
Orientation for all Fall 2024 incoming students will be held in August 2024.

All incoming students are required to participate in our orientation events in the lead up to the upcoming semester. New Student Orientation will provide incoming students with an overview of their academic programs as well as an introduction to the support and resources offered to graduate students at the GW School of Business. It will also provide an opportunity to meet your fellow students and faculty from your programs.

The details of your orientation schedule will depend on your degree program. For specific details on your program’s orientation, please select from the links below.

Choose from one of the following academic programs to view orientation information:

Preparing for Orientation

Connect with your Advisor and View Resources

All new students should receive communication from their academic advisor prior to arriving to the program. If you do not know who you advisor is, please visit the Graduate Program Academic Advisors and Appointment Scheduling page to learn more. Additionally, you should begin getting to know the resources available to you during your program. Visit the Resources for Incoming Students page to learn about getting started, registration, and student life.

Explore the Online Orientation Information

All students should explore our online orientation materials (link currently down for updates) prior to the start of their program and review additional orientation resources to help them prepare for their program.

Start Reading the Financial Times

All GW students can create an account with The Financial Times using their GW email address.