Kathleen Duffy

Kathleen Duffy
Senior Director, Career Development
Kathleen Duffy is the senior director of Career Development with the F. David Fowler Career Center (FDFCC) at the George Washington University School of Business.
Kathleen comes to GWSB from a corporate career where she developed expertise in organizational development, human-resources management, operations, customer service and career development. She held leadership roles throughout her career with organizations including American Airlines, JetBlue Airways, U.S. Airways and Lee Hecht Harrison, an international career management firm, where she coached executives in career transition and led job search work teams.
As senior director at FDFCC, Kathleen oversees a team of career consultants and project managers who are committed to providing students with innovative programs and coaching services designed to enhance student market-readiness. She has a passion for coaching and service-leadership and enjoys connecting students with alumni, and mentors who can be powerful advocates for students as they develop strategies for their personal and professional lives.