Ravi Achrol

Ravi Achrol
Chair, Department of Marketing; Professor of Marketing
Ravi Achrol is the chair of the department of marketing and a professor of marketing science at the GW School of Business. Professor Achrol received his Ph.D. from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management at Northwestern University. He has a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Rajasthan University, Jaipur (India), and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Delhi University. He joined the GW School of Business in 1991 and is currently the Chair of the Department of Marketing. He was the Associate Dean for Research and Doctoral Studies from 2012-2014. From 1981-1991 he was on the faculty of the University of Notre Dame. From 2001 to 2003, he held the Kmart Corporation Endowed Chair in Marketing at West Virginia University. His areas of research include channels of distribution including digital channels, marketing and global competitive strategy, interorganizational theory, network organization, strategic alliances and relationship marketing, measurement methodologies. His widely-cited research articles (over 13,000 citations) have been published in prestigious scholarly journals including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Journal of Retailing, Social Science Research, Journal of Business Strategy, and various other scholarly publications. He has been a longtime reviewer for the leading journals in marketing and has served on a number of editorial boards from time to time.
- Achrol, Ravi S. and Philip Kotler (2012), “Frontiers of the Marketing Paradigm in the Third Millennium.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 40, No. 1 (Jan), pp. 35-52.
- Achrol, Ravi S. and Philip Kotler (1999), "Marketing in the Network Economy," Journal of Marketing, vol. 63 (Special Issue), pp. 146-163.
- Kumar, Nirmalya, Louis W. Stern and Ravi S. Achrol (1992),"Assessing Reseller Performance from the Perspective of the Supplier," Journal of Marketing Research, 29 (May), pp. 238-253.
- Achrol, Ravi S. (1991), "Evolution of the Marketing Organization: New Forms for Dynamic Environments," Journal of Marketing, 55 (October), pp. 77-93.
- Achrol, Ravi S. and Louis W. Stern (1988), "Environmental Determinants of Decision Making Uncertainty in Marketing Channels," Journal of Marketing Research, 25 (Feb), pp. 36-50.
- Wachovia Distinguished Speaker, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, April 4, 2013.
- Crain Research Scholar, School of Business, George Washington University 2004.
- Kmart Endowed Chair in Marketing, West Virginia University, 2001-2003. Consortium faculty speaker at the Sheth-AMA Doctoral Consortium, August 12-15, 1998, University of Georgia, Athens.
- Appointed Global Management Research Professor in the School of Business and Public Management, The George Washington University, 1996.
- Best Paper Award. The paper “The Franchise as a Network Organization.” Won the Best Conference Paper Award at the 10th Conference of the Society of Franchising, Honolulu, Feb. 17-18, 1996.
- 1990 International Society of Franchising, research grant to support study into Franchiser Services and the Strategic Contingencies Facing Franchisees (with Professor Michael J. Etzel, University of Notre Dame).
- 1989-90 Marketing Science Institute, research grant to support research in Assessing Reseller Performance in marketing channels (with Nirmalya Kumar and Professor Louis W. Stern of Northwestern University).
- 1989 research grant from Northwestern University, J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, to support conceptual and methodological contributions in the study of Reseller Performance.
- 1988-1989 Marketing Science Institute, research grant to fund research in Strategic Marketing Alliances (with Professor Louis W. Stern of Northwestern University).
- Best Paper Awards. The paper “New Developments in Corporate Strategy” won two awards at the 1983 AMA Educators’ Conference:
- Overall best competitive paper of the conference.
- Best competitive paper in the Marketing Strategy, Planning and Control, and Special Markets track.
- Summer Research Grants, University of Notre Dame, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
- Summer Research Grants, George Washington University, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999
- Doctoral student representative from Northwestern University to the American Marketing Association’s Doctoral Consortium, University of Maryland, August 1981.
- The paper “The Dialectics of Marketing” presented before the 4th National Marketing Convention (January, 1977, New Delhi, India) won the second best paper award along with a cash prize.
- Awarded University Gold Medal for topping the honors list in graduate studies in business administration, University of Rajasthan, India, 1973.
- Ph.D., Northwestern University
- M.S., Rajasthan University, India
- B.S., Delhi University, India
Professor Achrol teaches the core graduate and undergraduate courses in Marketing Management and the elective course Marketing Channels of Distribution.
MKTG 6290 - Marketing Channels of Distribution
Channels of distribution are the means by which products and services are delivered to consumers. They are critical to marketing success. In consumer goods marketing they represent a life and death line in the sand. Over 40,000 new products are introduced each year. Only a fraction of these will make it onto the shelves, and a high percentage of those will not survive on the shelves too long. Understanding the competitive and promotional dynamics in today’s channels is vital. Understanding the rapidly changing channel environment is equally vital. Traditional channels are being disrupted by the new online channels like Amazon. This course covers the areas of retailing, wholesaling, logistics, inventory management, trade promotion, channel conflict, legal issues, online channels and the influence of social media, and global logistics. It uses a combination of text materials, research articles, and case studies to deliver the content and facilitate interactive learning in the classroom.
- Ravi Achrol (2012), “Three Decades of Slotting Allowances: A Times Series Analysis of Some Aggregate Effects,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, vol. 40 (5), September, pp. 673–694. Published online on ‘Online First’ on SpringerLink, 6-16, 2011.
- Ravi Achrol and Philip Kotler (2012), “Frontiers of the Marketing Paradigm in the Third Millennium.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Vol. 40 (1) January, page 35-52. Published online on ‘Online First’ on SpringerLink 2011,
- Ravi Achrol (2012), “The Evolution of Marketing Networks: Stage IV,” American Marketing Assoc. Winter Educators’ Conference, St. Petersburg, FL, March 18, 2012
- Ravi Achrol and Philip Kotler (2012), “Marketing’s Phantom Zone: The Poor.” Forthcoming in Markets, Globalization & Development Review.
- Ravi S. Achrol (ed.) (2011), Marketing Theory and Orientations: The Contributions of Marketing Legend Dr. Philip Kotler. Sage Publications. Invited to edit this volume which is part of the series of volumes Legends in Marketing.
- Ravi S. Achrol (2011), “The Big Bang Theories of Philip Kotler,” in R. S. Achrol (ed.), Marketing Theory and Orientations: The Contributions of Marketing Legend Dr. Philip Kotler. Sage Publications.
- Ravi S. Achrol (2011), “An Interview with Philip Kotler,” in R. S. Achrol (ed.), Marketing Theory and Orientations: The Contributions of Marketing Legend Dr. Philip Kotler. Sage Publications.
- Ravi S. Achrol and Philip Kotler (2011), “Marketing in the IIIrd Millennium,” in R. S. Achrol (ed.), Marketing Theory and Orientations: The Contributions of Marketing Legend Dr. Philip Kotler. Sage Publications.
- Joo Hwan Seo, Ravi S. Achrol (2011), “Marketing Channel Theory and Slotting Fees: An Empirical Analysis using Penal Quantile Regression,” 33rd INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Houston, TX, June 9–11.
- Ravi S. Achrol & Joo Hwan Seo (2011), “Marketing Channel Theory and Slotting Allowances: An Empirical Analysis using Quantile Regression,” American Marketing Assoc. Winter Marketing Educators’ Conference, Austin, TX, February 18–20.
- Ravi S. Achrol and Philip Kotler (2005), “The Service-Centered Dominant Logic of Marketing: A Critique,” in Robert Lusch and Stephen Vargo (eds.), Toward a Service-Dominant Logic for Marketing: Dialog, Debate and Directions, M.E. Sharpe, Inc.