

GW Government Contracts Programs Honored

The 2018 Contract Management Education Award recognizes the academic excellence offered by the Government Procurement Law program at GW Law School.

GWSB Research on CEO Pay Makes Worldwide Impact

An article on CEO pay published by Dr. Herman Aguinis, Avram Tucker Distinguished Scholar and professor of management, is having an impact worldwide.

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Professor McHugh Wins Prestigious Aspen Institute Award

Patrick McHugh, associate professor of management, was featured in a recent Quartz article.

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GWSB Ranked High for ROI

The George Washington University School of Business came in 36th (tied with NYU's Stern School of Business) for 20-year return on investment.

Herman Aguinis's Research Featured in Wall Street Journal

The professor co-authored a study detailed in the article, 'CEO Pay and Performance Often Don't Match Up.'

GWSB Launches New Minor for Fall 2018

The undergraduate minor in creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship was highlighted in a recent Poets & Quants article.

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GWSB Spring Board of Advisors Meeting

GWSB Board of Advisors members Matt Cohen, BBA ’08, MBA ’11, and Carrie Potter, BBA ’99, MBA ’01, join...

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Anuj Mehrotra Named Dean of GWSB

George Washington University Provost Forrest Maltzman on Thursday announced Anuj Mehrotra as the new...

GFLEC to Partner with Quebec Financial Regulator

The Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center (GFLEC), housed at the George Washington University...

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TEDxCharlottesville: 'Why Companies Should Respect our Privacy'

WASHINGTON, DC Feb 22, 2018 —A “TEDx Talk” delivered by Kirsten Martin,...