Brian Citizen

Brian Citizen
Associate Director, Employer Relations
Brian Citizen is the associate director of employer relations with the F. David Fowler Career Center (FDFCC) at the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB).
Brian comes to GWSB from Christ Chapel Academy, a Northern Virginia K-12 Private School. He spent 7.5 years at the academy overseeing marketing, communications, and fundraising. He also spent time as an entrepreneur in the Edtech space. Brian has expertise in the areas of marketing, communications, fundraising, networking, and entrepreneurship.
As assistant director of Employer Relations at FDFCC, Brian oversees a portfolio of employer relationships specializing in Technology, Communications, and Non-Profit industries. He develops and maintains employer relationships to expand the range of employer recruiting activities. In addition, he actively pursues college relations/recruiter contacts as well as other hiring sources for students and alumni. Lastly, Brian networks with chambers of commerce, employers, and professional associations for recruiting purposes.