Ayman El Tarabishy

Ayman El Tarabishy
Deputy Chair, Department of Management; Teaching Professor of Management
Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy is the deputy chair of the Department of Management and a teaching professor of management at the George Washington University School of Business. His expertise involves entrepreneurship and creative, innovative, humane-focused practices. In addition, Dr. El Tarabishy is the president & CEO of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), the oldest and largest non-profit organization devoted to advancing small business research and practices. The council is a coalition of more than 23 knowledge hubs represented in over 150 countries.
Dr. El Tarabishy is an award-winning author and teacher. In 2022, he was awarded the "Outstanding Accelerated Master of Business Administration Faculty Award." In 2021, the “Outstanding Online & Healthcare Master of Business Administration Faculty" award, which was voted on entirely by students. The George Washington University New Venture Competition awarded Dr. El Tarabishy the "Most Influential Faculty" award in 2019. Dr. El Tarabishy also developed the first social entrepreneurship, innovation, and creativity courses offered to MBA and undergraduate students.
Remembered as one of his most outstanding achievements, Dr. El Tarabishy played a central role in creating and promoting the United Nations Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Day. Recognized by the United Nations and the Permanent Mission of Argentina to the United Nations, this Name Day is designated on specific dates to mark particular events or topics to consciously and actively promote the organization's objectives. With his novel idea, Dr. El Tarabishy managed to work closely with the Permanent Mission of Argentina to propose a resolution to dedicate a United Nations International Name Day to MSMEs. Approved by the United Nations General Assembly, the proposal was presented by the Permanent Mission of Argentina and 54 countries; thus, 5.5 billion people acted as co-signers of this resolution.
From that day forward, June 27th has been recognized as the official UN MSME Day.
Dr. El Tarabishy created and managed the Global Entrepreneurship Research and Policy Conference (GWOctober.org), an international conference hosted by George Washington University. This conference combines the latest and most cutting-edge entrepreneurial research with the most pressing and vital intra- and international policies for promoting entrepreneurship and MSMEs. The conference’s modern intersections have brought the conference to high standings regarding global development.
Dr. El Tarabishy is the editor-in-chief of the Journal for Small Business Management (JSBM). JSBM aims to publish scholarly research articles in small business management and entrepreneurship. JSBM has an impact factor of 4.544 and is circulated in over 130 countries worldwide.
Dr. El Tarabishy previously worked for the World Bank’s Corporate Strategy Group. He assisted in developing and managing their technological strategy for the Developmental Marketplace Program. This program set out to identify and support the creation of cutting-edge solutions to the world’s most pressing social and economic concerns. The Global Development Marketplace competition has granted over the US $125 million awards to 650 winning proposals.
While assisting the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Dr. El Tarabishy aided in developing effective methods to engage in business in Egypt. As a result, his created program, aimed to promote social development and trade, was adopted by the most critical U.S. delegation mission to Egypt.
Continuing to consult and conduct executive training for several national and international organizations, Dr. El Tarabishy’s clients include the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank, and the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB).
Professional Associations
- Academy of Management
- Member, Organizational Behavior Division
- Member, Organization Development and Change Division
- Member, Entrepreneurship Division
- International Leadership Association
Professional Specialties
- Designing and Conducting Organizational Research Focused on Leadership and Entrepreneurship
- Design and Implementation of Leadership Development Programs
- Designing and Facilitating Executive Team Development Sessions
- Assisting Executives and Managers in the Design and Implementation of Major Cultural Change Efforts in Organizations
Among Dr. El Tarabishy’s clients have been the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the National Federation of Small Business (NFIB), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the United States Association for Small Business (USASBE).
- Leadership
- Innovation and Creativity
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship
- Ph.D., The George Washington University
- M.B.A., The George Washington University
“The Intersection of Humane Entrepreneurship and the New Sustainable Goals” 2016 Entrepreneurship and SME World Conference, Seoul, South Korea.
Scholarly Books Authored
Passerini, K. , El Tarabishy, A. , & Patten, K. (2012). Information Technology for Small Business, Managing the Digital Enterprise. Springer, Boston, MA. (Award-Winning)
Scholarly Books Edited
El Tarabishy, A. (2009). Social Media for Teaching Leadership. Software and internet-based materials to accompany. Peter G. Northouse, Leadership: Theory and practice. (5th ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Book Chapters
Renko, M. El Tarabishy, A. (2011). Entrepreneurial Leadership in Family Firms. Understand Family Business: Neglected topics, new approaches and theories. Springer, Boston, MA.
Landoli, L. Parente, R. El Tarabishy, A. (2011). TechnoModel Creative Destruction in the Italian High Fashion Industry. Cases in European Entrepreneurship edited by Thomas M. Cooney. European Entrepreneurship Case Study Resource Centre. Brussels.
