Gil Appel

Gil Appel
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Gil Appel is an assistant professor of marketing at the GW School of Business. Dr. Appel received his B.A. in Management and Economics in 2003 and his M.B.A. (2009) from Tel-Aviv University, Israel. He received his Ph.D. (2016, in Marketing) from the Guilford Glazer Faculty of Business and Management at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel.
Professor Appel’s research has focused on the rapidly growing digital domain, within which he is interested in two main arcs: The first arc is the evolution of digital markets, from e-commerce to social networks to mobile domains. Using quantitative models, he examines new products’ development and growth, and how such markets differ from traditional ones. His second research arc uses digital markets to examine individual behavior. Specifically, using individual-level data to examine the process wherein individual-level behavior manifests as segment and market dynamics. Dr. Appel work addresses important behavioral questions that relates to disparity, social processes, social norms, consumers’ choice heuristics and biases in the markets.
Dr. Appel has published on the subject of digital markets in top academic journals Management Science, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (JPSP), the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS).
Prior to joining the faculty at George Washington University in 2020, Dr. Appel served on the faculty of the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California, where he won the USC Marshall Golden Apple Award for Teaching Excellence.
- Gil Appel, Barak Libai, and Eitan Muller (2018), “On the Monetary Impact of Fashion Design Piracy,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 35(4), 591-610. Also published as part of MSI’s working paper series (2013) [13-108]. Finalist for the 2018 IJRM Best Article Award.
- Gil Appel, Lauren Grewal, Rhonda Hadi, and Andrew Stephen (2020), “The Future of Social Media in Marketing,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48, 79-95.
- Gil Appel, Barak Libai, Eitan Muller, and Ron Shachar (2020), “On the Monetization of Mobile Apps,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 37(1), 93-107.
- Yaniv Shani, Gil Appel, Shai Danziger, and Ron Shachar (2020), “When and Why Consumers “Accidently” Endanger Their Products,” accepted at Management Science.
- Priyanka Joshi, Cheryl Wakslak, Gil Appel, and Laura Huang (2020), “Gender Differences in Communicative Abstraction,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(3), 417-435. Also featured in Psychology Today (2019). Also featured in Forbes (2019).
MKTG 6252 - Digital Marketing
An elective in the MBA and Graduate Certificates in Marketing.
This course is designed to stretch and challenge your thinking about Digital and Internet Marketing, a broad, complex, dominating and fast-moving field. The field has evolved to encompass a variety of domains--from the desktop to mobile to the Internet of Things (IoT), consumers are more connected than ever. In this class, students will gain an in-depth understanding of digital marketing strategy and of the consumer in the digital world. In class we will talk about technology fundamentals, digital strategy, online and mobile business models, pricing and content marketing. We will discuss several business cases related to these topics, and study how a company can build its social media strategy. We will cover topics such as why people talk and the structure of social networks. Finally, we will study how the firm can listen, engage and promote to customers using social media
MKTG 6265 - Mktg Relational Databases & CRM
An elective in the MBA and Graduate Certificates in Marketing.
The topic of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has become central to many of marketing activities in firms. The basis for this transition lies in the understanding that the individual customer, rather then a specific product, is the driver of firm success, and thus should be the focus of analysis. Here we will study various aspects of online consumer behavior. We cover topics such as customer analytics, segmentation, customer acquisition, development and retention. We will be using Excel software (students will learn how to do more advanced Excel techniques such as risk analysis and estimating profit distributions). We will cover all the tools needed to do the data analysis in class (no previous data analysis experience is necessary).