Philippe Delquié

Philippe Delquié
Director, Capital Markets; Associate Industry Professor of Decision Sciences
Dr. Delquié’s research and teaching are in decision analysis, a discipline to help individuals and organizations make decisions in situations involving risk, uncertainty, and incomplete information, and design resilient strategies to balance reward and risk. A hallmark of Delquié’s work is the blend of behavioral studies and analytical models to study the intuitive and rational basis of decision making. His research has focused on preference elicitation methods, individuals’ attitudes toward risk, real options and information to mitigate risks, and the measurement of risk. Delquié has expertise in applications of decision tools in innovation and technology management, life sciences, strategic planning, safety and compliance, and behavioral finance.
Prior to joining the GW School of Business in 2009, Delquié held faculty positions at INSEAD France, École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Paris, Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, and the University of Texas at Austin. He has developed and taught seminars for executives in banking, finance, communication, hospitality, chemicals, life sciences and pharmaceuticals, among others. Delquié’s research has been published in leading scholarly reviews, including Management Science, the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and the European Journal of Operational Research. He has served as associate editor for the Decision Analysis journal.
European Science Foundation: Grant amount: € 240,000. 2006-2009 European Collaborative Research Project (Eurocores) Decision Making: “Exploiting” Bounded Rationality. Co-principal investigators: Robin Hogarth (Project leader, Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Philippe Delquié (INSEAD), Martin Weber (University of Mannheim), Ulrich Hoffrage (HEC Lausanne).
INFORMS Decision Analysis Society Publication Award: 2005 Runner up for “Optimal Conflict in Preference Assessment” published in Management Science.
Invited Plenary Speaker at the 9th European Management Conference ‘Embracing Uncertainty – New Strategies for a Dynamic World’, ESCP-EAP, Paris, 2003.
Risk Preferences and Decision Behavior Modeling
Decision Analysis
Risk Measures
Strategic Options Analytics
Ph.D in Operations Research, MIT, 1989
M.S. in Technology & Policy, MIT, 1986
B.S. in Civil Engineering, Ecole Nationale Des Travaux Publics, Lyon, 1984
Cillo, A., Ph. Delquié (2014). Mean-Risk Analysis with Enhanced Behavioral Content. European Journal of Operational Research 239, 764-775.
Toubia, O., E. Johnson, T. Evgeniou, Ph. Delquié (2013). Dynamic Experiments for Estimating Preferences: An Adaptive Method of Eliciting Time and Risk Parameters. Management Science 59(3), 613-640.
Delquié, Ph. (2012). Risk Measures from Risk-Reducing Experiments. Decision Analysis 9(2), 96-102.
Delquié, Ph. (2008). Valuing Information and Options: an Experimental Study. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 21(1), 91-109.
Delquié, Ph. (2008). The Value of Information and Intensity of Preference. Decision Analysis 5(3), 129-139.
Delquié, Ph. (2008). Interpretation of the Risk Tolerance Coefficient in Terms of Maximum Acceptable Loss. Decision Analysis 5(1), 5-9.
Delquié, Ph., A. Cillo (2006). Disappointment without Prior Expectation: A Unifying Perspective on Decision under Risk. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 33, 197-215.