European Union and the Government of Republic of Turkey. Contracting Authority: State Planning Organization, Beneficiary: General Secretary of Kayseri Provincial Administration, Reference: Mr. Bayer ÖZSOY, Vice General Secretary, Phone:+90 5307659082 or 90 +3522225801, E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], (Total Budget: €72.605,00), C. Tosun (Project Consultant).
- Training Project of Unemployed and Unskilled Disadvantaged Young People for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Sponsored by European Union and Turkish Sate Planning Organization, December 2006- December 2007 (€74.945) C. Tosun (PI and Consultant).
- Training Project of Unemployed and Unskilled Disadvantaged Young People for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry Sponsored by European Union and Turkish Sate Labor Organization, February 2005-Novenber 2005 (€65.945) C. Tosun (PI and Consultant).
National Grants for Community Development Project: Funded
- Project for Eğriova Natural Park: Increasing Eco-tourism Development in Ankara, Co-Financed by Ankara Development Agency and Ministry of Forestry and Water - General Directorate of 9th Region, İstanbul Cad. N0=:98 PK: 06070 Altındağ - Ankara –Turkey, July 2013 – May 2014 (750.000 TL) C. Tosun (Academic Consultant
- Training Project for Research Project Preparation and Writing, Financed by Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK); Contracting Authority: BİDEB – Program, Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey; Coordinator and Ref: Associate Professor Özlem ÇAKIR, PhD, Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Izmir / Turkey, 13-15 December 2013. Phone:+ 05332371317 or 0232 3017891 E-mail: [email protected]. C. Tosun (Academic Consultant and Trainer).
- Training Project for Preparing, Writing and Management of Scientific Projects, July 2013 – December 2013, Financed by Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Contracting Authority: BİDEB – Program, Scientific and Technological Council of Turkey , Ref: Assistant Prof. Dr. Murat ÖZOĞLU , Chair of BİDEB – Program & Güzen HOŞGÖR, Expert of BİDEB – Program, Phone:+ 03124685300, E-mail: [email protected]. (32.100TL) C. Tosun (Coordinator, Academic Consultant and Trainer).