Liang "Larry" Yu

Liang "Larry" Yu
Professor of Hospitality Management
Liang "Larry" Yu
Office Phone:
(202) 994-8740
2201 G Street NW, Suite 301-U
Washington, DC 20052
Liang "Larry" Yu is a professor of hospitality management at the George Washington University School of Business.
- Oriental Scholar award from Shanghai Municipal Education Commission for outstanding contribution to tourism and hospitality research and education in China, January 2010
- Fulbright Scholar to National University of Management, Cambodia, Spring 2007
- Visiting Professorship from Shanghai Institute of Tourism, Shanghai Normal University, 2004
- Lead researcher for White House Conference on Travel and Tourism, 1995
- Outstanding Scholar Award, School of Hotel and Restaurant Management (SHRM) Northern Arizona University (NAU), 1996
- Outstanding Scholar Award, SHRM, NAU, 1995
- Outstanding Scholar Award, SHRM, NAU, 1994
- Outstanding Scholar Award, SHRM, NAU, 1993
- Leadership Development Programs Recognition Award, NAU, 1992
- Outstanding Tour Guide Award (China’s national tour guide award), 1982
- Knowledge Management
- Hospitality Management
- Organizational Culture
- Ph.D., University of Oregon, 1988
- Ed.M., Boston University, 1984
- B.A., Hangzhou University, China, 1979
Current Research
- Hotel Market Analysis
- Tourism Product Value Chain Analysis
- Tourist Satisfaction
- Hospitality Crisis Management
Research Grants
- Co-investigator (Summer 2010). Cultural Preservation as Economic Development: The Emergence of a Tourism Industry at Mount Wutai, China ($4,858). Sigur Center for Asian Studies, The Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington University.
- Co-investigator (2001-2002). Tourism Rapid Assessment Concept Development with Field Visit to South Africa and Zambia. Research project sponsored by USAID/RAISE, $25,800.
- Principal investigator (1998). Measuring the Conversion Rate of Guest Telephone Reservations in Choice International Hotels in the U.S., Choice Hotels International, $2,000.
- Co-investigator (1995-1996). Peer Community Comparative Study on Tourism Development in Sedona, Arizona. A part of Tourism Impact Study sponsored by Arizona Research and Resource Center, $4,000.
- Principle investigator (1993). A Study on International Adaptive Effectiveness of Expatriate Hospitality Managers in China. A study funded by the School of Hotel and Restaurant Management, Northern Arizona University, $1,150.
- Shepherd, Robert J. & Yu, L. (2013). Heritage Management, Tourism, and Governance in China: Managing the Past to Serve the Present. NY: Springer.
- Yu, L. (2004). The International Hospitality Business: Management and Operations. Binghamton, Mumbai, India: Jaico Publication House.
- Lew, A., Yu, L., Ap, John and Zhang, Guangrui, eds. (2003). Tourism in China. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press.
- Van Hoof, B; McDonald, M; Yu, L. and Vallen, G., eds. (1996). A Host of Opportunities: Introduction to Hospitality Management. Burr Ridge, IL: Richard D. Irwin.
- Lew, A. and Yu, L., eds. (1995). Tourism in China: Geographic, Political and Economic Perspectives. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Refereed Journal Articles & Book Chapters
- Ghosh, P., Kaur, C. & Yu, L. (2024). Faculty resilience and performance: The mediating roles of work engagement and affective commitment. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 1–13.
- Ghosh, P., Upadhyay, S., Srivastava, V., Dhiman, R., & Yu, L. (2024). How influencer characteristics drive Gen Z behavioral intentions of selecting fast-food restaurants: Mediating roles of consumer emotions and self-construal. British Food Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
- Ghosh, P., Jhamb, D., & Yu, L. (2023). Measuring service quality perceptions of hotel management institutes on hotel recruiters’ hiring intentions: effect of sacrifice, satisfaction and service value. Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism.
- Philippe, D., Yu, L., & Lamoureux, K. (2022). Public economics, public choice and tourism. In R. Croes & Y. Yang (eds), A Modern Guide to Tourism Economics, pp. 185-201. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Tosun, C., Parvez, M. O., Bilim, Y., and Yu, L. (2022). Effects of green transformational leadership on green performance of employees via the mediating role of corporate social responsibility: Reflection from North Cyprus. International Journal of Hospitality Management.
