Bachelor of Science in Business - International Business Concentration



The concentration in International Business provides undergraduates with the analytical tools and conceptual framework needed to understand the international financial, political, and economic environment, how that environment influences a firm’s strategy and performance, how culture plays a role in guiding a firm’s strategic activities, and how a firm can leverage home and host country resources to overcome challenges inherent in managing a multinational enterprise. The academic program allows students to understand international business from three inter-related perspectives: international economics and finance, international marketing, and international corporate strategy.

Career Options in International Business

This field provides the basic academic foundations for entry-level positions in international business, particularly in multinational corporations, international banks, and governmental agencies. Such organizations include the Export-Import Bank, Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and the Departments of Commerce, State, and Treasury, in addition to international institutions such as the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation.


Degree Requirements

The following requirements must be fulfilled for the concentration in international business: 15 credits in required and selected courses; at least 9 of these credits must be taken in residence. All concentration courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C-.

Concentrations are only available to GWSB students. See Concentrations under GW School of Business Undergraduate Regulations in this Bulletin for additional information.

Required 1
IBUS 3101Global Financial Environment
Four courses selected from the following:
IBUS 3201International Marketing Management
IBUS 3301International Business Finance
IBUS 4202Regional Strategy for Multinationals
IBUS 4203Foreign Market Analysis
IBUS 4204The Cultural Environment of International Business
IBUS 4302International Banking
IBUS 4303International Monetary and Financial Issues
IBUS 4401Managing the Multinational Enterprise
IBUS 4402Managing in Developing Countries
IBUS 4403Oil: Industry, Economy, and Society
IBUS 4404Global Energy
IBUS 4405Global Disruptions
IBUS 4900Special Topics
IBUS 4995Independent Study

1 Students whose GWSB major does not require them to take IBUS 3001 should be aware that the course is a prerequisite to many international business field courses.