George T. Solomon

George T. Solomon
Professor Emeritus of Management
Dr. George T. Solomon is a professor emeritus of management and the co-founder of the Center for Entrepreneurial Excellence (CFEE) at the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB). Dr. Solomon is the past president of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE) and the International Council for Small Business (ICSB).
From 1976 until 2004, Dr. Solomon held various managerial positions at the SBA including director of the Office of Special Initiatives and deputy associate administrator for Business Initiatives Education and Training, where he managed a staff of six to fifteen professionals.
Dr. Solomon has published and edited over 130 articles, books of readings, book chapters, reference materials and proceedings articles in both the areas of entrepreneurship/small business management and organizational behavior & dynamics. He is a colleague of the Creative Education Foundation, a Justin G. Longenecker Fellow of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, a fellow of the Small Business Institute Director’s Association and a Wilford White Fellow of the ICSB. He currently serves as chair for the Wilford L. White Fellows and was past chair of the Justin G. Longenecker Fellows. He is one of only four individuals in the United States to be so honored by all three organizations. Dr. Solomon was award in 2013 and 2016 the Peter B. Vaill Award by the GW School of Business for his work with doctoral students.
In 2011, he received the Max Wortman Lifetime Achievement Award from the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship for his work in entrepreneurship education. In 2009, he received the “Innovative Teaching Pedagogy Award from the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship and the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Award for Innovation in Free Enterprise Education from the Freedom Foundation. In addition, in 2009, he was recognized for his truly outstanding leadership by the Academy of Management for his three year tenure from 2007-2009 as Best Paper Proceedings editor and was recognized by the Emerald Literati Network as an Outstanding Paper author for the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.
In 2008, the Acton Foundation honored him as one of 28 outstanding entrepreneurship educators and the Emerald Literati Network designated his article “An Examination of Entrepreneurship education in the United States” for its Highly Commended Award. Dr. Solomon serves as the Academy of Management’s Best Paper Proceedings editor from 2007-2009.
In 1984, he was one of five federal employees worldwide to receive the Arthur S. Flemming award for excellence in government management making him only one of four people to receive this award in the history of the U.S. Small Business Administration. In 1986 and 1993, he received the George Washington Freedom Medal in Economic Education from the Freedom Foundation. Dr. Solomon has been elected to Beta Gamma Sigma, Delta Mu Delta and Sigma Nu Tau, National Business and Entrepreneurship Honor Societies and Omicron Delta Kappa, National Honor Leadership Society.
He was awarded the Small Business Institute Director’s Association’s Distinguished Service Award in 1988 and in 1997, the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship selected Dr. Solomon as the “Entrepreneurial Educator of the Year for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.”
In 1996, Dr. Solomon and two colleagues were awarded the Best Graduate Entrepreneurship Program in the United States from the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Since 1974, Dr. Solomon has worked with, advised and consulted with over 200 small business owner mangers and entrepreneurs on a variety of topics ranging from marketing to cash flow analysis. Dr. Solomon has delivered major speeches and workshops worldwide and has worked with a number of well-known national and international organizations on developing strategies to assist small and medium entrepreneurial enterprises.
Dr. Solomon received his doctorate of business administration (DBA) from the George Washington University School of Government and Business Administration, 1982, with a major in entrepreneurship/small business management and organizational behavior & development. He was the first individual at that time, to receive a doctorate in entrepreneurship/small business management from a major accredited school of business. He received his MBA from Suffolk University in 1972, his BBS from Central Connecticut State University in 1971, and his AS from Norwalk Community College in 1969.
- Entrepreneurship Education
- Pedagogical Issues in Entrepreneurship Education
- Human Resource Issues in Small Businesses
- Entrepreneurial Leadership
- Opportunity Recognition
D.B.A., George Washington University, 1982
M.B.A., Suffolk University, 1971
B.S.B. Central Connecticut State University, 1971
A.S., Norwalk Community College, 1970
Solomon, G. 2005. Keystones of Entrepreneurial Knowledge Blackwell Publishing, Malden Mass Associate Editor 2005
Recent Articles
El Tarabishy, A., Solomon, G., and Sashkin, M. (2005). The entrepreneurial leader’s impact on organizational performance in dynamic markets. The Journal of Private Equity, 8 (4), 20-30.
