ICR Research Projects
Halal Research Fund
The goal of the Halal Research Fund is to foster the creation of new research projects and scholarly activities that address the topic of stakeholder collaboration, bring external recognition to the principal investigator and the GW School of Business, and/or demonstrate significant impact to the research field.
Investing for Impact Lab (i4iLab)
The i4iLab brings people together to help solve problems and complete impact investment proposals thereby expanding and accelerating the level of impact investing in addressing the local, regional, and global needs of underserved communities.
Rethinking Financial Disclosure
ICR conducted a research initiative during the summer of 2014 on Rethinking Financial Disclosure. This initiative took on the challenge identified by Securities & Exchange (SEC) Commission Chair Mary Jo White at her October 2013 speech, “The Path Forward on Disclosure,” delivered at the National Association of Corporate Directors Leadership Conference.
The research project, conducted in cooperation with the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ), focused on SEC Form 10-K and lead to identification of specific changes in reporting requirements that will streamline requirements for public companies and reduce the challenge of “information overload” for investors.
Multiple teams of graduate students at the GW School of Business studied the issues driving concerns over effective corporate disclosure. The students then made specific recommendations to reduce unnecessary or redundant reporting requirements, while maintaining the integrity and value of the information for investors.
SUMURR Maternal and Child Health Pilot
In early 2011, the Ford Motor Company launched an innovative concept called Sustainable Urban Mobility with Uncompromised Rural Reach (SUMURR). SUMURR seeks to examine how Ford could use its vehicles and its technology platforms to bridge the mobility gap for isolated, rural communities by providing them with sustainable access to key services such as healthcare, clean water, and education. Ford is not planning on entering any of these spaces, but rather is interested in exploring the commercial opportunities, both new and traditional that might arise from supporting these new markets.
The Fourth Capital
The project showcases the application of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Social Entrepreneurship (SE) in Egypt from a cross-national perspective.
Global Solution Partnerships Initiative
This research project is directed at facilitating multi-sector collaborations and to establish a commitment by all partners to collaborative problem-solving and innovative solutions to global problems.
Investing in Sustainable Urban Infrastructure
A collaborative research effort on the application of a P3 approach to privately financing public sustainable urban infrastructure projects and to foster a community of learning among public officials.
Responsible Global Commodities Initiative
The RGCI is an educational forum that addresses the challenges associated with global commodities. The initiative will:
- Critically analyze the social, environmental and economic impacts of select global commodities, such as coffee, timber, sugar, soya, minerals, tea, and cocoa, using a multidisciplinary perspective that we believe will help provide new insights and understandings;
- Engage stakeholder leaders to research and discuss these issues in a public forum to help shape the conversation towards the concept of “responsible commodities”; and,
- Be a catalyst for innovation and a healthier public policy dialog on how to most effectively address the issues associated with global commodities.