- Ertuna, B., Gu, H. M. and Yu, L. (2022). A thread connects all beads: Aligning global CSR strategy by hotel MNCs. Tourism Management.
- Wu, L., Yu, L. and Wang, S. (2022). Knowledge spillover at trade shows and exhibitor innovation. Event Management.
- Weng, J., Xiao, J. and Yu, L. (2022). Local demand, quality of place and urban tourism competitiveness. Frontiers in Psychology – Organizational Psychology.
- Ghosh, P., Jhamb, D. and Yu, L. (2022). Faculty behavioral intentions in hospitality education: Effect of service quality, service value, sacrifice, and satisfaction. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education.
- Aguinis, H., Yu, L. & Cevat, T. (2021). How to enhance scholarly impact: Recommendations for university administrators, researchers and educators. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
- Yu, L. (2020). The emergency of social entrepreneurship in China. Journal of the International Council for Small Business, 1(1), 32-35.
- Weng, Jin, Yu, L. and Wang, Zhen (2020). Tourism vacation district: A regulationist perspective. Regional Economic Review of East Asia, February 11, 31-58.
- Jiang, J., Dong, Y. N., Li. B., Gu, H. M. and Yu, L. (2020). Do feelings matter? The effect of leader affective presence on employee proactive customer service performance. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
- Jiang, Liao and Yu, L. (2019). Consumption of a literary place: A perspective of embodiment. Tourism Geographies.
- Li, Qing and Yu, L. (2018). I deserve a break!: How temporal landmarks and the perception of deservingness influence consumers’ travel motivation and intention. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.
- Weng, Jin, Ding, Yue, and Yu, L. (2018). Measuring demand spillover of vacation town – A case of Shanghai Disney Resort. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research.
- Li, Zhou, Duverger, Philippe, and Yu, L. (2018). Employee creativity trumps supervisor-subordinate guanxi: Predicting prequitting behaviors in China’s hotel industry. Tourism Management, 69, 23-37.
- Yi, Xiaoli, Fu, Xiaoxiao, Yu, L. and Jiang, Liao (2018). Authenticity and loyalty at heritage sites: The moderation effect of postmodern authenticity. loyalty at heritage sites: The moderation effect of postmodern authenticity. Tourism Management, 67, 411-424.
- Gu, H. M., Philippe, D. and Yu, L. (2017). Can innovative behavior be led by management? A study from the lodging business. Tourism Management, 63, 144-157.
- Wang, C. L., Tuan, Z. W., & Yu, L. (2016). From Nonprofit Organization to Social Enterprise: The Paths and Future of A Chinese Social Enterprise in the Tourism Field. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(6).
- Ma, Mingcao, Weng, Jin and Yu, L. (2015). Market size, scale economies and tourism market structure: A case of historic water town tourism in China. Tourism Management, 49, 119-137
- Qin, Yu, Li, Bin and Yu, L. (2015). Managing innovations in a Chinese hotel company: The case of 7 Days Inn. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 27(8): 1856-1880.
- Garcia, Desiderio, J. and Yu, L. (2015). Knowledge Transfer in Hotel Firms: Determinants of Success in International Expansion. International Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration, 16(1): 16-39.
- Qin, Yu, Li, Bin and Yu, L. (2015). Corporate Culture and Company Performance: A Case study of Home Inns in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 20(9): 1021-1040.
- Wang, Chunlei and Yu, L. (2015). Managing Student Volunteers for Mega Events: Motivation and Psychological Contract as Predictors of Sustained Volunteerism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 20(3): 338-357.
- Zhang, Chao, Singh, A. J. and Yu, L. (2014). Does it matter? Examining the impact of China’s vacation policies on domestic tourism demand. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. First published on October 9, 2013 as doi:10.1177/1096348013503993.
- Prasad, Kesh, Wirtz, Philip and Yu, L. (2014). Managing hotel guest satisfaction using online quality management system. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 23(4): 445-463.
- Wang, Chunlei, Yang, Jie., Zhu, Hongbing and Yu, L. (2014). Research on foreign tourists’ satisfaction with the 2010 Shanghai World Expo: Based on the blogs at a travel website. Journal of Convention and Event Management, 15(2): 114-134.