Fernald, L., Solomon, G., and El Tarabishy, A. (2005). A New Paradigm: Entrepreneurial leadership. Southern Business Review, 30 (2), 1-10.
Solomon, G, Dennis, W., and Fernald, L.W. Jr. (2003) Self Identified Management Deficiencies of Entrepreneurs. Journal of Private Equity, 3(4), 1-10.
Solomon, G., Duffy, S. and El Tarabishy, A. (2002). The State of Entrepreneurship Education in the United States: A Nationwide Survey and Analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 1(1): 00-00
Recent Book Chapters
Weaver, M., Dickson, P. and Solomon, G. (2007) “Entrepreneurship and Education: What is known and not known about the Links between Education and Entrepreneurial Activity.” The Small Business Economy for Data Year 2005: A Report to the President, U.S. Small Business Administration, Washington, D.C.
Solomon, G. 2005. Pedagogical Methods of Teaching Entrepreneurship: An Historical Perspective. In Keystones of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Malden Mass: Blackwell Publishing.
Solomon, G., Duffy, S and Tarabishy, A. 2005. The State of Entrepreneurship Education in the United States: A Nationwide Survey and Analysis. In Keystones of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Malden Mass: Blackwell Publishing.
Refereed Articles
Solomon, G. and Matthews, C. (2014). The Curriculum Confusion Between Entrepreneurship Education and Small Business Management: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Modern Competition, 11:1 pgs. 121-142
Yoon, Jeewhan and Solomon, G. (2017) "A Curvilinear Relationship between Entrepreneurial Orientation and Firm Performance: An Investigation of the Moderating Role of Psychological Safety" International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Volume 13, Issue 4, (abs 1)
Solomon, G. and Litton, J. (2017). Promoting Technology-Intensive Value Creation in Entrepreneurial Firms and Small Business through Intervention – Policy, Regulation and Support Technovation. Volume 57-58 (abs 3)
Litton, J and Solomon, G. (2017). Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and The Small Business — Technology and Innovation in Small Business. Journal of Small Business Management, Volume 55, Issue 2. (abs 3).
He, Fang, Siren, Charoltta, Singh Sheetal and Solomon, George, von Krogh, G. (2017). Failing, Learning, and (Emotionally) Regulating: Unleashing Transformational Leadership among Entrepreneurs - Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. (abs 4).
Schoonmaker, M., Solomon, G. and Rau, P, (2017). Selection System Criteria for Funding Biotech Firms during the Fuzzy Front End of Innovation: The Impact of lifecycle stages on SMEs. Journal of Small Business Management (abs 3).
Kang, Jaehyeung, Solomon, G. and Choi, D. (2015) “CEOs’ Leadership Styles and Managers’ Innovative Behavior: Investigation of Intervening Effects in an Entrepreneurial Context” Special issue of Journal of Management Studies (abs 3)
Solomon, G., Perry, V., Bryant, A. and May, K. (2014) Survival of the Fittest: Technical Assistance, Survival and Growth of Small Businesses: Public Policy Implications, Technovation (abs 3)
Seo, J., Tomczyk, D., Perry, V. and Solomon, G. (2014). Looking out for the little guy: The Effects of Managerial Assistance on Small Business Performance. Journal of Business Research (abs 3)
Solomon, G & Perry, V. (2011). Looking Out for The Little Guy: The Effects of The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Entrepreneurial Development Resource Partners Technical Assistance on Small Business Financial Performance. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness.
