Yixin Lu
Yixin Lu
Associate Professor of Information Systems & Technology Management
Yixin Lu is an associate professor of Information Systems at the George Washington University School of Business. She received her Ph.D. from Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
Yixin's research focuses on the strategic use of information and its impact on decision making. She applies interdisciplinary approaches combining econometrics, game theory, controlled lab experiment, large-scale randomized experiment, and machine learning techniques to identify and quantify the impact of technological advancement on individuals, organizations, and society. Her research has been published in top journals such as Information Systems Research, Management Science, and MIS Quarterly. Yixin has won the Dean's Emerging Scholar Award and Outstanding ISTM Faculty Award at GWSB. She is also the winner of the AIS Impact Award (2020), the AIS Early Career Award (2021), and the INFORMS ISS Design Science Award (2021).
- Auction Design
- Business Intelligence
- Digital Markets
- Healthcare Analytics
Yixin will be teaching Introduction to Programming (ISTM 3119) and Python Program Database Applications (ISTM 6200) in Spring 2022. Since joining GWSB, she has taught the following courses:
- Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (ISTM 6214, Online)
- Python Program Database Applications (ISTM 6200)
- Introduction to Programming (ISTM 3119)
- Management Information Systems Technology (BADM 2301)
- Lu, Y., A. Gupta, W. Ketter, and E. van Heck. "Exploring Bidder Heterogeneity in B2B Auctions: Evidence from the Dutch Flower Auctions," MIS Quarterly, 40(3), 2016.
- Lu, Y., A. Gupta, W. Ketter, and E. van Heck. "Dynamic Decision-Making in B2B Sequential Auctions: A Structural Econometric Approach," Management Science, 65(8), 2019.
- Lu, Y., A. Gupta, W. Ketter, and E. van Heck. "Information Transparency in B2B Auction Markets: Theory and Evidence from a Field Experiment," Management Science, 65(9), 2019.
- W. Chen*, Lu, Y.*, L. Qiu, and S. Kumar. "Designing Personalized Treatment Plans for Breast Cancer," Information Systems Research, Forthcoming.
*equal authorship - Lu, Y., A. Gupta, W. Ketter, and E. van Heck. "Designing Hybrid Mechanisms to Overcome Congestion in Sequential Dutch Auctions," MIS Quarterly, Forthcoming.
- INFORMS ISS Design Science Award 2021
- Association for Information Systems (AIS) Early Career Award 2021
- Information Systems Research Best Reviewer Award 2021
- Outstanding ISTM Faculty Award, The George Washington University School of Business 2021
- AIS Impact Award 2020
- Best Associate Editor Award, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2020
- Best Paper Award (runner-up), Conference on Health IT and Analytics 2020
- Dean's Emerging Scholar Award, George Washington University School of Business 2020
- Distinguished Service Award, Workshop of Information Technology and Systems 2019
- Best Paper Award (runner-up), The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018
- European Research Paper of the Year Award (Finalist) 2017
- Distinguished Service Award, Workshop of Information Technology and Systems 2016
- Jo van Nunen Dissertation Award (Finalist), Netherlands 2015
- Best Dissertation Award (runner-up), ERIM, Erasmus University 2015
- Best Video Presentation (runner-up), Conference on Information Systems and Technology 2014
- Best Paper (runner-up), Conference on Information Systems and Technology 2012, 2013