Research in International Business

Recent Faculty Publications

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Meghana Ayyagari

  • Ayyagari, Meghana, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, and Vojislav Maksimovic, 2017. What determines entrepreneurial outcomes across the world? Role of Initial Conditions, Review of Financial Studies 30 (7) 2478-2522.
  • Ayyagari, Meghana, Luis Dau, and Jennifer Spencer, 2015. Strategic Responses to FDI in Emerging Markets: Are Core Members More Responsive than Peripheral Members of Business Groups, Academy of Management Journal 58(6) 1869-1894.
  • Ayyagari, Meghana, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, and Vojislav Maksimovic, 2014. Bribe Payments and Innovation in Developing Countries: Are Innovating Firms Disproportionately Affected, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 49(1), 51-75.
  • Ayyagari, Meghana, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, and Vojislav Maksimovic, 2014. Who creates jobs in developing countries? Small Business Economics 43, 75-99.
  • Ayyagari, Meghana, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, and Vojislav Maksimovic, 2013. What determines protection of property rights? An Analysis of Direct and Indirect Effects, Journal of Financial Econometrics 11(4), 610-649.

Heather Berry

  • Berry, H., 2018. Combinative Capabilities, Internal Global Sourcing and Technology Diversification in MNCs, (Best Paper), Proceedings of the 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
  • Berry, H., 2017. Managing Valuable Knowledge in Weak IP Protection Countries, Journal of International Business Studies. Available online at DOI: 10.1057/s41267-017-0072-1
  • Berry, H., 2017. The International Configurations of US Multinational Corporations, in Alcacer, J., B. Kogut, B. Yeung and C. Thomas (eds), Advances in Strategic Management: Geography, Location and Strategy, Volume 36. Springer (New York, NY), pp 9-48.
  • Berry, H., 2016. The Global Family Patents of Multinational Corporations. (Best Paper) Proceedings of the 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Online ISSN: 2151 6561. Winner, Dom Cabral Best Paper in Strategy/IB Theory, AOM, IM Division, 2013.
  • Berry, H. and A. Kaul. 2016. Replicating the Multinationality-Performance Relationship: Is There an S-Curve?” Strategic Management Journal 37(11): 2275-2290.
  • Berry, H., 2015. Knowledge Inheritance in Global Industries: The Impact of Parent Firm Knowledge on the Performance of Foreign Subsidiaries, Academy of Management Journal 58(5):1438-58.
  • Berry, H. and A. Kaul, 2015. Global Sourcing and Foreign Knowledge Seeking, Management Science, 61(5): 1052-1071.
  • Berry, H., M. Guillen and A. Hendi, 2014. Is there Convergence Across Countries? A Spatial Approach. Journal of International Business Studies 45(4): 387-404
  • Berry, H., 2014. Global Integration and Innovation: Multi-Country Knowledge Generation within MNCs, Strategic Management Journal 35(6): 869-890
  • Berry, H, 2013. When Do Firms Divest Foreign Operations? Organization Science. 24:2462-79.
  • Bals, L., Berry, H., Hartmann, E. and G. Rattich, 2013. What Do We Know About Going Global Early: Liabilities of Foreignness and Early Internationalizing Firms in Devinney, T., T. Pedersen and L. Tihanyi (eds) Advances in International Management Volume 26, Springer (New York, NY), pp. 397-433 (authors listed alphabetically).

Danny Leipziger

  • Leipziger, D. and S. Yusuf, “Growth Strategies for Africa in a Changing Global Environment,” 2013, forthcoming.
  • “Ascent After Decline: Regrowing Global Economies after the Great Recession,” 2012, The World Bank and the Growth Dialogue, Washington, D.C., (edited with O. Canuto).
  • “Multilateralism, the shifting Global Economic Order, and Development Policy,” Canadian Development Report, 2011, (North-South Institute, Ottawa, Canada).
  • “Globalization and Growth: Implications for a Post-Crisis World,” The Commission on Growth and Development, 2010, Washington, D.C., (edited with Spence, Michael).
  • Africa’s Urbanization: Challenges and Opportunities,” in Monga, C. and J. Lin (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics: Context and Concepts, Vol 1, Oxford University Press, 2015 with M Freire and S. Lall.
  • “Restarting Global Growth: Harnessing the Forces of Economic Growth,” Bellagio White Paper, Growth Dialogue, Washington, D.C., (with Michael Spence, James Mayika, and Ravi Kanbur), 2015.
  • “Growth Strategies for Africa in a Changing Global Environment,” in Noman, A. and J. Stiglitz (eds.), Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa, Columbia University Press, New York, with S. Yusuf, 2015.
  • “The Role and Influence of International Financial Institution,“ in B. Currie-Adler et. al. (eds.), International Development: Ideas, Experience, and Prospects, Oxford University Press, 2014.
  • “The Bellagio Symposium on New Growth Paradigms,” A Growth Dialogue White Paper, The Growth Dialogue, Washington, D.C., 2012 with H. Kharas and M. Spence.
  • “Multilateralism, the Shifting Global Economic Order, and Development Policy,” in Global Issues: Multilateral Solution (Canadian Development Report, North-South Institute, Ottawa, 2012.