- Yu, L. and Gu, Huimin (2013). “Revenue Management in China’s Lodging Sector: Practices and Challenges.” In Patrick Legohérel, Elisabeth Poutier and Alan Fyall, eds., Revenue Management for Hospitality and Tourism, Chapter 7, pp. 104-117. Oxford: Goodfellow Publishers.
- Yu, L. and Gu, Huimin (2013). “The Lodging Sector and the Global Economy: China’s Hotel Industry in International Context.” In Clement Tisdell, ed., Handbook on Tourism Economics: Analysis, New Applications and Case Studies, Chapter 8, pp. 171-190. Singapore: World.
- Gu, Huimin,Ryan, Chris and Yu, L. (2012). The Changing Structure of the Chinese Hotel Industry: 1980 – 2012. Tourism Management Perspective, 4: 56-63.
- Yu, L., Wang, Chuilei and Seo, Joo Hwan (2012). Mega Event and Destination Brand: 2010 Shanghai Expo. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 3(1): 46-65.
- Shepherd, Robert, Yu, L. and Gu, Huimin (2012). Tourism, Heritage and Sacred Space: The Case of Wutai Shan, China. Journal of Heritage Tourism, 7(1): 1-17.
- Hawkins, Donald, Elliott, Sheryl. and Yu, L. (2012). “Tourism Knowledge Sharing: A Virtual Consensus Building Approach.” In Jafar Jafari, ed., Knowledge Management in Tourism: Policy and Governance Applications, Volume 4, pp. 33-53. Bingley, UK: Emerald.
- Boo, Soyoung, Wang, Qiqing and Yu, L. (2011). “Residents’ Support of Mega-Events: A Reevaluation.” Event Management, 15(3): 215-232.
- Seo, Joo Hwan, Park, Sung Y. and Yu, L. (2009). “The Analysis of the Relationships of Korean Tourism Demand: Jeju Island and Three International Destinations.” Tourism Management, 30(4): 530-543.
- Yu, L. (2008). “The Structure and Nature of the International Hospitality Industry.” In Bob Brotherton and Roy C. Wood, eds., The Sage Handbook of Hospitality Management, pp. 62-89. London: Sage Publications.
- Yu, L. and Gu Huimin (2007). “An Analysis of Hotel Financial Management in China.”Journal of Hospitality Financial Management, 15(2): 38-48.
- Yu, L. and Munhtuya Golden (2006). “A Comparative Analysis of International Tourists’ Satisfaction in Mongolia,” Tourism Management, 27(6): 1331-1342.
- Yu, L, Stafford, Greg and Armoo, Alex Kobina (2006). “A Study of Crisis Management Strategies of Hotel Managers in the Washington, D.C. Metro Area.” Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 29 (2/3):93-107.
- Yu, L. and Gu Huimin (2005). “Hotel Reform in China: A SWOT Analysis.”Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. 46(2): 153-169.
- Stafford, Gerg, Yu, L. and Armoo, Alex Kobina (2005). “Crisis Management and Recovery: How Washington, D.C. Hotels Responded to Terrorism.” In Yoel Mansfeld and Abraham Pizam, eds., Tourism, Security and Safety: From Theory to Practice, 291-311. London: Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann.
- Jang, Soo Cheong, Yu, L., and Pearson, Thomas (2003). “Chinese Travelers to the United States: A Comparison of Business Travel and Visiting Friends and Relatives,” Tourism Geographies, 5(1): 38-49.
- Yu, L., Ap, John, Zhang, Guangrui andLew, Alan (2003). “World Trade and China’s Tourism: Opportunities, Challenges and Strategies.” In Alan Lew, Larry Yu, John Ap, and Guangrui Zhang, Eds., Tourism in China, pp. 297-308. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Hospitality Press.
- Greg Stafford, Yu, L. and Armoo, Alex Kobina (2002). “Crisis Management and Recovery: How Washington, D.C. Hotels Responded to Terrorism.” Cornel Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, October: 27-40.
- Jang, Soo Cheong and Yu, L. (2002). “A Comparative Study of Financial Returns between Commercial Hotels and Casino Hotels.” Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 26(1): 38-53.
