Sheryl Elliott

Sheryl Elliott
Associate Professor Emerita of Marketing and Tourism Studies
Sheryl Elliott is an associate professor emerita of marketing and tourism studies at the GW School of Business (GWSB).
Professor Elliott received her Ph.D in Business Management from the University of Buckingham (U.K.), a BFA in Performing Arts, Drake University, and a MA in Education & Human Development, George Washington University. Dr. Elliott has taught graduate and undergraduate courses at GW for more than 30 years. She is a founding member of the Board of Directors for the Pan American Federation of Hotel and Tourism Schools. She frequently provides interviews on tourism and travel safety for national television news programs including CNN, NBC and Bloomberg News. Dr. Elliott launched one of the first online courses for GW in 1997 and was instrumental in developing the online AMTA degree program. Dr. Elliott has produced seven videos on topical issues in sustainable destination development and has been a contributing author to the following academic journals: Annals of Tourism Research, World Travel and Tourism Review, Tourism Management, Tourism Geographies, Journal of Vacation Marketing and Papiers de Tourism. In 2010, she received GW School of Business "Undergraduate Outstanding Faculty Award." She was appointed by the Maryland State governor to the Maryland Heritage Area Authority in 2002 and served two terms, with the last ending in 2010. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the house museum, Mount Aventine, at Chapman State Park.
- Hawkins, D. & Elliott, S. (2012), “A Consensus Building Approach for Optimizing Tourism as a Sustainable Development Strategy: The Case of the Tourism Policy Forum,” Chapter 1. Routledge (Division of Taylor and Francis), March 2012.
- Donald E. Hawkins, Sheryl M. Elliott, Larry Yu (2012), Tourism Knowledge Sharing, in Eduardo Fayos-solà (ed.) Knowledge Management in Tourism: Policy and Governance Applications (Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice), Volume 4, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.33-53, 2012.
- Elliott, S. & Delpy-Neirotti, L. (2008), “Challenges of Tourism in a Dynamic Island Destination: The Case of Cuba,” Tourism Geographies. Vol. 10, No. 3, August 2008, pp. 375-402.
- Elliott, S., “Tourism Education and Training,” Chapter 7: In Edgell, D., Allen, M., Smith, G., and Swanson, J. (Ed.) Tourism Policy and Planning: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. Education & Training in Tourism: A Historical View, pp. 365-382. 2008, London: Elsevier.
- Elliott, S., and Smith, G., Curriculum Theory and Practice: An Online Education Perspective, Book Chapter 5 (pp. 61-75) in Airey, D., and Tribe, J., eds., An International Handbook of Tourism Education, Elsevier Science, May 2005.
- GWU, School of Business, Outstanding Undergraduate Faculty Award, May 2010.
- Nominated for the GW Student Athletes Best Professor Award – April 2010
- Anabar Citation of Excellence. Highest Quality Rating for contribution to literature for
- the research article: “Policy Dimensions of Human Resource Management in the
- Tourism and Hospitality Industries,” published by the International Journal of
- Contemporary Hospitality Management, 1997, Vol. 9, No. 5/6.
- Travel Industry Association, Oddessy Award for Innovative Travel Marketing, October, 1995.
- Travel Research Association, Desmond D. Slattery Award for Marketing, May, 1995
- Honorary Diploma, La Foundacion Miguel Aleman, A.C., 1994.
- Tourism Marketing Research
- Environmental Management Systems and Sustainable Technology
- Tourism Information Systems and Technology
- Ph.D., University of Buckingham
- M.A., The George Washington University
- B.F.A., Drake University
MBAD 6274 (Online) Marketing Management
A required core course in the MBA program.
This is the core course in marketing management delivered online in the standard semester of 14 sessions. The course covers overviews the many macro and micro fields of marketing including the marketing environment, marketing objectives, strategies and tactics, marketing research, customer motivation and consumer behavior, marketing segmentation and targeting, competitive positioning, branding and brand equity strategies, product and service marketing strategies, pricing strategies, distribution strategies, integrated marketing communication strategies, digital marketing strategies, and global marketing strategies. Each session includes assigned learning content including: lecture, textbook and timely readings, Harvard Business case studies, and topical videos to review. The delivery method includes 10 hours of real-time instruction through class synchronous discussion sessions. During these sessions, the covered topics are discussed in detail including the case studies assigned. The course also includes four individual written assignments and one culminating team project involving a detailed strategic marketing plan and situation analysis for an organization the team selects. There is one midterm exam scheduled during the course.
Invited Scholarly Talks
Case Study on Chapman State Park: The Gateway to Southern Maryland. Presentation to the Board of Directors, Friends of Chapman State Park, Indian Head, Maryland, January 23, 2010.
“Development Assistance Network for Tourism Enhancement and Investment (DANTEI).” Tourism Policy Forum, October 2004, presentation, Washington, DC. Sponsors: The World
Tourism Organization (WTO) and GWU.
“Applications of Multimedia Technology in the Tourism & Hospitality Sector.” November 12, 1999. VIII Congresso Pan-American de Escuelas de Hoteleria y Turismo, Santiago, Chile.
“TEDQUAL.” November 10, 1999. VIII Congresso Pan-American de Escuelas de Hoteleria y Turismo, Santiago, Chile.
“Greening of Sport Tourism.” September 18, 1998. TEAMS 1998 Conference. Washington,
“Optimizing Distance Education for Tourism & Hospitality Programs at the Secondary Education Level.” June 1998. National Academy Foundation, Academy of Travel and Tourism
“Distance Learning: Assessing its Potential in Higher Education for the Tourism and Hospitality Sector.” November 1, 1998. VIII Congresso Pan-American de Escuelas de Hoteleria y Turismo.
Lima, Peru.
“Turismo la Industria de la Esperanza.” June 5, 1998. 5to. Seminario Centroamericano Hoteleria & Turismo. Managua, Nicaragua.
“Health and Tourism: A New Paradigm.” December 1997. The Centre International pour las Coopération Médicale et Sanitaire dans la Caríbe et les Ameriques (CICOMSA). Martinique,
French West Indies.
“Application of Distance Education in the Tourism and Hospitality Field.” October, 1997, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
“Interaction of Health and Tourism.” October, 1997. International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators, San Diego, California.
“TEDQUAL: Quality in Tourism Education.” October, 1995. VI Congresso Pan-American de Escuelas de Hoteleria y Turismo, Margarita, Venezuela.
“Marketing Strategies for Health Tourism.” October, 1994. V Congresso Pan-American de Escuelas de Hoteleria y Turismo, Quito, Ecuador.
“Designing Tourism Polices for a Sustainable Regional Development.” November, 1994. V Catedra sobre Turismo Miguel Alheman Vaaldes 1994.
“Sustainable Tourism Development.” April, 1994. United Nations Global Conference on Sustainable Development for Small Island States. Barbados, W.I.
“Time Saving Degrees.” September, 1993. Society of Travel and Tourism Educators Conference, Miami, Florida.