Book Chapters (Peer Reviewed)
Solomon, G. T., Alabduljader, N., & Ramani, R. S. (2018). U.S. approaches to entrepreneurship education. In J. J. Taylor & G. Mulholland (Eds.), International Enterprise Education: Perspectives on Theory and Practice. Hong Kong: Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Ramani, R. S., Alabduljader, N., & Solomon, G. T. 2018. Approaches to entrepreneurship education: A qualitative review and comparison of the U.S. and Canada. In A. Fayolle (Ed.), A Research Agenda/or Entrepreneurship Education. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Alabduljader, N., Solomon, G. T., & Ramani, R. S. (2018). Entrepreneurship education: A qualitative review of U.S. curricula for steady and high growth potential ventures. In C.H. Matthews and E. Liguori (Eds.), Annals of Entrepreneurship Education Research & Pedagogy. Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Solomon, G. and May, K. (2015). Revisiting the State of Entrepreneurship Education in the United States in Entrepreneurship for the Curious - Why Study Entrepreneurship?: The Truth About College Major, Research, Scholarships, and Jobs (How to Prepare for your Career Success in Entrepreneurship?) Kishor Vaid (ed) Chapter 3.
Solomon, G. and Matthews, C. (2014). The Curriculum Confusion Between Entrepreneurship Education And Small Business Management: A Qualitative Analysis. Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy – Michael; Morris, (ed.) Edward Elgar, pp. 91-116.
Liguori, E. W., Koutroumanis, D. A., & Solomon, G. T. (2012). Public policy: Government stimulation of start-ups. In M. Marvel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of New Venture Management (pp. 386-389). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.
Solomon, G. (2011). The Curricular Confusion between Small business and Entrepreneurship. In R. Varela (Ed.), Development, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Culture, Vol. 2, Center for Development and Entrepreneurial Spirit, Universidad ICESI
Solomon, G. (2010). Training Programs for Fledgling Entrepreneurs. In F. Kiesner (Ed.), Creating Entrepreneurs - Making Miracles Happen, Singapore, World Scientific (forthcoming)
Solomon, G. & Tomczyk, D. (2009). The Impact of Age And Reading On The Desire For Training Of Managers In Entrepreneurial Ventures. In M. Fink and S. Kraus (Eds.) The Management of Small and Medium Enterprises. New York, New York, Routledge.
George T. Solomon currently serves as chair of the Wilford White Fellows for the International Council of Small Business.
Journal Editorial Boards
Journal of Small Business Management
Journal of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Change
International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development
Editor, Journal of Small Business Management, 2010-2015
2017–2018: Received $2,500 grant from George Washington University to explore the feasibility of creating a university-wide undergraduate Interdisciplinary Minor in Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The program is online effective Fall 2018.
2015: Received a $49,870 contract from Industry Canada to undertake a National Survey of Entrepreneurial Education for Canada.
2014: Awarded a $20,000 grant from the Kauffman Foundation for support of the annual GW Entrepreneurship Policy Conference.
2013: Awarded an $18,800 grant from the Kauffman Foundation for the dissemination and analysis of the 2013–2014 National Survey of Entrepreneurial Education.
2012: Awarded a $15,000 grant from the Kauffman Foundation for the analyzing state of the art in entrepreneurial training in the US.
2008: Received $29,000 grant from National SCORE Foundation to conduct research linking SCORE volunteer’s values to their performance and evaluating the impact of SCORE’s Online Consulting to small businesses.
2017–2018: Selected as a George Washington University cross-campus fellow.
2016: Selected to receive the Peter B. Vaill Faculty Member of the Year award at the George Washington University.
2016: Reelected Chair Wilford L. White Fellows, International Council for Small Business. Reelected for two-year terms from 1996 to 2016.
2014: Elected as Faculty Advisor for GWSB to Sigma Nu Tau (ENT) National Entrepreneurship Honor Society.
2013: Selected to receive the Peter B. Vaill Faculty Member of the Year award at the George Washington University.
2012: Received President’s Award, International Council for Small Business for role as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Small Business Management.
2011: Awarded the Max S. Wortman, Jr. lifetime achievement in entrepreneurship award by the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE).
2009: Received the Academy of Management Outstanding Leadership and Service Award.
2009: Awarded by the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Award for Innovative Teaching in Free Enterprise and Entrepreneurship.
2009: Awarded National Innovative Entrepreneurship Pedagogy by the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE).