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Students Pitch Global Wellness Tourism Co-Branding Opportunities

'This was an extraordinary project that likely may be unprecedented, in that the students researched global trends and partnership opportunities in the...

2021 Faculty and Staff Award Winners Announced

The GW School of Business today announced the winners of its annual faculty and staff awards. 'What these awards do is bring our community together to...

2021 Faculty Teaching Awards

Announcing the winners of the 2021 Faculty Teaching Awards.

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Student Learning Comes to Life in Impact Investing Course

'Integrating a range of distinct real-world impact investment projects into the curriculum enabled students to 'get into the weeds' and recognize the unique...

Alumni Provide Feedback, Support to 2021 Consulting Abroad Program Participants

Global & Experiential Education (G&EE) hosted a virtual panel presentation day on April 19 as part of the 2021 Consulting Abroad Program, during which...

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In Business and Society, Strategic Foresight Course Prepares Students to Lead

The intensive online course taught by futurist Thomas Debass, managing director for global partnerships at the U.S. Department of State, blended integrated...

Financial Times Ranks International Business Program #1 Among U.S. Institutions

For the second year in a row, the George Washington University School of Business (GWSB) has received recognition for International Business, ranking #1 among...

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GWSB Alumni Connect with Students During Virtual Roundtables

Graduate students who participate in the Industry Roundtable networking events have the opportunity to ask deeper questions about the career fields they hope...

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Financial Accounting Capstone Provides Real-World Business Challenges

This spring, Global & Experiential Education (G&EE) is working in collaboration with the Department of Accountancy to enhance the accountancy capstone...

past winners of the Pitch George competition

2020 Pitch George Competition Winners Announced

Winners of the annual 2020 Pitch George Competition, one of GW's premier entrepreneurial initiatives. were announced.