- Yu, L. and Moo Hyung Chung (2001). “Tourism as a Catalytic Force for Low-Politics Activities between Politically Divided Countries – A Case of South/North Koreas and Taiwan/China. New Political Science, 23(4): 537-545.
- Hirata, Masaki and Yu, L. (1999). “Factors Influencing Taiwan’s Outbound Travel from 1987 to 1996.” Pacific Tourism Review, 2(2):147-156.
- Yu, L. (1998). “China’s Hotel Industry: Assessment and Prospects.” Journal of Vacation Marketing, 4(4): 368-380.
- Yu, L. (1997/98). “Travel between Politically Divided China and Taiwan.” Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 2(1): 19-30.
- Yu, L. and Lew, A. (1997). “Airline Liberalization and Development in China.” Pacific Tourism Review, 1(2):129-136.
- Yu, L. and Goh, Siong Huat (1995). “Perceptions of Management Difficulty Factors by Expatriate Hotel Professionals in China.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, Lead Article, December: 1-14.
- Yu, L. (1995). “Travel Service Operations: The Chinese Experience.” The Journal of Hospitality Management, 1(4): 29-42.
- Yu, L. (1994). “Tourism in the Egyptian Red Sea Area: A Responsible Development Approach.” FIU Hospitality Review, 12(2): 37-44.
- Bergstrom, J., Yu, L. and Medweth, E. (1994). “Destination Maintenance: Why Sedona Needs Schnebly Hill.” The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly. 35(4): 32-37.
- Yu, L. (1992). “Teaching International Hospitality Management: A Tripartite Approach.” Hospitality and Tourism Educators, Lead Article, 5(1): 7-10.
- Yu, L. (1992). “Emerging Markets for China’s Tourism Industry.” Journal of Travel Research, 21(1): 10-13.
- Yu, L. (1992). “Hotel Development and Structures in China.” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 11(2): 99-110.
- Yu, L. (1992). “Seeing Stars: China’s Hotel Rating System.” The Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 33(5): 24-27.
- “Knowledge Transfer in the Internationalization of Higher Education in Tourism in China: A Proposed Conceptual Model.” International Summit on Globalization of Chinese Higher Tourism Education, June 20-21, 2009, Shanghai, China.
- “Tourism Development in Heilongjiang: A sustainable Perspective.” Invited presentation at the International Forum of Tourism and Cultural Industry, August 14-16, 2009, Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province, China.
- “An Analysis of International Hotel Competitive Advantage and Brand Management.” Invited presentation at the Second Bi-Annual Conference of International Tourism Studies Association, November 7-9, 2008, Shanghai, China.
- “Tourism Value Chain Analysis of Tourism Industry in Sichuan Province: An Competitive Study of Inbound Tourism.” Joint Workshop by International Finance Corporation and Sichuan Provincial Tourism Administration, July 10, 2007, Chengdu, China.
- “Current Research in International Hospitality Management.” Keynote speech delivered at the 13th Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Network of Asia-Pacific Education and Training Institutes in Tourism (APETIT) and the Seminar on Tourism and MICE Education and Training in Asia and Pacific, May 23-25, 2006, Shanghai, China.
- “Develop Tourism Investment Policy for Viable Ecotourism & Biodiversity Project in China.” Invited speaker for Khampa International Ecotourism Conference, November 12-15, 2004, Hailuogou National Park, Sichuan Province, China.
- “Developing MICE Education Program: Aligning Learning Objectives with Industry Needs and Expectations.” Invited presentation at the 2004 Shanghai International MICE Education and Training Forum, August 6-7, 2004, Shanghai, China.
- “Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry: A Global Perspective.” Keynote speech delivered at the International Forum on “Post SARS China Tourism.” August 21-24, 2003, Beijing, China.
- “Tourism Recovery from the 9-11-01 Catastrophe & Outlook.” Invited paper presented at the 33rd Annual Conference of Travel and Tourism Research Association, June 23-26, 2002, Washington, D.C. This paper was co-authored with Dr. Douglas Frechtling.
- “Tourism in the New Millennium.” Invited presentation to the School of Hotel Management, Faculty of Business Administration, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 15, 1999, Hong Kong, SAR.
- “Infrastructure Development: Preparing for the Twenty-first Century.” White House Conference on Travel and Tourism Issue Paper presented at the CHRIE annual conference, August 3, 1995, Nashville, Tennessee.