Paul M. Swiercz

Paul M. Swiercz
Professor Emeritus of Management
Dr. Paul Michael Swiercz is a professor emeritus of management at the George Washington University School of Business in Washington, D.C. Dr. Swiercz has published more than 35 refereed research articles; his case studies on Home Depot and Delta Airlines have appeared in six best selling strategy text books. His case study (Food Lion vs. the UFCW: Time for a Change?) was selected for the Best Case Award by the 2002 Academy of Management. He has been interviewed by numerous news organizations including CNN and has taught and presented seminars in Greece, Cyprus, France, Germany, Trinidad and Brazil.
Dr. Swiercz served as editor (1998-2002) of the journal Human Resource Planning and is director of the Strategic HRM Partnership Project at GWU, developer of the SWIF Learning (Student Written – Instructor Facilitated Case Writing) and co-developer of the Cognitive Intrusion of Work Scale (CIW). In his capacity as a consultant and trainer he has directed workshops for ATT, General Motors, Cornell University, Telecom Egypt, the State of Georgia, China Petrochemical Corporation, the Pentagon, and others.
Dr. Swiercz is the founder and principal in the firm Executive Selection and Development International (ESDI) and developer of the workshop Strategic Business Thinking: A Skill Building Workshop for Competitive Thinkers.
- Strategic Human Resources Management
- Competitive Strategy
- Innovation
- Entrepreneurial Leadership
- Thinking Skills
- Ethics and Employment Law
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1984
M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1981
M.Ph., University of Michigan, 1976
Current Research: Human Resources Systems for Competitive Advantage
Edited Book
Swiercz, Paul M., McHugh, Patrick, and Goldberg, Caren. 1997. Human Resource Systems for Competitive Advantage, Needham Heights, Mass., Simon and Schuster.
“Development and Initial Validation of a Cognitive-Based Work, Non-Work Conflict Scale,” Psychological Reports (2007) 100″ 979-100, with S. Ezzedeen.
“Absorbed in Work: Meaning, Antecedents, and Consequences of Cognitive-Based Work-Nonwork Conflict,” with S. Ezzedeen, presented at the Eastern Academy of Management Winner of the Michael J. Driver Best Paper in the Careers Division, also Nominated for Best Conceptual Paper Award Eastern Academy of Management 2006.
“Human resource information systems (HRIS) and technology trust,” Journal of Information Science (2005) 31: 340-353, with S.K. Lippert.
“Pyrrhic Victory– The Detroit Newspaper War Remembered,” Strategic HR case study exploring the long and costly battle between newspaper unions and management of new joint operating company, finalist, Academy of Management, 2004, CMS Darkside III Case Writing Competition.
“Voluntary HRIS Data Collection: The Role of Privacy Sensitivity and Technology Trust,” International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM), 2005 9 (2): 15–22, with S.K. Lippert.
“Teaching With And Through Teams: Student-Written, Instructor-Facilitated Case Writing And The Signatory Code,” Journal of Management Education, (2005) 29, 1, 39-59, with James Bailey, Mary Sass Craig Seal & D. Christopher Kayes.
Interview with Dr. El Tarabishy About the New Cognitive Worker and How it Relates to a Modern Organization