Anupama Phene

  • Intergovernmental organizations and innovation. Jandhyala S. and A. Phene. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2015 60(4): 712-743.
  • Communities and knowledge: An investigation of the influences of the innovativeness of Indian inventors in the U.S. semiconductor industry. Almeida P., Phene A. and S. Li. Organization Science, 2015 26(1): 198-217.
  • Knowledge spillovers and alliances. Phene A. and S. Tallman. Journal of Management Studies, 2014 51(7): 1058-1090.
  • Sourcing external knowledge: Clusters, alliances and acquisitions. Tallman S. and A. Phene, Oxford Research Reviews, 2014.
  • Complexity, context and governance in biotechnology alliances. Phene, A. and S. Tallman. Journal of International Business Studies, 2012 43(1): 61-83.
  • When do acquisitions facilitate technological exploration and exploitation? Phene, A., Tallman, S. and P. Almeida. Journal of Management. 2012 38(3): 753-783.
  • Managing knowledge within and outside the multinational corporation. Almeida, P. and A. Phene. In Andersson, M, Johansson, B, Karlsson, C and H. Loof (Eds).
  • Innovation and Growth: From R&D strategies of innovating firms to economy-wide technological change. 2012, Oxford University Press.
  • Innovation in multinational subsidiaries: The role of knowledge assimilation and subsidiary capabilities. Phene, A. and P. Almeida. Journal of International Business Studies. 2008, 39(5): 901-919.

Scheherazade Rehman

  • “National Security and Financial Crisis,” Florida International University College of Law, the FIU Law Review and the Federalist Society, (forthcoming) Summer 2012.
  • “Access to Finance as a Critical Proxy for Banking Sector Soundness in Emerging Market Economies: The Case Study of Central Eastern Europe” (with A. Kulathunga), Journal of International Finance Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3 (forthcoming), October/November 2012.
  • “Economic Development Conditions: A Survey of the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC)”– BOOK CHAPTER (with H. Askari) in Islamic Finance (Iqbal, Zamir, editor), World Bank Group, World Bank-IMF Publication, Washington, D.C. (forthcoming), Summer 2012.
  • “Explaining the Returns of Active Currency Managers (For Public Investors)” (with S. Nasypbek), Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Public Investors Reports on Portfolio And Risk Management For Central Banks And Sovereign Wealth Funds, Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Papers No. 58, Basel, Switzerland, October 2011.
  • “Corruption: The View From The Persian Gulf” (with H. Askari and N. Arfaa), Global Economy Journal, Vol. 11: Issue 3, Fall 2011.
  • “Globalization Of Islamic Finance: Myth Or Reality?” (with F. Perry), International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 1, No.14, Fall 2011.
  • “FDI, Technology Spillovers, Growth, and Income Inequality: A Selective Survey” (with D. Clark, J. Highfill, and J. Campino), Global Economy Journal, Vol. 11: Issue 2, Sum 2011.

