Anupama Phene

Anupama Phene
Grub Distinguished Scholar and Professor of International Business
Anu Phene is Professor of International Business and Phillip Grub Distinguished Scholar at the School of Business at George Washington University. Before joining GW, she was an Associate Professor of Strategy at the University of Utah. She received her Ph.D. in international management from the University of Texas and her MBA from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Prior to beginning her doctoral studies, she worked for American Express Bank in the treasury department.
Her research focuses on strategies to create innovation and enable knowledge transfer. She has authored publications in the Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Management International Review, Journal of Management Studies and the Journal of Management. She is Associate Editor at Global Strategy Journal, Consulting Editor at the Journal of International Business Studies and is on the editorial board of Organization Science and the Strategic Management Journal. She has received several awards for reviewing including Best Reviewer at Organization Science (2016), Journal of International Business Studies (2014), Strategic Management Society (2014) and AIB (2010). She has also received teaching awards – the 2018 GWSB Student Choice (PMBA Faculty) Award, the 2016 GWSB Undergraduate Teaching Award, the 2014 GWU Trachtenberg Prize for Teaching Excellence, the 2010 GWSB Teaching Excellence Award and the 2006 Brady Superior Teaching Award at the University of Utah.
- Biotechnology
- Strategic Alliances
- Localization of Knowledge
- Subsidiaries
- Multinational Firms
- Innovation
- Ph.D., University of Texas at Dallas, 1999
- M.B.A., Indian Institute of Management, 1990
- B.S., Bombay University, 1988
- Intergovernmental organizations and innovation, Jandhyala S. and A. Phene. Administrative Science Quarterly, 2015 60(4): 712-743
- Communities and knowledge: An investigation of the influences of the innovativeness of Indian inventors in the U.S. semiconductor industry, Almeida P., Phene A. and S. Li. Organization Science, 2015 26(1): 198-217
- Knowledge spillovers and alliances, Phene A. and S. Tallman. Journal of Management Studies, 2014 51(7): 1058-1090.
- Sourcing external knowledge: Clusters, alliances and acquisitions. Tallman S. and A. Phene, Oxford Research Reviews, 2014.
- Complexity, context and governance in biotechnology alliances. Phene, A. and S. Tallman. Journal of International Business Studies, 2012 43(1): 61-83.
- When do acquisitions facilitate technological exploration and exploitation. Phene, A., Tallman, S. and P. Almeida. Journal of Management. 2012 38(3): 753-783.
- Managing knowledge within and outside the multinational corporation. Almeida, P. and A. Phene. In Andersson, M, Johansson, B, Karlsson, C and H. Loof (Eds), Innovation and Growth: From R&D strategies of innovating firms to economy-wide technological change. 2012, Oxford University Press.
- Innovation and Growth: From R&D strategies of innovating firms to economy-wide technological change. 2012, Oxford University Press. Innovation in multinational subsidiaries: The role of knowledge assimilation and subsidiary capabilities. Phene, A. and P. Almeida. Journal of International Business Studies. 2008, 39(5): 901-919
- Evolution of international strategic alliances, Phene A. in S. Tallman (ed), A New Generation in International Strategic Management, 2007, Elgar
- Leveraging knowledge across geographic boundaries, Tallman, S. and A. Phene. Organization Science, 2007, 18(2): 252-260 Co-ordination, appropriation and governance in alliances: The biotechnology case, Tallman, S. and A. Phene in A. Arino and J Reuer (eds), Strategic Alliances: Governance and Contracts, 2006, Palgrave MacMillan
- Co-ordination, appropriation and governance in alliances: The biotechnology case, Tallman, S. and A. Phene in A. Arino and J Reuer (eds), Strategic Alliances: Governance and Contracts, 2006, Palgrave MacMillan
- Structuring and restructuring alliances: A theory based process model, Tallman, S. and A. Phene, in O. Shenkar and J. Reuer (eds), Handbook of Strategic Alliances, 2006, Sage Publications
- Breakthrough innovations in the U.S. biotechnology industry: The effects of technological space and geographic origin, Phene, A., Fladmoe-Lindquist, K and L. Marsh. Strategic Management Journal, 2006, 27(4): 369-388
- Knowledge transfer within the multinational firm: What drives the speed of transfer? Phene, A., Madhok, A . and K. Liu, Management International Review, 2005, 45 (Special Issue 2): 53-74
- Subsidiaries and knowledge creation: The influence of the MNC and host country on innovation, Almeida P. and A. Phene, Strategic Management Journal, 2004, 25(8-9),: 847-864
- Innovation and knowledge management: Scanning, sourcing and integration. Almeida, P., Phene, A. and R. Grant, in M. Easterby-Smith and M. Lyles (eds.), Handbook of Organizational Learning and Management, 2003, Blackwell Publishing
- The co-evolutional advantage : Strategic management theory and the eclectic paradigm, Madhok, A. and A. Phene in J. Cantwell and R. Narula (eds.), International Business and the Eclectic Paradigm, 2003. Routledge
- How do firms evolve? The patterns of technological evolution of semiconductor subsidiaries, Phene A. and P. Almeida, International Business Review, 12(3), June 2003: 349-367
- Knowledge flows and geography in biotechnology, Phene, A. and S. Tallman, International Journal of Medical Marketing 2(3), May 2002: 241-254
- Knowledge transfer through alliances: The role of culture, Almeida, P., Grant, R. and A. Phene, in M. Gannon and K. Newman (eds.), Handbook of Cross Cultural Management, 2001, Blackwell Publishing
- The co-evolutional advantage: Strategic management theory and the eclectic paradigm, Madhok, A. and A. Phene, International Journal of the Economics of Business. 8 (2), July 2001: 243-256
- The stature of the Journal of International Business Studies, Phene, A. and S. Guisinger, Journal of International Business Studies, 29(3), 1998: 621-632
- Managing the Multinational Enterprise
- Global Perspectives