Homayoun Khamooshi

Homayoun Khamooshi
Chair, Project Management Academic Committee; Program Director, Master of Science in Project Management; Associate Industry Professor of Decision Sciences
Homayoun Khamooshi is the chair of the project management academic committee, the program director of the Master of Science in Project Management program, and an associate industry professor of decision sciences at the GW School of Business (GWSB).
Ph.D., Management Science, Lancaster University, 1994
M.E., Industrial Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, 1979
B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Abadan Institute of Technology, 1977
Dr. Khamooshi’s research interest includes project management as a dynamic system including integrated project planning and scheduling and control with specific focus on project success, Strategic Project Management (SPM), PRAM (Project Risk Analysis and Management), SIPMS (Smart Integrated Project Management Systems). He has numerous publications in multiple outlets including Computers and Industrial Engineering, JORS (Journal of Operational Research Society), IEEE (Engineering Management), IJPM (International Journal of Project Management), IJCM and other journals.
Khamooshi H., Golafshani H.,”EDM: Earned Duration Management a New Look at Schedule Performance Measures,” under publication by International Journal of Project Management, 2014.
Khamooshi, H. and Cioffi, D. (2013), “Uncertainty in Task Duration and Cost Estimates: Fusion of Probabilistic Forecasts and Deterministic Scheduling,” J. Constr. Eng. Manage, 139(5), 488-497
Khamooshi H., Cioffi Denis, “Program Risk Contingency Budget Planning,” IEEE, Feb.2009 Vol. 56, No.1.
Cioffi Denis, Khamooshi H., “A Practical Method to Determine Project Risk Contingency Budget,” Journal of Operational Research Society (JORS), Vol. 60, No.4. 2008.
Glickman, T. and Khamooshi, H., “Using Hazard Networks to Determine Risk Reduction Strategies,” Journal of Operational Research Society, 2005, Vol. 56, 1265-1272.
- Project Management Applications
- Planning and Scheduling
- Cost Estimation and Control
- Risk Management
- Risk Analysis for Decision Making
- Introduction to Project Management