Monsen, E., Urbig, D. Renko, M. El Tarabishy, A. E. & Schoedt, L. (2010). Explaining Entrepreneurial Intent and Behavior: Moderating Effects of Efficacy and Control Beliefs. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 30. Wellesley, MA: Babson College
El Tarabishy, A. (2009). Social Media for Teaching Leadership. Software and internet based materials to accompany. Peter G. Northouse, Leadership: Theory and practice. (5th ed.) Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Solomon, G., Duffy, S and Tarabishy, A. 2005. The State of Entrepreneurship Education in the United States: A Nationwide Survey and Analysis. In Keystones of Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Malden Mass: Blackwell Publishing.
Refereed Book Chapters
Renko Maija, El Tarabishy Ayman, Carsrud Alan L. & Brännback Malin (2012) Entrepreneurial Leadership and the Family Business. In: Understanding Family Businesses - Undiscovered Approaches, Unique Perspectives, and Neglected Topics, edited by Alan Carsrud & Malin Brännback. Springer: International Studies in Entrepreneurship- series, Vol. 15, 169-184.
Iandoli, L. Parente, R. El Tarabishy, A. (2011). TechnoModel – Creative Destruction in the Italian High Fashion Industry. Cases in European Entrepreneurship edited by Thomas M. Cooney. European Entrepreneurship Case Study Resource Centre. Brussels.
Monsen, E., Urbig, D. Renko, M. El Tarabishy, A. E. & Schoedt, L. (2010). Explaining Entrepreneurial Intent and Behavior: Moderating Effects of Efficacy and Control Beliefs. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 30. Wellesley, MA: Babson College.
Renko Maija, El Tarabishy Ayman, Carsrud Alan L. & Brännback Malin, Understanding and measuring entrepreneurial leadership style, Journal of Small Business Management, 2015 Jan.
Sashkin, M., El-Tarabishy, A., & Harvey, M. (2009, January/February). Stogdill 60 years later: The role of character in leadership effectiveness. The Member Connector,12-14.
El-Tarabishy, A., & Sashkin, M.(2008). Social entrepreneurship at the macro-level: Three lessons for success. Innovations: Technology/Governance/Globalization, 3(3), 56-64.
El Tarabishy, A., Solomon, G., and Sashkin, M. (2005). The entrepreneurial leader’s impact on organizational performance in dynamic markets. The Journal of Private Equity, 8(4), 20-30.
Fernald, L., Solomon, G ., and El Tarabishy, A. (2005). A New Paradigm: Entrepreneurial leadership. Southern Business Review, 30 (2), 1-10.
Solomon, G., Duffy, S. and El Tarabishy, A. (2002). The State of Entrepreneurship Education in the United States: A Nationwide Survey and Analysis. International Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 1(1): 00-00.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Walter Ruda, Pierre G. Keller, Ayman El Tarabishy & Rubén Ascúa (2020) Gender and study discipline-specific differences in the opinion about entrepreneurial aspects: An “ICSB academy” investigation, Journal of Small Business Management, DOI: 10.1080/00472778.2020.1786336
Roberto Parente, Ayman El Tarabishy, Antonio Botti, Massimiliano Vesci & Rosangela Feola (2020) Humane entrepreneurship: Some steps in the development of a measurement scale, Journal of Small Business Management, DOI: 10.1080/00472778.2020.1717292
Parente, R. & El Tarabishy, A., (2020). Giffoni film festival: How to morph a rural area in an innovation cluster in the digital arts production. In SAGE Business Cases. 2020. 10.4135/9781529722567
Passerini, K., Solomon, G., El Tarabishy, A., and Donnelly, R. (2018). Emerging Teaching Exercises: Online Learning Excellence, Panelist, U.S. Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference 2018, Los Angeles, CA, 13 January.
Ligouri, E., El Tarabishy, A., Donnelly, R. and Solomon, G. (2018). Discussants and National Judges, Top 10 Best Entrepreneurial Experiential Learning Exercises, U.S. Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Annual Conference 2018, Los Angeles, CA, 12 January.
Kim, Ki-Chan and El Tarabishy, Ayman and Bae, Zong-Tae (2018), Humane Entrepreneurship: How Focusing on People Can Drive a New Era of Wealth and Quality Job Creation in a Sustainable World. Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 56, pp. 10-29, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jsbm.12431
Parente, Roberto and El Tarabishy, Ayman and Vesci, Massimiliano and Botti, Antonio (2018), The Epistemology of Humane Entrepreneurship: Theory and Proposal for Future Research Agenda. Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 56, pp. 30-52, 2018. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jsbm.12432
Renko Maija, El Tarabishy Ayman, Carsrud Alan L. & Brännback Malin (2015). Understanding and measuring entrepreneurial leadership style. Journal of Small Business Management. Vol. 53, No. 1, 54-75.
El-Tarabishy, A., & Sashkin, M. (2008). Social entrepreneurship at the macro-level: Three lessons for success. innovations: Technology/Governance/Globalization, 3(3), 56-64.
Peer-Reviewed Monographs
Patten, Karen, El Tarabishy, Ayman, Passerini, Katia (2013). Mobile Broadband: A Game-changer for SME IT for Innovation Success, European Business Review.
El Tarabishy, Ayman (2010). The Impact of Broadband Speed and Price on Small Business: A Report to the Small Business Administration Advocacy Group.