Liesl Riddle

  • Riddle, Liesl and Ayyagari, Meghanna. “Desperate Times, Desperate Measures: Gender Differences in Upward Influence Ethics among Egyptian Managers,” manuscript in progress.
  • Riddle, Liesl. “Beyond Clear Winners and Losers of Quota Elimination: The Case of Turkey,” in Jiawen Yang (Ed.) Globalization and the World Textile Industry. Paper was reviewed and has been accepted as book chapter.
  • “Adaptation of Interorganizational Networks To Environmental Change: Creating Insiders and Outsiders in the Turkish Clothing Industry,” manuscript revision in progress.
  • “Beyond Clear Winners and Losers of Quota Elimination: The Case of Turkey,” in Jiawen Yang’s (Ed.) Globalization and the World Textile Industry; paper was reviewed and has been accepted as book chapter.
  • Riddle, Liesl; Marano, Valentina. “Homeland Export and Investment Promotion Programs for the Diaspora: A Call to Research,” invited paper has been submitted to book editor, Dr. Jennifer Brinkerhoff.
  • Riddle, L. et al., “A 21st Century Assessment of Values across the Global Workforce,” Journal of Business Ethics, November 2011, Volume 104, Issue 1, pp. 1-31.
  • Riddle, Liesl. Diasporas Entrepreneurs as Institutional Change Agents: The Case of, International Business Review, (2011).
  • Ralston, David; Carolyn Egri; Liesl Riddle; Charlotte Karam; David Brock; Tevfik Dalgic; Arif Butt. “Managerial Values in the Greater Middle East: Similarities and Differences across Seven Countries,” International Business Review, 21 (3), pp. 13, 2012.
  • “Diasporas Entrepreneurs as Institutional Change Agents: The Case of,” International Business Review, 2011.
  • Liesl Riddle, Meghana Ayyagari, “Contemporary Cleopatras: the business ethics of female Egyptian managers,” 2011, Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues, Vol. 4 Issue: 3, pp. 167-192.
  • Nielsen, Tjai M. and Liesl Riddle, “Investing in Peace: The Motivational Dynamics of Diaspora Investment in Post-Conflict Economies,” 2010, Journal of Business Ethics, 89, pp. 435-448.
  • Gillespie, Kate; Liesl Riddle; Brad McBride. “Globalization, Acculturation, and Local Managers in Developing Countries,” 2010, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, 10(1), pp. 37-53.

Jennifer Spencer

  • Ayyagari, Meghana, Luis Dau and Jennifer W. Spencer. 2015. Strategic Responses to FDI in Emerging Markets: Are Core Members More Responsive Than Peripheral Members of Business Groups? Academy of Management Journal. 51(6): 1869-1894.
  • Vasudeva, Gurneeta, Jennifer W. Spencer and Hildy Teegen. 2013. Bringing the Institutional Context Back In: A Cross-National Comparison of Alliance Partner Selection and Knowledge Acquisition.  Organization Science. 24 (2): 319-338.

Robert Weiner

  • “State Ownership and Transparency in Foreign Direct Investment,” Robert Weiner (with A. Cannizzaro), forthcoming, Journal of International Business Studies.
  • “Multinational Investment and Voluntary Disclosure: Project-Level Evidence from the Petroleum Industry,” Robert Weiner (with A. Cannizzaro), Accounting, Organizations and Society 42, April 2015: 32-47.
  • "Loose-lipped Leviathan? Transparency in Private and State-Owned Multinationals," Robert Weiner (with A. Cannizzaro), Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (Abridged version), 2014.
  • “Institutions sans Frontières: International Agreements and Foreign Investment,” Robert Weiner (with S. Jandhyala), Journal of International Business Studies 45, August 2014: 649-669.
  • Weiner, Robert, “Who Bribes?: Evidence from the UN Oil-for-Food Program” (with Y. Jeong), Strategic Management Journal, 2012.

Jiawen Yang

  • “State Ownership, Cross-Border Acquisition, and Risk-Taking: Evidence from China's Banking Industry (with Wenyu Zhu),” Journal of Banking & Finance, 71 (October 2016). pp. 133-153.
  • “Do Chinese banks perform better after IPOs,” Jiawen Yang (with Haiyan Yin and Jamshid Mehran), Managerial Finance, Vol. 41 No. 4, 2015. pp. 368-384.
  • “The sensitivity of non-U.S. bank stock returns to changes of U.S. monetary policy,” Jiawen Yang (with Haiyan Yin), Journal of Applied Finance and Banking 3(6) (2013), 25-43.
  • Banking Industry,” Jiawen Yang (with Wenyu Zhu), Journal of Banking & Finance, 71 (October 2016). pp. 133-153.
  • “Bank characteristics and stock reactions to federal funds rate target changes,” Jiawen Yang (with Haiyan Yin), Applied Financial Economics 23(23) (2013), 1755-1764.
  • “An empirical study of bank efficiency in China after WTO accession,” Jiawen Yang (with Haiyan Yin and Jamshid Mehrana, Global Finance Journal  24(2)(2013), 153-170.
  • “Value premium in the Chinese stock market: free lunch or paid lunch?” Jiawen Yang (with Yujia Huang and Yongji Zhang), Applied Financial Economics 23(4) (2013), 315-324.
  • “Day and Night Returns of Chinese ADRs (with Hui He),” Journal of Banking & Finance 36 (2012) 2795-2803 (
  • “China’s International Coordination in Policy Response to the 2008 Financial Crisis,” Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, XII(2) (Summer/Fall 2011): 73-88.
  • “Regime-switching analysis of ADR home market pass-through (with Hui He),” Journal of Banking & Finance 35 (1) (January 2011), 204-214.