Scheduling Policies

Confirmations & Cancellations

Confirmations: Your reservation is not complete until you receive email confirmation. If you did not receive a confirmation email, please contact GWSB Operations at [email protected].

Cancellations: If an event is cancelled, or requires modification or rescheduling, please immediately notify GWSB Operations at [email protected].

Scheduling Policies

  1. Events may not be scheduled within Duquès and Funger Hall complex on Sundays or major holidays as the building is officially closed. The University Student Center, Gelman Library and the Academic Center - Rome Hall, Phillips Hall & Smith Hall of Art are the only buildings with rooms available on Sundays and/or major holidays.
  2. All class-related scheduling requests must be emailed to [email protected].
  3. Catering service for events hosted in the Duquès Hall first, fourth, fifth and sixth floor lobby spaces must be approved by GWSB Operations.

Read the GWSB Operations Guide