Margaret Ormiston

Margaret Ormiston
Associate Professor of Management
Margaret Ormiston is an associate professor of management at the George Washington University School of Business. Prior to joining GW, Margaret was on the faculty at London Business School. She received her doctorate in Business Administration and Industrial Relations from University of California, Berkeley. Prior to obtaining her Ph.D., Margaret worked as a research analyst at the Center for Effective Organizations, at the University of Southern California and as a research analyst at a litigation consulting firm in Los Angeles.
Her research examines leadership within both top management teams as well as small groups in organizations to understand what makes them successful. Margaret’s research has been presented at international conferences and is published in leading academic outlets such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Personnel Psychology and Psychological Science. Her work has regularly garnered the attention of worldwide media outlets, including Business Week, Fortune, Time Magazine, Wall Street Journal, and National Public Radio’s Morning Edition.
Margaret teaches on the MBA and undergraduate programs at GW as well as executive education programs at London Business School. Her co-led course, Leading Teams for Emerging Leaders, is consistently rated as one of the top executive education programs in organizational behavior at London Business School. She has taught and consulted with numerous global and start-up organizations including Ericsson, Prudential, Deutsche Bank, Oman Oil, HSBC, and Vinted.
Ph.D., Business Administration, University of California at Berkeley, Haas School of Business, 2007
B.A., Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, 1998
- Kim. K., Ormiston, M.E., Easterbrook, M., Vignoles, V. (2017). The effects of demographic dissimilarity on the belonging and
distinctiveness motives. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations. - Gomulya, D., Wong, E.M., Ormiston, M.E., & Boeker, W. (in press). The face of the next leader: The role of facial structure and perceptions of trustworthiness on CEO selection after firm misconduct. Journal of Applied Psychology.
- Haselhuhn, M. P., Wong, E. M., & Ormiston, M. E. (2017). With great power comes shared responsibility: Psychological power and the delegation of authority. Personality and Individual Differences, 108, 1-4.
- Ormiston, M.E., Wong, E.M. & Haselhuhn, M.P. (2017). Facial-width-to-height ratio predicts perceptions of integrity in males. Personality and Individual Differences, 105, 40-42.
- Ormiston, M.E. (2016). Explaining the link between objective and perceived differences in groups: The role of belonging and distinctiveness motives. Journal of Applied Psychology. 101(2), 222-236.
- Haselhuhn, M.P., Wong, E.M., Ormiston, M.E., Inesi, M.E., & Galinsky, A.D., (2014). Negotiating face-to-face, Men’s facial structure predicts negotiation performance. Special issue on facial appearance and leadership, Leadership Quarterly. 25: 835-845.
- Ormiston, M.E. & Wong, E.M. (2013). License to ill: The effects of corporate social responsibility and CEO moral identity on corporate social irresponsibility. Personnel Psychology, 66, 861–893