James B. Wade

James B. Wade
Avram S. Tucker Endowed Professor of Strategy & Leadership
James Wade is the inaugural Avram S. Tucker Endowed Professor of Strategy and Leadership at the GW School of Business (GWSB). Previously he has served as a senior editor of Organization Science and as the division chair of the Technology and Innovation Management Division of the Academy of Management. He currently serves on the editorial boards of the Strategic Management Journal and Administrative Science Quarterly. Professor Wade received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Rice University, an M.B.A. from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in Organizational Behavior and Industrial Relations. He joined GWSB in 2015.
- Strategic Management
- Corporate Governance
- Industry Evolution
- Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1993
- M.B.A., University of Texas, 1989
- B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Rice University, 1982
Professor Wade’s research has explored a wide range of issues ranging from corporate governance to industry evolution. Some of his current research explores the determinants of and outcomes of scandals, status dynamics among corporate CEOs, and the effects of race on career mobility. His work, which includes over 30 articles and book chapters, has appeared in top economics and management journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, the Academy of Management Review, the Academy of Management Journal, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Labor Economics, and the Rand Journal of Economics. One of his recent papers which appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly entitled, “Falls from Grace and the Hazards of High Status”, won the Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation’s Award for Best Paper published in 2013. An earlier version of the paper was also awarded the Organization and Management Theory Division’s Best Paper Award at the 2012 Academy of Management.
Rider, Chris, James Wade, Anand Swaminathan and Andreas Schwab. 2023. “Racial disparity in leadership: Evidence of valuative bias in the promotions of National Football League Coaches.” American Journal of Sociology, 129: 227-275.
Williams, Melissa, James Wade, Tosen Nwadei, Anand Swaminathan, C. Keith Harrison, and Scott Bukstein.2022. Looking the Part: Racial Stereotypicality in Appearance Predicts Opposing Leadership Outcomes for Black and White Coaches in NCAA Football. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
- Rider, Chris, James Wade, Anand Swaminathan and Andreas Schwab. “Racial disparity in leadership: Evidence of valuative bias in the promotions of National Football League Coaches.” Forthcoming, American Journal of Sociology.
- Williams, Melissa, James Wade, Tosen Nwadei, Anand Swaminathan, C. Keith Harrison, and Scott Bukstein. "Looking the Part: Racial Stereotypicality in Appearance Predicts Opposing Leadership Outcomes for Black and White Coaches in NCAA Football." Forthcoming, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
- Buyl, Tine, Christophe Boone, and James B. Wade. 2019. "CEO Narcissism, Risk Taking, and Resilience: An Empirical Analysis in US Commercial Banks 2006-2011.” Journal of Management, 45: 1372-1400.
- Wade, James B., J. Richard Harrison, Michael Dobbs, and Xia Zhao. 2019. “Who will stay and who will go? Related Agglomeration and the Mortality of Professional Sports Leagues in the United States and Canada, 1871-1997.” Organization Studies, 40: 1657-1684.
- Beck, Nikolaus, Anand Swaminathan, James B. Wade, and Filippo C. Wezel. 2019. “Industry Clusters and Organizational Prototypes: Evidence from the Franconian Brewing Industry.” Journal of Management, 45: 2978-3008.
- Tinsley, Catherine, James B. Wade, Charles O’Reilly, and Brian Main. 2017. “Progress on Gender Diversity for Corporate boards: Are we Running in Place” ILR Review. 70: 160-189.
- Buyl, Tine, Christophe Boone, and James B. Wade. 2015. “CEO and non-CEO Executive Mobility: The Impact of Poor Firm Performance and TMT Attention.” European Management Journal.4: 257-267.
- Graffin, Scott, Jon Bundy, Joseph F. Porac, James B. Wade, and Dennis Quinn. 2013. “Falls from Grace and the Hazards of High Status: The 2009 British MP Expense Scandal and its Impact on Parliamentary Elites.” Administrative Science Quarterly 58: 313-345. Winner Oxford University Centre for Corporate Reputation Award for Best Paper published in 2013. An earlier version of this paper won the Organization and Management Theory Division’s Best Paper Award at the 2012 Academy of Management. Winner of the 2019 Administrative Science Quarterly Award for Scholarly Contribution. This annual award recognizes the article published 5 years previously in ASQ that was judged to have had the greatest scholarly impact.
- Waldron, Theodore L., Scott D. Graffin, Joseph F. Porac, and James B. Wade. 2013. ”Third party endorsements of CEO quality, managerial discretion, and stakeholder reactions.” Journal of Business Research, 66: 2592–2599.
- McKendrick, David G, James B. Wade. 2010. “Frequent Incremental Change and Mortality in High-Technology Competition.” Industrial and Corporate Change, 19(3): 613-639.
- McKendrick, David G, James B. Wade, and Jonathan Jaffee. 2009. “Good Riddance? Spin-offs and the Technological Performance of Parent Firms,” Organization Science. 20: 979-992.
- Graffin, Scott D., James B. Wade, Joseph F. Porac and Robert McNamee. 2008. “Status Leakage” in the Executive Suite: The Impact of CEO Status Attainment on the Economic Outcomes of Other Senior Managers,” Organization Science 19: 457-474.
- Wade, James B., Joseph F. Porac, Timothy G. Pollock, and Scott D. Graffin. 2008. “Star CEOs: Benefit or Burden,” Organizational Dynamics 37: 203-210.
- Wade, James B. Charles A. O’Reilly, III and Timothy G. Pollock 2006. “Overpaid CEOs and Underpaid Managers: Equity and Executive Compensation.” Organization Science 17: 527-544.
- Wade, James, Joseph Porac, Timothy Pollock & Scott Graffin. 2006. “The Burden of Celebrity: The Impact of Certification Contests Among the Corporate Elite on Pay and Performance,” Academy of Management Journal. 49: 643-660.