In Memoriam: Dr. John H. Carson

October 30, 2018

Dr. John H. Carson, Professor Emeritus of Information Systems and Technology Management (B.S. in E.E. 1969, M.S. 1970, Ph.D. 1976, Lehigh University) passed away on October 29, 2018. He was a founder of both the MS in Information Systems Technology degree program at GWSB and the Executive Master of IS program at GW's Ashburn Campus, which he directed for more than 10 years.

John was chair of the GW School of Business Dean’s Council for six years and a long-term member of the Faculty Senate. In addition to his years as a member of the GWSB faculty, John served as a consultant to numerous corporations (including Mitre, Software Productivity Consortium, and later Center for Information Technology), lectured extensively in IEEE conferences on C, C++ and Unix, and was a successful author. He coauthored “Multiple Processor Systems for Real-Time Applications” with Burt H. Liebowitz, which was published by Prentice Hall, and wrote the chapter on “Local Area Networks” for the John Wiley Encyclopedia of Telecommunications. He also served on several editorial boards.

John was a popular professor, well-liked by his colleagues and his students. He will be missed.