Case Studies
2012 El Tarabishy, Griffin, J.J.,A. and Abdallah, A.M. ‘TBS: A Fresh Look at CSR’ with teaching note, KCC Publishing, American University of Cairo, Egypt.
2012 El Tarabishy, Griffin, J.J.,A. and Abdallah, A.M. ‘Arab African International Bank (AAIB): Moving Beyond Philanthropy’, KCC Publishing, American University of Cairo, Egypt.
2012 El Tarabishy, Griffin, J.J.,A. and Abdallah, A.M ‘Wild Guanabana: Growing a Responsible Small Business’, KCC Publishing, American University of Cairo, Egypt.
2012 El Tarabishy, Griffin, J.J.,A. and Abdallah, A.M. ‘The Social Impact Broker: How CID Consulting integrates Corporate Social Responsibility with Social Entrepreneurship in Egypt’ with teaching note, KCC Publishing, American University of Cairo, Egypt.
2012 El Tarabishy, Griffin, J.J.,A. and Abdallah, A.M, A.M. ‘Redefining Value: The Story of Group of Youth’, KCC Publishing, American University of Cairo, Egypt.
2012 El Tarabishy, Griffin, J.J.,A. and Abdallah, A.M. ‘Outreach Egypt – Consultancy for Development The Craftsmanship Enhancement Program’ with teaching note, KCC Publishing, American University of Cairo, Egypt
- The End of Status Quo
- Is Humane Entrepreneurship the Right Entry Point to Find and Deploy Solutions to the Global Challenges Humanity Faces?
- Entrepreneurial Perspectives in Moments of Crisis
- Is Social Distancing Really What We Mean?
- Will Digital Education Become the New Normal?
- Entrepreneurship in Crisis
- Humane Entrepreneurship Is More than Just a Label
- The Changes in Wealth
- SDGs and Humane Entrepreneurship
- A Humane Entrepreneurial Oriented Professor
- Knowing Knowledge and the Future
- The Future of Leadership
- Full Uncertainty, That Is Our Certainty
- A New Type of Professor
- True Equitable Embodiment
- Family Business as A Model for Humane Entrepreneurship
- Humane Entrepreneurship in Practice
- Generation Corona
- Exponential Thinking in the UAE
- Helping Small Businesses Change the World
- A New Dawn for Small Businesses
- In Love with Coq au Vin
- A Business School for the Day After
- Australia Shines in the Midst of a Global Pandemic
- Solidarity for Young Workers in the Wake of Corona
- The True Essence of an Entrepreneurial Educator
- Frugal Innovation
- Lessons from the Window Seat: The Need for Inclusive Entrepreneurship
- Restructuring for Resilience: Europe Post COVID-19
- Salute to Health Care Providers
- S. Korea After Corona
- Entrepreneurial Perspectives in Moments of Crisis
Role of Entrepreneurship in Moments of Crisis
Introducing the New Journal for the International Council for Small Business JICSB
Europe in Face of a Crisis - Tradition and Innovation Connect
The SME Crisis in Asia: Innovation is Not an Option
ICSB & USASBE Fireside Chat on Online Education
Social Entrepreneurship Class at the GW School of Business
Creativity & Innovation Course - Fall 2019
Interview with Dr. El Tarabishy About the Role of Leadership in Today's Dynamic Markets
Interview with Dr. El Tarabishy About the New Cognitive Worker and How it Relates to a Modern Organization
Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy (GWU): Social Impact Investing in the Tourism Sector
Leading in a Healthcare Crisis was a virtual conference for Healthcare MBA students at the GW School of Business which took place in July 2020. Presented by ICSB Global and the George Washington University, and chaired by Dr. Ayman El Tarabishy, the conference was designed to help students develop a knowledge toolkit for leading through uncertain times.
The conference proudly hosted more than 30 guest speakers and featured two tracks of presentations on a wide variety of topics ranging from effective leadership at the local level to telemedicine, ad hoc crisis team formation, and more.
Healthcare crises pose unique challenges, and the tools offered in this conference provided leaders from the front lines to the meeting rooms with the essential knowledge required to lead soundly through any crisis that may arise.
Resilience has taken on an entirely new meaning in 2020. We no longer look at an individual, organization, or firm’s capacity for resilience as an after-thought, but rather as the major deciding factor determining a firm’s present and future success. Witnessing the prioritization of resilience in designing, constructing, and growing a business, we can understand the grand difference between an organization that is just surviving and one that is thriving.
Witnessing the ever-lasting and increasing pressures on micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises — witnessed at the onset and throughout the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis — we must focus on the ways in which we can build sustainable and resilient enterprises that are adaptable to both internal and external changes. We are no longer allowed to wear a veil of ignorance to help us believe in certainty. Entrepreneurs have gone without this veil for longer than most as they recognize the constant changes and ever-present uncertainty in the world around them.
Practices of resilience in entrepreneurial settings will be a major indicating factor of our success moving forward. If we envision a better world, we all must be enabled and empowered to work entrepreneurially in a way that safeguards our work by being prepared to adapt and change. A resilient perspective demands that we see the opportunity regardless of the circumstances.